Suggested Constitution & By-Laws
Article I – Name
- The name of this association shall be the Ransom Nichols Family Association.
Article II – Object
- The object of this association is to:
- Preserve and protect the brotherhood of the descendents of Ransom and Minnie Nichols which they so
religiously cultivated during their lifetime. - Promote the ideals of brotherhood of man, integrity, industry, love of the land and faith in God which were so
much a part of life followed by Ransom and Minnie Nichols.
- Preserve and protect the brotherhood of the descendents of Ransom and Minnie Nichols which they so
Article III – Membership
- Regular: All adults (over 21 years of age), direct descendents of Ransom Nichols and Minnie Whittemore Nichols and
their spouses are eligible to regular membership. Direct descendents of the same couple, under 21 years of age, but
who are married, are, together with their spouses, eligible to regular membership. -
Junior: All minor, unmarried, direct descendents of Ransom and Minnie Nichols are eligible for junior membership.
Junior members will have all the privileges of regular members except those of holding regular offices and voting.
Article IV – Officers
- Regular officers of the associations shall be:
- President
- Vice-President
- Secretary-Treasurer
- Corresponding Secretary
Article V – Duties of Officers
- The duties of the officers of this association shall be those usually performed by such officers and as prescribed by Roberts Rules of Order. In addition, the secretary shall provide all regular members with copies of the minutes of each regular (annual) meeting.
Article VI – Executive Committee
- The regular officers together with the chairmen of standing committees shall constitute the Executive Committee.
- The Executive Committee is authorized to transact such business as, in their judgment, must be transacted between regular or special meetings, including the authorization of expenditure of necessary funds in keeping with association policy. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be convened at the call of the president or a majority of the members of the Executive Committee. A majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Article VII – Quorum
- One-third of the regular members shall constitute a quorum of the Association for the transaction of business.
Article VIII – Amendments
- This constitution may be amended if two-thirds of the regular members present at any regular or special meeting or if two-thirds of the total membership, in the interim between meetings, vote in favor of the amendment and providing notice of the proposed amendment is given to all regular members at least one month in advance.
Article IX – Rules of Order
- Roberts Rules of Order shall be used to govern the procedure at all meetings of the association.
Article I – Meetings
- There will be one regular (annual) meeting each year convened at the approximate date and place established by the
membership at the previous regular meeting. All members shall be notified at least one month in advance of each
regular meeting. - Special meetings may be called, as needed, by the Executive Committee or by a petition of one-half of the regular
members. All members shall be notified at least one week in advance of each special meeting. - The Order of Business at all meetings of the association shall be as follows:
- Call to Order
- Reading and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
- Statement of the Treasurer
- Reading of communications
- Reports and their disposal
- Executive Committee
- Standing Committees
- Special Committees
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- Election of officers (regular meetings only)
- Announcements
- Adjournment
Article II – Election of Officers
- The regular officers shall be elected by ballot at each regular (annual) meeting and shall serve for a period of one year or until their successors have been elected. A majority vote is necessary for election. Only regular members are eligible to hold regular offices. The secretary treasurer must live within a fifty mile radius of Argyle, New York.
Article III – Committees
- Committee membership is open to all members and junior members.
- Standing Committees
Such standing committees shall be created by the Executive
Committee as may be required to promote the objectives and interests of this association. Standing committees
shall meet at the time of each annual meeting to elect a chairman and to carry on such other business as may be
required. The chairman may call other meetings as may be necessary. The chairman, after election, shall give his
or her name to the Secretary-Treasurer. Terms of special committees shall be for one year or until their
successors are appointed. - Special Committees
Such special committees shall be created by the Executive
Committee as may be required to promote the objectives and interests of this association. The
president shall name the chairman of all special committees who, in turn, shall call such meetings as
required. The term of any special committee shall be until the purpose for which it was created has been
discharged and a report filed with the Executive Committee or the association or until its successor has
been appointed. The president shall be an ex-officio member of all standing and special committees
- Standing Committees
Article IV – Dues
- The annual dues for all regular members shall be______________ and for all junior members___________ payable to the secretary-treasurer within one month following the close of the regular meeting.
Article V – Ammendments
- These by-laws may be amended by a majority vote of the regular members present at any regular or special meeting or by a majority vote of the regular members, during the interim between meetings.
Dec. 6, 1952
Nichols Family Association Officers
Year | President | Vice-Pres | Secretary | Treasurer | Corresponding Secretary |
1953 | Leslie | Jean N. | Roy | Roy | Ruth |
1954 | Harold | Ted | Jean N. | Jean N. | Louise |
1955 | Ted | Roland | Merwin | Merwin | Elsie |
1956 | Roland | Donald | Dorothy | Elsie | Florence |
1957 | Donald | Roy | Esther | Red | Ruth |
1958 | Derwin | Roy | Barb | Lester | Louise |
1959 | Roy | Florence | Roland | Ted | Jane,Pat |
1960 | Florence | Louise | Joyce N. | Ted | Jean |
1961 | Louise | Nelson | Barb | Ted | Elsie |
1962 | Nelson | Dorothy | Pat | Ted | Ruth |
1963 | Dorothy | Ruth | Sandy | Ted | Jane |
1964 | Ruth | Reese | Jeane T. | Ted | Jane & Louise |
1965 | Reese | Red | Merwin | Ted | Jane & Louise |
1966 | Elsie | Merwin | Lou | Ted | Jane & Louise |
1967 | Merwin | Claire | Kalista | Ted | Jane & Louise |
1968 | Claire | Roland | Beth | Ted | Jane & Louise |
1969 | Roland | Charles | Joyce N. | Ted | Jane & Louise |
1970 | Charles | Roy | Butch | Ted | Jane & Louise |
1971 | Roy | Bud | Sheila | Ted | Jane & Louise |
1972 | Donald | Myron | Kathie | Ted | Jane & Louise |
1973 | Les (acting for Myron) | Beth | Doris (Ken acting) | Ted | Jane & Louise |
1974 | Beth | Butch | Ken | Ted | Jane & Louise |
1975 | Butch | Donald | Jane | Ted | Jane & Louise |
1976 | Donald | Roy | Joyce N. | Ted | Jane & Louise |
1977 | Roy | Roland | Sharon | Ted/Merwin | Jane & Louise |
1978 | Roland | Scott | Sharlene | Merwin | Jane & Louise |
1979 | Louise | Russ | Beth | Merwin | Jane & Louise |
1980 | Russ | Dorothy | Mike | Merwin | Jane & Louise |
1981 | Dorothy | Harold | Barb | Merwin | Jane & Louise |
1982 | Harold | Joyce R. | Merle | Scott | Jane & Louise |
1983 | Jane (acting) | Merle | Esther | Scott | Jane & Louise |
1984 | Joyce R. | Merle | Esther | Scott | Jane & Louise |
1985 | Merle | Esther | Beth | Scott | Jane & Louise |
1986 | Esther | Beth | Jeane N. | Scott | Jane & Louise |
1987 | Beth | Jeane N. | Sandy | Scott | Jane & Louise |
1988 | Jeane N. | Sandy | David | Scott | Jane & Louise |
1989 | Sandy | David | Kate | Scott | Jane & Louise |
1990 | David | Kate | Nancy T. | Scott | Jane & Louise |
1991 | Kate | Nancy T. | Ben K. | Scott | Jane & Louise |
1992 | Russ | Ben K. | MIke N. | Scott | Jane & Louise |
1993 | Beth | Mike | Rich | Scott | Jane & Louise |
1994 | Mike | Rich | Laura | Scott | Jane & Louise |
1995 | Rich | Laura | Joyce R. | Scott | Jane & Louise (traveling show) |
1996 | Laura | Joyce R. | Gail D. | Scott | Jane & Louise |
1997 | Joyce R. | Gail D. | Jimmie D. | Scott | Jane & Sharon L. |
1998 | Gail D. | Jimmie D. | Kalista B. | Scott | Jane & Sharon |
1999 | Ernie D. | Kalista | Nancy T. | Scott | |
2000 | Kalista | Nancy T. | Laura | Scott | |
2001 | Nancy T. | Laura | Mike | Scott | |
2002 | Laura | Mike | Kalista B. | Scott | |
2003 | Mike | Kalista | Beth | Scott | |
2004 | Kalista | Beth | Amanda | Scott | |
2005 | Beth | Amanda | Mary Ellen C. | Scott | |
2006 | Amanda S. | Mary Ellen C. | Larry D. | Scott | |
2007 | Mary Ellen C. | Larry D. | Kalista B. | Scott | |
2008 | Larry D. | Kalista B. | Sandy S. | Scott | |
2009 | Kalista B. | Sandy S. | Calista T. | Scott |
Present were their nine children, Ruth Tilford, Argyle, Le Roy Nichols, Argyle, Florence Stanley, Greenwich, Donald Nichols, Argyle, Louise Danforth, Kingsbury, Leslie Nichols, Washington D.C., Harold Nichols, Kirkville, Dorothy Alberding, Red Creek, and Roland Nichols, Tonawanda, N.Y., together with their husbands and wives. Leslie Nichols acted as temporary Chairman.
After some discussion the following officers were decided upon, President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and corresponding Secretary. Those chosen for the year 1953 were:
Leslie Nichols, President
Le Roy Nichols, Sec. Treas.
Jean Nichols Vice-President
Ruth Tilford, Corresp. Sec.
A committee to draw up necessary by-laws was appointed, composed of Jean Nichols, Harold Nichols and Florence Stanley, a copy which was to be given to each member of the immediate family.
The officers and Lawrence Danforth and Ted Stanley were named as a committee to plan the first annual reunion.
A resolution of appreciation for what the in-laws had done during the illness, and at the time of our Mother’s death was offered by Harold Nichols, a copy to be incorporated in these minutes.
At a meeting of the Committee, Ted Stanley was named Chairman of the first annual reunion, time and place to be decided at a later date.
Secretary, Treasurer
Resolution adopted at December 6, 1952 meeting:
Be it resolved by those of us who have moved from the immediate vicinity of the Adamsville homestead, namely Leslie, Harold, Dorothy, and Roland that we express to the rest of the family our appreciation for those things which they have done during Mother’s last years, that have been the responsibilities of all of us since Dad’s death.
Be it resolved by the members of the immediate family, namely Ruth, Roy, Florence, Donald, Louise, Leslie, Harold, Dorothy that we make known our appreciation for the acts of thoughtfulness expressed in so many ways to our Mother in the years since Dad died, by those who have entered the family circle thru marriage. Such resolutions being in order because of those many things each one has done over and beyond what might be expected under similar circumstances.
Note: Roland’s name is not listed in the resolution; I am guessing that this is an oversight.
Dec. 6, 1953
Present were forty six members and two guests, Mrs. Stanley and Irene Tilford. Members present Lester and Ruth Tilford and Martha, Nelson and Charles Tilford of Argyle. Helen Louise, Carl and Lois Cameron of Troy. Barbara, Bill and Linda Cobb of North Creek. LeRoy and Elsie Nichols of Argyle. Florence, Ted, Sharon, and Sharlene Stanley of Greenwich. Donald, Jean, Claire, Sheila, Kalista and Scott Nichols of Argyle. Louise, Lawrence, Beth, Ernest and James Danforth of Kingsbury. Leslie, Esther, Warren, Malcolm, Merle and Ralph Nichols of Riverdale, Maryland. Harold, Jane , Sandra and Ransom Nichols of Kirkville. Dorothy, Derwin, Johann and Myron Alberding of Red Creek, New York. Roland, Barbara, Judy and Kenneth Nichols of Tonawanda, New York. Absent were Patricia Nichols, Joyce Nichols, and Merwin and Joyce Nichols.
Patricia being away at work at a resort in the Adirondacks, Joyce L. in the Navy Department at Washington, D.C. and Merwin and Joyce C. at Parris Island, N.C. Merwin being in the Marine Corps.
Minutes of the previous organization meeting were read and approved. Committee on the by laws presented the proposed by-laws which were read and after some discussion adopted as read. A copy of the by-laws to be incorporated in the minutes.
Discussion on method of paying expense of annual meeting. After some debate it was decided to pay them by assessment. Motion made seconded and duly carried that the dues should be $1.50 for adult members and .50 for junior members. Junior members being all under 21 years of age.
Following suggestion was offered to the expense committee on use of monies. Five dollars for flowers on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day to be placed on the altar of Zion Episcopal Church, and twenty dollars for CARE packages, motion made, seconded, and duly carried.
Motions of commendation to committee on by-laws made seconded and duly carried. Vote of commendation for excellent work of committee for planning the first annual reunion, made and carried.
Vote of appreciation to Donald for his assistance in carrying out plans of the committee.
Report of the Administrator on progress of settlement of Estate. Administrator reported it is the hope of the Attorney to be able to settle estate by fall term of court. A lot of legal work however before a complete settlement.
Motion to accept Donald’s invitation to hold 1954 reunion at his farm the latter part of August 1954 made seconded and carried. Final decision to be left ot committee. Motion made and seconded that lot in Union Cemetery be placed under perpetual care before estate is settled. Motion carried.
Motion made that officers are not to succeed themselves. Motion carried. Officers for the ensuing year were nominated and duly elected.
President – Harold Nichols
Vice President – Theodore Stanley
Secretary & Treasurer – Jean Nichols
Corr. Secretary – Louise Nichols
President elect announced meeting of executive committee immediately following the close of the business meeting. No further business meeting adjourned.
It seemed to be the opinion of all members that he first annual meeting of the Nichols family was a great success and was enjoyed by all.
The Executive committee met and appointed the following officers:
Memorial Committee:
Ruth Tilford
Donald Nichols
Elsie Nichols
Historical Record Committee
Martha Tilford (Ruth 2nd)
Nelson Tilford (Ruth 2nd)
Patricia Nichols (Donald 2nd)
Round Robin to be incorporated in historical records.
Le Roy Nichols
Treasurer’s Report | |
Dues Paid August ’53 | |
Leslie Nichols and Family | $5.00 |
Donald Nichols and Family | $5.50 |
Roland Nichols and Family | $4.00 |
Theodore Stanley and Family | $4.00 |
Lester Tilford and Family | $3.50 |
LeRoy Nichols and Family | $3.00 |
Merwin Nichols and Family | $3.00 |
Joyce L. Nichols | .50 |
Nelson Tilford | .50 |
Martha Tilford | .50 |
Derwin Alberding and Family | $4.00 |
Lawrence Danforth and Family | $4.50 |
Bill Cobb and Family | |
Harold Nichols and Family | $4.00 |
Carl Cameron and Family | |
Totals | |
Regular Members (20) | $30.00 |
Junior Members (24) | $12.00 |
Dues Paid | $42.00 |
Balance August ’53 | $42.00 |
Memorials ’53-’54 | $40.50 |
Balance August ’54 | $1.50 |
Cost of Clam Steam August ’53 | $51.70 |
August 7th, 1954
Minutes of the first annual meeting were read and approved.
Report of Historical Record Comm. by Ruth Tilford in the absence of the chair – Martha Tilford: an album has been started. There will be one page for each reunion. The chair requested a picture of each family and their home.
Motion made and seconded to commend the committee and accept report.
Motion made and seconded to amend the above motion to thank Ruth Tilford for helping the committee. Amended motion carried.
Report of the Memorial Committee by Ruth Tilford, Chair: $10.00 CARE food package sent to Korea on Ransom Nichols’ birthday; $7.50 CARE anti-TB package sent to Korea on Minnie Nichols’ birthday; $3.00 for Christmas wreaths for the graves; geraniums on the graves of Ransom and Minnie Nichols and Ransom’s mother and father: flowers on the altar of the Zion Episcopal Church on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. There was a discussion as to the amount to pay for flowers for the altar. It was felt that $10.00 was too high. Suggested that memorials to more people could be made with smaller CARE pkgs. and/or donations to other funds. Motion made and seconded to accept report as read.
Motion made and seconded to amend the above motion to include a commendation to the committee. Amended motion carried.
Just about then Roland Nichols called on the telephone from Huron, Ohio for which a vote of appreciation is herein inserted.
LeRoy Nichols reported that the lawyer advised it was better not to handle the placing of the cemetery lot under perpetual care through the Estate as voted last year. Motion made and seconded to assess the sons and daughters of Ransom and Minnie Nichols to cover the cost of perpetual care. Motion made and seconded to table the preceding motion. Carried
Motion made and seconded that the cost of the clam steam be born by per capita assessment age 5 and over, exclusive of guests. Carried. (What? No amendment?) The arrangements committee thanks Leslie Nichols for his able assistance.
New business: Discussion of proposed amendments to constitution. Change in Article III membership. Proposed that wage earners under 21 be included in regular membership. Tabled.
Article IV – Officers. Proposed split Secretary-Treasurer into two offices – secretary not required to live within 50 mi. radius of Argyle. Motion made, seconded and carried to consider such proposal at next regular meeting.
Article V – Duties of Officers. Proposed duties of Corresponding Secretary shall be: 1. Notify all regular members of exigent and pertinent family matters. 2. To initiate and perpetuate and regulate intra-family correspondence. (Any future corresponding secretary desiring name of member of the executive board who instigated the above may have same by contacting me) Motion made, seconded and carried to consider such proposal at next meeting.
Article VI – Executive Committee. Proposed that the outgoing President be member of the Executive committee. Motion made, seconded and carried to consider such proposal at next meeting.
Change in by-laws: Article II – election of officers. Motion made, seconded and carried that a nominating committee be named each year to prepare a slate of officers. Motion made seconded and carried that the Corresponding Secretary live in 50 mi radius of Argyle.
The nominating committee presented the following slate of officers:
President Theodore Stanley, Greenwich, NY
Vice President Roland Nichols, Huron, Ohio
Sec’y-Treas Merwin Nichols, Salem, NY (Roy 2nd)
Corresponding Sec’y Elsie Nichols, Argyle, NY
Motion made and seconded that the Sec’y cast one ballot for the slate of officers as read. Carried.
Invitation by Donald Nichols to return to the home farm for the third annual reunion was accepted.
The suggestion was made that another year there be a program in addition to the business meeting.
Meeting adjourned until Clam steam August 8.
At a short meeting following the clam steam the motion was made and seconded that any additional funds that might be left after the major part of the estate was settled (as explained by Administrator LeRoy Nichols) be turned over to the Treas. of the Ransom Nichols Assoc. Carried.
Motion made and seconded that we give LeRoy Nichols our sincere thanks for a job well done in his capacity as Administrator of the estates of Ransom and Minnie Nichols. Carried.
Meeting Adjourned.
Jean R. Nichols
Secretary, Treasurer

August 13th, 1955
Minutes of last meeting were read. Florence Stanley made motion to approve minutes. Seconded by Harold Nichols. Carried.
Treasurer’s Report was read. Balance of $44.65. Motion made by Ruth Tilford to accept the report as read. Seconded by Louise Danforth. Carried
Correspondence from Union Cemetery concerning assessment notice read. Motion made that Executive Committee examine the status of ownership of Union Cemetery lot and take appropriate action. Roland Nichols seconded motion. Louise Danforth mad a legitimate second due to doubtful status of afore-mentioned member. Carried.
Report made by chairman, Ruth Tilford, on Memorial Committee. Report accepted and vote of commendation given. Motion made by Roland Nichols to donate $10.00 to Zion Episcopal flower fund in lieu of previous annual donation of $5.00 on Father’s Day and $5.00 on Mother’s Day. Donation to be made on Jan. 1st. Seconded by Harold Nichols. Carried. Amendment to above motion to make it a suggestion rather than a motion made by Leslie Nichols. Carried.
Report by Ruth Tilford on Historical Committee. Scrapbook well under way.
Old Business:
Article IV-Officers. Proposed split Secretary-Treasurer into two offices – Secretary not being required to reside in 50 mile radius of Argyle. Motion made, seconded and carried.
Article V-Duties of Officers. Proposed duties of Corresponding Secretary to be:
1.Notify all regular members of exigent and pertinent family matters.
2. To initiate and perpetuate and regulate intra-family correspondence. Motion made, seconded and carried.
Article VI-Executive Committee. Proposed that outgoing President be a member of the Executive Committee. Motion made, seconded and carried.
New Business:
Motion made by Roland Nichols to have Treasurer open checking account. Seconded by Esther Nichols. Motion defeated.
Invitation by Donald Nichols to return to home farm for Fourth Annual Reunion was accepted.
Leslie Nichols nominated new slate of officers as follows:
President – Roland Nichols
Vice President – Donald Nichols
Secretary – Dorothy Alberding
Treasurer – Elsie Nichols
Corresponding Secretary – Florence Stanley
Motion made by Louise Danforth that Secretary cast one ballot on above slate of officers. Carried.
Roland Nichols made motion to adjourn meeting. Seconded by Ruth Tilford
Merwin L. Nichols
Roll Call August, 1954 | |
Annual meeting August 7 | Clam Steam August 8 |
Lester & Ruth Tilford; Charles LeRoy & Elsie Nichols Theodore & Florence Stanley; Sharon & Sharlene Donald & Jean Nichols;Claire, Sheila, Kalista, Scott, & Laura Lawrence & Louise Danforth; Beth, Ernest, Jimmy Leslie & Esther Nichols;Buddy, Merle, Mac, and Ralph Harold & Jane Nichols; Sandra, Ransom & Doris Derwin & Dorothy Alberding; Johann, Myron Helen Louise & Carl Cameron; Lois |
Lester & Ruth Tilford Charles,LeRoy & Elsie Nichols Theodore & Florence Stanley Sharon & Sharlene Donald & Jean Nichols Claire, Sheila, Kalista, Scott, & Laura Lawrence & Louise Danforth: Beth, Ernest, Jimmy Leslie & Esther Nichols: Buddy, Merle, Mac, and Ralph Harold & Jane Nichols; Sandra, Ransom & Doris Derwin & Dorothy Alberding; Johann, Myron Helen Louise & Carl Cameron; Lois Barbara Cobb & Linda Merwin & Joyce Nichols; Diane |
Names for Christmas 1954 | |
Givers | |
Barb & Bill | Barb & Bill |
Harold & Jane | Linda |
Diane | Martha |
Sandy | Nelson |
Doris | Helen |
Louise & Carl | Merwin & Joyce |
Lois | Claire |
Claire | Ransom |
Merwin & Joyce | Roland and Barb |
Diane | Ernest |
Harold & Jane | Roy & Elsie |
Ransom | Joyce |
Doris | Jimmie |
Donald & | Jean Carl & |
Helen | Louise |
Laura | Martha |
Louise & Red | Leslie & Esther |
Jimmy | Kenny |
Beth | Mac |
Butch | Ralph |
Florence & | Ted Louise & Red |
Sharon | Beth |
Sharlene | Merle |
Roy & Elsie | Donald & Jean |
Ruth & Lester | Dorothy & Derwin |
Charles | Myron |
Dorothy & Derwin | Florence & Ted |
Leslie & Esther | Barb & Bill |
Buddy | Lois |
Merle | Pat |
Mac | Nelson |
Ralph | Laura |
Irene | Sharon |
Myron | Linda |
Johann | Kalista |
Sandy | Buddy |
Kalista | Sharlene |
Pat | Irene |
Scott | Charles |
Sheila | Johann |
Kenny | Sheila |
Judy | Scott |
Joyce | Judy |
Roland & Barb | Ruth & Lester |
Dues Paid 1954 | |||
Name | Senior Members | Junior Members | Total |
Alberding | $3.00 | $1.00 | $4.00 |
Cameron | $3.00 | .50 | $3.50 |
Cobb | $3.00 | .50 | $3.50 |
Danforth | $3.00 | $1.50 | $4.50 |
Nichols, Donald | $3.00 | $3.00 | $6.00 |
Nichols, Harold | $3.00 | $1.50 | $4.50 |
Nichols, Joyce L | $1.50 | $1.50 | |
Nichols, LeRoy | $3.00 | $3.00 | |
Nichols, Leslie | $3.00 | $2.00 | $5.00 |
Nichols, Merwin | $3.00 | .50 | $3.50 |
Nichols, Roland | $3.00 | $1.00 | $4.00 |
Stanley | $3.00 | $1.00 | $4.00 |
Tilford, Lester | $3.00 | .50 | $3.50 |
Tilford, Martha | $3.00 | $1.00 | $4.00 |
Tilford, Nelson | $1.50 | $1.50 | |
$40.50 | $1.00 | $53.50 |
Treasurer’s Report 1954-55 | ||
Income | Balance | |
Balance 1953-1954 | $1.05 | |
Dues 1954-1955 | $47.50 | |
Miscellaneous (mayonaise) | .70 | |
Bonds | $25.00 | |
$74.25 | $74.25 | |
Expenditures | ||
Album | $1.17 | |
Flowers | $2.50 | |
Wreath at Christmas | $3.00 | |
Telephone bill (Christmas call to Leslie) | $2.04 | |
CARE (Grandma’s birthday) | $5.00 | |
Herman Winn’s Funeral | $5.00 | |
Mother’s Day | $5.00 | |
Father’s Day | $5.00 | |
CARE (Grandpa’s birthday) | $5.00 | |
$33.71 | $33.71 | |
Difference | $40.54 | |
Unaccounted for | 0.11 | |
Unpaid Dues | $4.00 | |
Balance | $44.65 |
Aug 11, 1956
Minutes were read and approved with the amendment made by Leslie Nichols that the slides shown were of the current year rather than the previous year.
Under “old business” Roy Nichols reported the Union Cemetery lot goes to existing heirs, Dad and Uncle Del, and so on down the line of heirs. The tax levy is legal. There is $30.00 due against the lot. The taxes have to be paid or forfeit our right to the remaining 3 empty lots. Ruth Tilford made the motion we pay the assessment. The motion was put aside for the treasurer’s report.
Treasurer’s report showed a balance of $36.71. The report was accepted as presented.
Discussion resumed on previous motion. Harold proposed amendment that we pay past assessment and the treasurer pays any future assessment if the treasurer is able to do so. Leslie amended the amendment that we pay only assessments for which we are legally liable to keep ownership. It was unanimously decided not to ask Uncle Del to pay anything toward the assessment. Roy suggested we skip the amendments and decide it each year. Leslie suggested we could do so but leave motion and amendments in the minutes. Motion and two amendments were seconded by Roy. Leslie mad a point of order that we would have to vote on each. Jane seconded second amendment. Leslie seconded first amendment. All carried.
Under “new business” the question of dues was discussed. Harold stated he wants flowers for his $1.50 when he dies. Rest didn’t care if they got flowers or not. Ruth suggested dues be raised to meet expenses. The President appointed a committee consisting of Donald, Ruth and Roy to study problem of dues, decide if present dues are adequate and how to meet necessary expenses such as gas mileage.
President announced two could go see Louise in the hospital the next morning at 10:30. Esther and Jane were to go with Roland.
President suggested idea of charcoal broiled chicken next year instead of the steamed chicken with Derwin in charge of cooking it.
Ruth reported on scrapbook and memorial fund. She had bought flowers for the McCotter funeral and the Warnock brothers’ funerals, for the altar on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day and for the cemetery. She had sent a CARE package to Korea and one to Vietnam. The scrapbook was available to be looked at.
The following slate of officers was presented;
President – Donald Nichols
Vice president – Roy Nichols
Secretary – Esther Nichols
Corresponding Secretary – Ruth Tilford
Treasurer – Red Danforth
Leslie suggested Jean for corresponding secretary. Harold suggested Derwin for vice president. Donald silently mad the motion that the slate be closed. It was seconded and carried.
Leslie made the motion the president, secretary, and treasurer be accepted as suggested. Seconded and carried. Ten voted for Derwin for vice president – two for Roy. Fourteen voted for Jean for corresponding secretary and one for Ruth. So Derwin was the new vice president and Jean the new corresponding secretary.
Esther made a motion we give a commendation to the Memorial Committee. Seconded and carried. Harold made a motion we express our appreciation to Donald and his family for having us. Seconded and carried.
Leslie made the motion the secretary read the minutes at the present meeting for approval. She didn�t. Donald invited us to present site for 1957. Roland as president accepted.
Florence made the motion we adjourn. Seconded and carried.
Dorothy Alberding, Sec.

Treasurer’s Report 1955-56 | |||
Income | Expenditures | ||
Dues 1955-56 | $50.50 | McCotter fund | $10.00 |
Balance carried forward | $40.65 | Flowers, funeral Elmer Warnock | $8.50 |
CARE package | $5.00 | ||
Christmas wreath | $4.00 | ||
CARE package | $5.00 | ||
Mother’s Day altar flowers | $5.00 | ||
Father’s Day altar flowers | $5.00 | ||
Flowers, funeral James Warnock | $6.44 | ||
Flowers cemetery | $3.00 | ||
Total | $54.55 | ||
Total Receipts | $91.15 | ||
Balance | $36.71 | ||
Elsie Nichols, Treasurer |

Dues Paid during year 1955-56 | |
Name | Amount Paid |
Ruth and Lester Tilford | $3.00 |
Helen Louise and Carl | |
Barbara and Bill Cobb | |
Barbara and Bill Cobb | |
Martha Tilford | $1.50 |
Nelson Tilford | $1.50 |
Charles Tilford | $.50 |
Elsie and Roy Nichols | $3.00 |
Merwin and Joyce Nichols | $3.00 |
Joyce L Nichols | $1.50 |
Florence and Ted Stanley | $3.00 |
Sharon Stanley | $.50 |
Sharlene Stanley | $.50 |
Jean and Donald Nichols | $3.00 |
Pat Nichols | $0.50 |
Claire Nichols | $0.50 |
Sheila Nichols | $0.50 |
Kalista Nichols | $0.50 |
Scott Nichols | $0.50 |
Laura Nichols | $0.50 |
Red and Louise Danforth | $3.00 |
Beth Danforth | $0.50 |
Ernest Danforth | $0.50 |
Jimmy Danforth | $0.50 |
Esther and Leslie | $3.00 |
Buddy Nichols | $0.50 |
Buddy Nichols | $0.50 |
Merle Nichols | $0.50 |
Malcolm Nichols | $0.50 |
Ralph Nichols | $0.50 |
Harold and Jane Nichols | $3.00 |
Sandy Nichols | $0.50 |
Ransom Nichols | $0.50 |
Doris Nichols | $0.50 |
Dorothy and Derwin Alberding | $3.00 |
Johann Alberding | $0.50 |
Myron Alberding | $0.50 |
Barbara and Roland Nichols | $3.00 |
Judy Nichols | $0.50 |
Kenneth Nichols | $0.50 |
Kathie Nichols | $0.50 |
Barbara and Roland (dues for 1953-54) | $4.00 |
Total | $50.50 |
Aug 10, 1957
Motion was made by Roland Nichols to commend the Memorial Committee for excellent work done and in her choice of places to put our money in memory of people. Ruth Tilford was five a rising vote of thanks.
Ruth Tilford reported the Historical Committee had no picture of Florence’s or Elsie’s house. The news article in the paper concerning the reunion is entered in the book each year.
The 1957 Christmas list was read and accepted. A list was put in the Secretary’s book and one in Jean’s safe.
Old Business: Concerning assessment on the cemetery lot, Roy Nichols made the motion we pay the assessment until otherwise changed; seconded by Ted Stanley. Passed.
The committee on dues reported they decided the dues were adequate for the present. Louise Danforth said she felt, if there was need of additional assessment, it should fall on just those of the first generation. Donald and Roland Nichols felt all should participate as members of an organization. It was tabled until some time such a need arises. Ruth Tilford reported there would be on Whittemore reunion this year. The lack of interest of the second generation was discussed. President thought the second generation should be brought into the officers and that, as they reached maturity, they would be interested. The dues committee report was accepted. Motion was made by Ted Stanley that dues be paid by June 1st; seconded by Roy Nichols. Louise Danforth. Louise Danforth suggested the date be changed to July 1st and a reservation be made for clam steam. Motion carried. This motion amended the constitution.
Roland Nichols made the motion the minutes be transcribed by the secretary and sent to the regular members. It was tabled.
The following slate of officers were read and duly elected by cast of one ballot by Secretary:
President – Derwin Alberding
Vice president – Roy Nichols
Secretary – Barbara Nichols
Treasurer – Lester Tilford
Corresponding Secretary – Louise Danforth
Louise Danforth made the motion we adjourn; seconded by Florence Stanley. Motion carried.
The meeting was followed by slides.
Dorothy Alberding
Acting Secretary
Names for Christmas 1958 | |
Ruth & Lester | Roland and Barb |
Nelson | Judy |
Charles | Kenny |
Irene | Kathie |
Roy & Elsie | Pat & Reese |
Florence & Ted | Merwin & Joyce |
Sharon | Diane |
Sharlene | David |
Donald & Jean | Barb & Bill |
Claire | Linda |
Sheila | Billy |
Kalista | Nancy |
Scott | Merle |
Laura | Malcom |
Louise & Red | Martha & Dick |
Beth | Kathy |
Butch | Dickie |
Jimmy | Joyce Lorraine |
Russell | Pat’s baby |
Leslie & Esther | Dorothy and Derwin |
Buddy | Johann |
Ralph | Myron |
Harold & Jane | Helen Louise & Carl |
Ransom | Lois |
Doris | baby |
Sandy | Mrs. Stanley |
August 9, 1958
The secretary’s report was read and approved
The treasurer’s report was read and approved, showing a balance on hand of $19.85.
Ruth Tilford, Chairman of the Memorial Committee gave her report of expenses during the past year.
Roland Nichols made the motion which was seconded by Esther Nichols to form a committee to look into, during interim of next year, a permanent memorial instead of flowers for the church altar on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.
It was a majority vote to continue the CARE packages.
By-laws of the Standing and Special Committees were reviewed. Following a discussion of CARE and Flower contributions in memoriam, it was decided to turn it over to the Memorial Committee for future changes.
However, in any future discussions of Memorials for the nine children of Ransom and Minnie Nichols, it was emphatically made known by Louise Danforth, that she wants something for herself personally.
Ruth Tilford gave an Historical Committee report, and stated that she would like more family pictures and suggested that each one send any newspaper articles about their particular family, to put into the family album. Louise Danforth suggested that Mother Nichols’ favorite poems be recorded in the album also. Ruth also reported that she has received a John Whittemore autobiography, and suggested that it be circled around the family to read. The motion was made by Dorothy Alberding, and seconded by Florence Stanley, that the secretary send a note of appreciation for this book. Kenneth and Shirley McKernon, Union St., Hudson Falls.
Following this, there was a short discussion of a proposed amendment of Article III, sections A and B of the constitution and Article IV in the By-laws. These proposed amendments are to be written up by Roland Nichols, and sent to each member, to be acted on at Xmas 1958.
The slate of officers for 1958-1959 was then read as follows:
President – LeRoy Nichols
Vice president – Florence Stanley
Recording Secretary – Roland Nichols
Treasurer – Theodore Stanley
Corresponding Secretary – Jane Nichols
The motion was made and seconded that Patricia Nichols Kintzing replace Jane Nichols as Corresponding Secretary, as this officer must live with in a 50 mile radius of Argyle. The motion was made by Louise Danforth and seconded by Leslie Nichols, that the secretary cast one ballot for the amended slate of officers. Carried.
The motion was made by Patricia Kintzing (Donald 2nd) and seconded by Florence Stanley that the hostesses meet to discuss a plan of rotation for outside quests. Motion carried.
Roland Nichols made the motion we adjourn and Ted Stanley seconded it.
The meeting was followed by slides.
Barbara Nichols
Rec. Sec.

Annual Meeting Aug 9th, 1958
Ruth and Lester Tilford
Roy and Elsie Nichols
Donald and Jean Nichols
Reese and Pat Kintzing
Theodore and Florence Stanley
Red and Louise Danforth
Leslie and Esther Nichols
Derwin and Dorothy Alberding
Harold and Jane Nichols
Roland and Barbara Nichols
Clam Steam – 1958
Ruth, Lester Tilford – Nelson, Charles, Helen Louise, Carl and Lois Cameron
LeRoy, Elsie Nichols – Merwin, Dianne and David
Donald, Jean Nichols – Claire, Sheila, Kalista, Scott, Laura, Pat and Reese Kintzing
Theodore, Florence Stanley – Sharon, Sharlene
Lawrence, Louise Danforth – Beth, Butch, Jim and Russ
Leslie, Esther Nichols – Warren, Mac, Merle, and Ralph
Harold, Jane Nichols – Sandra, Ransom and Doris
Derwin, Dorothy Alberding – Johann and Myron
Roland, Barbara Nichols – Judy, Ken and Kathie
Guests. Mrs. Lewis Stanley, Miss Irene Tilford, and Mr. Adelbert Nichols, Mr. Fred Rosbrook, and Miss Jean Keith
Guest List Through 1963
Hostesses | Guests | |||||
Ruth #1 | ’59 | ’60 | ’61 | ’62 | ’63 | |
Elsie #2 | Leslie | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Florence #3 | Harold | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 2 |
Jean #4 | Dorothy | 4 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Louise #5 | Roland | 5 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

- Present Article III Membership
- Regular:
All adults (over 21 years of age), direct descendents of Ransom and Minnie Nichols and their spouses are eligible
to regular membership. Direct descendents of the same couple, under 21 years of age, but who are married,
are, together with their spouses, eligible to regular membership. -
All minor, unmarried, direct descendents of Ransom and Minnie Nichols are eligible to junior membership.
Junior members will have all the privileges of the regular members except those of holding offices and voting.
Proposed Article III Membership
- Regular:
Proposed Article III Membership
All direct descendents of Ransom and Minnie Nichols and spouses sixteen years of age and older shall be eligible for
membership in the association.
Members in good stand shall have the power to vote and hold office.
Present Article IV – Dues
The annual dues of all regular members shall be______ and for all junior members_______ They are payable to the
Treasurer on or before June 1 each year. -
Proposed Article IV – Dues
Dues in the amount of per year shall be due and payable to the Treasurer on or before June 1 each year.
Disbursement of the funds collected for this source is at the sole discretion of the executive committee and, or by
action of the entire Ransom Nichols Family Association.
Motion was defeated by a vote of 9-7.
August 9, 1959
The secretary’s report was read by Dorothy Alberding in absence of Roland Nichols, Recording Secretary, the report was accepted as read.
The treasurer’s report was read and everyone was informed we were flat broke and in the hole.
Ruth Tilford, Chairman of the Memorial Committee, gave her report of expenses during the year; $10.00 to CARE in Korea, $10.00 to cancer fund for Jay Story, card to the family of Eunice McNeil. Chairman also said she got some diabetic food for Uncle Del. Amount still due Chairman $13.45. Report accepted and carried.
Old business: The proposed change in the by-laws was voted 9 for and 7 against.
(This is a contradiction to what was reported earlier, but it is in the minutes. ED.)
New Business: Louise Danforth suggested the 9 sons and daughters contribute to a special fund to be used for memoriam. It was tabled until next year.
Election of officers:
President: Florence Stanley
Vice president: Louise Danforth
Recording Secretary: Joyce C. Nichols (Roy-Merwin 2nd)
Treasurer: Theodore Stanley
Corresponding Secretary: Jean Nichols
Secretary cast one ballot for the slate of officers.
Meeting Adjourned
Secretary Pro tem

August 13, 1960
The secretary’s report was read and approved. (this makes the constitutional changes official E.D.)
The treasurer’s report was read and approved showing a balance on hand of $2.00. Approved by Harold Nichols, seconded by Louise Danforth.
Chairman of the Memorial Committee gave her report of expenses during the year.
Old Business: The suggestion that was tabled last year regarding the 9 sons and daughters contributing to a special fund to be used for memoriam was again discussed. A motion was made by Dorothy Alberding that $2.00 be contributed. This motion was amended by Leslie Nichols that $5.00 be contributed. Motion was seconded by Harold Nichols and carried.
New Business: Discussion was held on suggestion by Louise Danforth that the Christmas list be cut to just brothers and sisters. Louise Danforth and Dorothy Alberding delegated to contact everyone at clam steam.
Election of Officers:
President – Louise Danforth
vice President – Nelson Tilford (Ruth 2nd)
Recording Secretary – Barbara Nichols
Treasurer – Theodore Stanley
Corresponding Secretary – Elsie Nichols
Secretary cast one ballot for the slate of officers. Motion made by Louise Danforth, seconded by Esther Nichols.
Roland Nichols introduced his guest Bernard Chanat from Paris, France, who was staying in the United States for 8 weeks under an experiment in International living.
Leslie Nichols invited Mr. Allen Hayner of Troy, New York to give a talk on his family reunion. This family had a scholarship fund and an annual Bar – B – Q was held to raise money for this fund. Mr. Hayner showed slides on his African trip after the meeting was closed.
Motion made by Louise Danforth, seconded by Theodore Stanley that meeting be adjourned. Carried.
Joyce Nichols (Roy-Merwin 2nd)
Rec. Sec.

Back Row: Mark, Scot, Butch, Myron and Merle
August 13, 1960
Preceding the business meeting a group of beautiful characters enacted a mock wedding in honor of the 25th wedding anniversary of Donald and Jean Nichols.
The wedding party consisted of Bride – Ted Stanley; Groom – Esther Nichols; Preacher – Nelson Tilford (Ruth 2nd); Flower Girl – Roland Nichols; Ring Bearer – Sharon Stanley (Florence 2nd); Father of the Bride – Leslie Nichols; Mother of the Bride – Louise Danforth; Conscientious Objectors – Harold Nichols and Ruth Nichols
Needless to say everyone enjoyed the skit immensely.
The meeting was called to order by President Louise Danforth.
The secretary’s report was read and approved. Our treasurer, Ted Stanley, in all his nervousness over being the bride, forgot his report, but said we had a little money on hand anyway, but that we could always use more.
A motion was made by LeRoy Nichols that we transfer the Reunion account from the Argyle bank to the Greenwich bank (as long as he, Ted, doesn’t build up too much stock). Motion carried.
Next the President read a letter from Uncle Myron Whittemore, expression his regret about not being able to be one of our guests at the reunion this year.
The only committee report was about flowers. $10.00 was collected in 1960 and disbursements were $24.00. A motion was made to boost individual contributions for this flower memorial fund an additional $12.00 to $18.00 ($2.00 per descendent in 1st generation) to be paid anytime before the 1962 Reunion. The vote was 6-5. Motion carried.
Elsie Nichols named the officer nominees for 1961-62.
President – Nelson Tilford
Vice President – Dorothy Alberding
Secretary – Pat Kintzing (Donald 2nd)
Treasurer – Ted Stanley
Corresponding Sec – Ruth Tilford
Motion carried to accept slate of officers as read.
The President led a brief discussion about what the Executive Committee had been doing for 25th wedding anniversaries in the family.
The practice in the past has been that the brothers and sisters contributed $2.00 toward the $25, and that Mother Nichols had put in the remainder, so now they were taking the remainder from the reunion fund, and the President, speaking for the Executive Committee, wanted to know if the family approved of this practice and wanted it to continue. No motion was made but everyone seemed to be in agreement.
Jean Nichols expressed thanks for the money given to the Heart Fund in memoriam of her father.
Harold Nichols made a motion that the meeting be adjourned, and Esther Nichols seconded it.
Barbara Nichols, Sec
Roll Call 1961 | |
Ruth Tilford | Kalista Nichols |
Lester Tilford | Louise Danforth |
Nelson Tilford | Red Danforth |
Jean Tilford | Beth Danforth |
Charles Tilford | Ernest Danforth |
Bea Tilford | Jim Danforth |
Irene Tilford | Russ Danforth |
Roy Nichols | Leslie Nichols |
Elsie Nichols | Esther Nichols |
Merwin Nichols | Ralph Nichols |
Joyce Nichols | Warren Nichols |
Dianne Nichols | Harold Nichols |
David Nichols | Jane Nichols |
Florence Stanley | Ransom Nichols |
Ted Stanley | Doris Nichols |
Mrs. Florence Stanley | Denise Nichols |
Sharon Stanley | Dorothy Alberding |
Donald Nichols | Myron Alberding |
Jean Nichols | Roland Nichols |
Scott Nichols | Barbara Nichols |
Laura Nichols | Judy Nichols |
Pat Kintzing | Ken Nichols |
Reese Kintzing | Kathie Nichols |
Paul Kintzing | Mike Nichols |
Scott Kintzing | |
Guests | |
Claire Nichols | Gerry Lasher |
Sheila Hoover | Dick Driscoll |
Steve Hoover | Ed Mangelsdorf |
Mrs. Ida Weed |
The minutes of the 1961 meeting were called for and read by Secretary, Patricia Kintzing (Donald 2nd). A correction of these minutes was mad in order that the sentence which had read, “A motion was made to booster individual contributions for this flower memorial fund to an additional $12.00 to be paid anytime before the1962 Reunion” doe now read ” … and additional $12.00 to $18.00 ($2.00 per first generation descendent) to be paid …”. The minutes were accepted as corrected.
The treasurer’s report was called for and, having nearly emptied every pocket, Treasurer, Ted Stanley located and presented the report that there was a balance on hand of $34.75. This figure is supported by the Bank’s accounts and, if Roy’s check did not bounce, the report was accepted as read.
A report of the Memorial Committee was called for and made as follows:
Balance on hand August 1961 | $20.00 |
Receipts | 17.00 |
Disbursements | |
January | 10.00 |
July | 2.00 |
Balance on hand to date | $29.00 |
The president called for the Nominating Committee’s slate of officers. Leslie Nichols, spokesman, said that, “after many laborious hour” this “most competent Committee” nominates the following slate.
President….. Dorothy Alberding
Vice President….. Ruth Tilford
Secretary….. Sandra Steele (Harold 2nd)
Treasurer….. Theodore Stanley
Corresponding Secretary….. Jane Nichols
There being no additional nominations from the floor the slate was elected by voice vote. (Harold Nichols was appointed auditor, there being some misgivings about the treasurer’s pocket capacity.)
Louise Danforth moved that the Memorial Committee make funds of up to $10.00 available to the Altar Guild of Zion Episcopal Church to be used in memoriam Ransom and Minnie Nichols as the Altar Guild has need throughout the year. Motion passed. Louise Danforth was appointed to execute the motion.
Under some apparent coercion, Harold Nichols asked that there be discussion of the present gift exchange between the first generation descendents of Ransom Nichols. He also suggested that one possible alternative be that each individual make a $5.00 donation to the charity of his choice. After each of these nine members was given opportunity to express his or here view and ensuing discussion the motion was made by Donald Nichols and carried that each of these nine descendents would write a Christmas letter to the brother or sister whose name her got by drawing names. Donald Nichols was appointed to administer drawing.
There being no further business the motion to adjourn was made and carried.
Following the meeting a program of slides and commentary was presented by Leslie Nichols with material gather on some of his trips abroad.
Patricia N. Kintzing, Secretary
Roll Call 1962 Ransom Nichols Family Association Reunion | |
(61 descendents and mates; 5 guests) | |
Ruth and Lester Tilford Nelson and Jean Tilford Charles and Beatrice Tilford Randy Tilford |
Louise and Red Danforth Beth Butch (Ernest) Jim Russ |
Roy and Elsie Nichols Merwin and Joyce Nichols Diane Nichols David Nichols |
Harold and Jane Nichols Sandy and Allister Steele Ransom Nichols Doris Denise |
Florence and Ted Stanley Sharon and Gerry Lasher Diane Lasher Sandy Lasher Kathy Lasher |
Dorothy Alberding Johann Alberding Myron Alberding |
Donald and Jean Nichols Patricia Kintzing Paul Kintzing Scott Kintzing Ben Kintzing |
Roland and Barbara Nichols Judy Nichols Kenny Nichols Kathy Nichols Mike Nichols |
Claire and Dick Driscoll | Sheila and Steve Hoover Kalista Nichols Scott Nichols Laura Nichols |
Guests Rev and Mrs. Lardner Irene Tilford Mrs. Florence Stanley Louis Boos |
August 10, 1963
The Treasurer’s Report was read by Ted Stanley. Balance of $66.46 on hand. There is an outstanding bill of $2.45 for Nelson Tilford (Ruth 2nd) (purchase of corn).* The cemetery lot was paid. An audit was suggested by Louise Danforth but later made the motion it be accepted. Roy Nichols seconded the motion and it was carried.
Louise Danforth gave the report of the Memorial Committee. In August 1962 we have a balance of $33.00. Ten dollars was spent for flowers for Everett Bristol, leaving a balance on hand of $23.00.
Discussion of money for the Memorial Fund: It was decided if any more money was needed it would be deducted from the treasury. Motion of acceptance made by Ted Stanley and seconded by Merwin Nichols. Passed.
Ruth Tilford gave a report of the slate of officers set up by the nominating committee:
President – Ruth Tilford
Vice-President Reese Kintzing (Donald-Pat 2nd)
Secretary Jean Tilford
Treasurer Ted Stanley
Corr. Sec. Louise Danforth and Jane Nichols
Louise Danforth mad a comment on taking chance about getting letters from Corresponding Secretaries.
Motion was made by Louise Danforth and Seconded by Jean Nichols that the Secretary cast one ballot for the slate as presented. Passed.
Committees for the clam steam read:
It was discussed about what to do with any left over chicken (which may happen because of smaller reunion). It was decided it could be bought at cost and the money paid back to the treasury. The motion was made by Florence Stanley and seconded by Elsie Nichols that this be done. Passed.
Letters for Christmas discussed again for coming year. After great amount of voice suggestion that letters received be read at next year�s reunion. Motion made by Donald and seconded by Roy, the letters be continued. Passed. Ruth Tilford made up a list for drawing of names. No new business.
Under old business-money spent for altar flowers discussed. Louise spent $6.00.
Motion made by Roy Nichols and seconded by Elsie (only two eligible voters) the meeting be adjourned. Passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 – shortest meeting on record.
Slides of Colorado and Wyoming as well of one of more local interest shown by Reese. Refreshments were served.
Florence brought up a discussion to cut the dues to fifty cents instead of $1.50 for the younger generation. Roy Nichols made the motion to omit dues for the younger children and pay $1.00 per adult (subject to the constitution). This was seconded by Florence. A count was taken and the vote was unanimous (12) in favor to pass the motion. Passed.
Louise Danforth gave the report on the Memorial Fund. Balance on hand is $3.00. Ted Stanley suggested and made the motion that all flower bills be sent to him and be would write the checks from the Treasury. If the bills got too big an assessment would be taken. The motion was seconded by Elsie Nichols and passed.
Ted Stanley gave the Treasurer’s report. Balance on hand $99.10 with bills due. Treasurer’s report was accepted by Elsie and seconded by Nelson Tilford (Ruth 2nd). Passed.
Pat Kintzing (Donald 2nd) read the slate of officers:
President: Reese Kintzing (Donald-Pat 2nd)
Vice President: Red Danforth
Secretary: Merwin Nichols (Roy 2nd)
Treasurer: Ted Stanley
Corresponding Sec: Jane Nichols and Louise Danforth
It was asked for the secretary to cast one ballot for the slate as presented. Passed.
Ted Stanley made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by Jean Nichols. Meeting adjourned at approximately 9:00 p.m.
The minutes for the previous meeting were read. Florence questioned the rule concerning dues. Jean moved and Dick Driscoll (Donald-Claire 2nd) seconded that the minutes be accepted as read. Motion passed.
Ted reported that the treasury contained about ninety dollars but was not absolutely sure because of the money still owed. Reese decided to table any motion accepting the financial report until Sunday.
Harold had communications from Leslie and Esther who will be leaving soon for Europe and from Sandy and Scottie (Harold 2nd) who are returning to N.Y. from Oklahoma but will not be back in time for the reunion.
Louise who is in charge of the Memorial Committee, asked for the address of the American Friends Service Society, and Pat Kintzing (Donald 2nd) said she thought she could supply it.
There was nothing to report from the Historical Committee.
Louise read the report for the Nomination Committee which consisted of Louise, Kalista, Nelson, Reese, (Ex-Officio). The report read as follows:
President – Elsie Nichols
Vice President – Merwin Nichols (Roy 2nd)
Secretary – Louis Boos (Donald-Kalista 2nd)
Treasurer – Ted Stanley
Corresponding Sec – Jane Nichols and Louise Danforth
Nelson moved and Ted seconded that the nominations be closed. The Secretary, Pro-Tem, cast one ballot to accept the slate of officers as read.
Dick Driscoll censured Rockefeller’s sales tax. There seemed to be general agreement.
Under old business Louise brought up the question of deciding the approximate date for next year’s business meeting and reunion. Roy made the motion that the secretary contact those who lived at a distance from Argyle in order to get a consensus as to the best date for them. Sheila seconded the motion. Dot amended the motion to read that the secretary contact only the first generation and that they be responsible for contacting their children. Denise seconded the motion and it was passed.
Secretary Pro-Tem
Committees 1965
Clams and Chicken – Florence and Ted
Vegetables, etc
Donald, Roy, Richard, Merwin
Clam Steam
Ted, Harold, Lester, Nelson
Set – up
Roland, Charles, Jim, Butch
Louise, Kalista, Nelson, Merwin
Clean – up
Kenny, Jerry, Dorothy
Business meeting 8:00 P.M. Aug 7 at Kintzing’s – West Hebron
The minutes from the previous meeting were read and Harold moved to accept the minutes.
The treasurer’s report is unofficially said to be the longest on the record. During the course of sixteen minutes, Ted indicated that the family investments were on the rocks due to market fluctuations (could he mean the super market where he buys groceries?). Eventually it was learned that the treasury contained $41.76. It was suggested that the treasurer’s report be presented as a summary in the future.
The memorial committee report indicated that expenses were not being met by the present income from dues. Don moved that the dues remain the same for this year and that the memorial committee chairman should contact members for voluntary contributions as needed, the deficit, if any, to be made up at the next reunion. Roland moved that the incoming president appoint a committee of three to review dues and expenditures and make any recommendations as a result of the study at the next meeting. The motion carried.
The friendly nominating committee, made of Joyce, chairman: Florence, Roy and Red presented the following slate of officers:
President: Merwin (Roy 2nd)
V.P.: Claire (Donald 2nd)
Secretary: Kalista (Donald 2nd)
Treasurer: Ted
Corresponding secretaries: Jane and Louise
The secretary cast a ballot accepting the committee’s recommendations.
The meeting adjourned at 9:36 with a motion by Dorothy seconded by Harold.
Lou (Donald-Kalista 2nd)

The committee appointed to study dues submitted the following proposal: That the dues remain as they are; $1.00 per adult. This should cover such needs as cemetery assessment, flowers for the altar at Christmas and Easter plus one other time.
To cover cost of memorial flowers, we propose a voluntary collection from the members of the immediate family and any other interested members. A suggested amount is $2.00, but any more or any less that anyone might wish to give would be accepted gladly.
The proposal was stated in the form of a motion by Donald and seconded by Harold. It carried. The members of the committee were Louise, Donald, Nelson (Ruth 2nd), and Merwin (Roy 2nd), ex officio. The treasurer’s report indicated that the treasury contained $30.00.
The nominating committee presented the following slate of officers: President _ Claire Driscoll (Donald 2nd), V.P. – Roland Nichols, Secretary – Beth Danforth (Louise 2nd), Treasurer – Ted Stanley, Corresponding Secretaries – Jane Nichols and Louise Danforth. After a motion the secretary cast one ballot to accept the slate of officers.
Ted moved that the reunion be held the first weekend in August 3 & 4, 1968. Scott Nichols (Donald 2nd) seconded: motion carried.
Laura moved to adjourn: Harold seconded: meeting adjourned at 9:50.
Kalista Boos (Donald 2nd)
Clams and chicken – Ted and Florence
Barbeque – Donald, Roy, Richard (Donald-Claire 2nd), Merwin (Roy 2nd)
Clam Steam – Ted, Leslie, Louise, Nelson (Ruth 2nd)
Set-Up – Roland, Jim (Louise 2nd), Butch (Louise 2nd)
Clean-Up – Kenny (Roland 2nd), Jerry (Florence-Sharon 2nd), Dorothy
Nominating – Sandy, Jean Tilford (Ruth-Nelson 2nd), Esther, Merwin & Beth Danforth

Louise gave a report of the memorial committee. Having informed the group that she had taken in $22 and spent $30, Esther commented, “That’s the kind of men we have in Washington.” With regard to the Memorial Fund, Leslie suggested that rather than given flowers, we might contribute to a worthy fund. After discussion it was decided to leave the decision to Louise’s discretion.
Since no one had taken charge of the historical committee since Ruth’s death, President Claire asked for a volunteer to assume this responsibility. Having no volunteers, Louise was appointed.
There was no old business. The topic of reviewing and updating the constitution was brought up. Leslie proposed that the present secretary head a committee to work on this. With only one dissenter (guess who!) the motion carried.
Leslie informed the group of the greetings and regrets sent from Harold and his family. Harold also had indicated to Leslie that he would favor holding the Reunion the last weekend in June or the first two weekends in July. Following much discussion Roy moved that we hold the 1969 Reunion on an experimental basis the second weekend in July. Roland seconded the motion; it carried. To his motion Roy added that if, prior to the Reunion, it is found that one or more personae cannot easily attend, it would be left to the officers to decide a definite date.
Prior to presentation of the slate of officers, Sandy (Harold 2nd) absolved the Nichols family of financial responsibilities for bandages she had on her forehead (“Happy Honda”). The following slate of officers for 1969 was then presented:
President: Roland Nichols
Vice-President: Charles Tilford (Ruth 2nd)
Secretary: Joyce Nichols (Roy-Merwin 2nd)
Treasurer: Ted Stanley
Corresponding Secretaries: Louise Danforth, Jane Nichols
Historian : Louise Danforth
Roland mentioned that he couldn’t be sure of attending, thus indicating that he didn’t want the job assigned. However, thanks to Aunt Barb, his efforts were futile. After a motion was made and seconded by Leslie and Louise respectively, the secretary cast one ballot to accept the slate of officers.
Announcement was made of the clam steam to be held at Donald and Jean’s at 1:00 the following day. Esther informed the group that there are 97 living descendents of Ransom and Minnie Nichols. Upon request for a volunteer, Sandy assumed the responsibility of making up a genealogy of the present families. Leslie informed the group that, upon consultation of the Nichols family, the American Foundation and Kiwanis International had declared the following day, August 11, national Family Reunion Day.
The meeting adjourned at 9:05.
Following the business meeting, Leslie showed slides of his family trip of the Appalachians.
Beth Danforth, Sec.
Members present at 1968 Reunion, August 10, 11 | |||
Lester | Roy | Ted | Donald |
Irene | Elsie | Florence | Jean |
Nelson | Merwin | Sharon | Reese |
Jean | Joyce | Gerry | Paul |
Charles | Dianne | George | Ben |
Bea | David | Nancy | Scott |
Cindy | Buddy | A guest | Randy |
Claire | Kenny | Dick | Michael |
Shana | Lisha | Sheila | Kalista |
Sarah | Scott | Laura | Red |
Leslie | Sandy | Derwin | Roland |
Louise | Esther | Scotty | Dot |
Barb | Beth | Karren | Johann |
Ken | Jim | Myrna | Stevie |
Kathie | Russ | Sherry | Mike |
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Unfortunately while in the process of moving the secretary lost the minutes written up for this meeting.
The nominating committee presented the following slate of officers for the 1970 reunion:
President: Charles Tilford (Ruth 2nd)
Vice President: LeRoy Nichols
Secretary: Butch Danforth (Louise 2nd)
Treasurer: Ted Stanley
JULY 18 AND 19, 1970
This year’s reunion will be held July 18 and 19
The business meeting will be held at 7:30 P.M. Saturday at Red and Louise’s. Please bring your own beverages for yourselves and children as you did last year.
The clam steam and chicken barbeque will be held Sunday at Donald’s, again please bring your own beverages for yourselves and children as you did last year.
If you don’t like chicken or clams, pack your own lunch and come anyways. We would like to see everybody.
Purchasing: Elsie
Clams and chicken: Ted and Florence
Barbeque: Donald, Roy, Dot, and Derwin
Set Up: Roland, Jim (Louise 2nd), Buddy (Leslie 2nd), and Harold
Clean Up: Kenny (Roland 2nd), Butch, Russell, Beth (all three Louise 2nd), Judy
(Roland 2nd), and Sharon (Florence 2nd)
Leslie, Elsie, Roland, and Ted
The younger generation will be asked to express their opinion of the reunion weekend at the business meeting.
July 17, 1970
The minutes were read, such as they were (the original set to be found at the bottom of the Lake George dump) and after a motion by Buddy and a second by Uncle Donald were approved.
Due to the absence of Uncle Ted, Uncle Les gave the Treasurer�s report. After a competent report from which little was learned, Aunt Louise reported for the Memorial Committee, “We’re broke!” However, after a search through old minutes, it was revealed that the memorial committee actually had $15. At this point Aunt Esther made a motion that a voluntary collection be taken on Sunday with the dues. Uncle Donald seconded this motion, and it was carried.
Uncle Les reported for the nominating committee:
President – Uncle Roy
Vice-President – Buddy (Leslie 2nd)
Secretary – Sheila (Donald 2nd)
Treasurer – Uncle Ted
Corresponding Secretaries – Aunt Jane and Aunt Louise
Uncle Harold made a motion seconded by Merwin (Roy 2nd) to accept the slate and the motion carried.
If there was any old business, it was to be found at the bottom of the Lake George dump. So, there was no old business.
A discussion followed as to whether the reunion would be the second or third week of July next year. Aunt Dot made a motion seconded by Buddy that the reunion tentatively be set for the 17th and 18th next year.
Aunt Louise then announced that Ted and Marge Dineen (Marge was a cousin, the daughter of John and Edith Whittemore) had been invited to the clam bake, and had declined in a letter to Aunt Florence. She also announced that Aunt Edith (John Whittemore’s wife) would be 90 on July 30. It was also reported that Donald and Lois Hamilton (Lois Whittemore Hamilton was the daughter of Minnie’s brother Ed) and Marion Rogers (Marion McKernon Rogers was the daughter of Minnie’s sister Jennie) had been invited and had had to decline. There was some question as to the status of Merrill and Marcia (Merrill Whittemore was Lois Hamilton’s brother and Marcia is his daughter). Aunt Louise then read a letter from Howard Slocum.
Sandy (Harold 2nd) then led the discussion about the hospitality committee. After some debate, Jean and Nelson (Ruth 2nd) and Merwin and Joyce (Roy 2nd) were reappointed as the hospitality committee and it was decided that anyone of the cousins desiring housing should let the president know each year as early as possible. Buddy made a motion seconded by Butch (Louise 2nd) the secretary send out the minutes and a letter reminding everyone of the reunion dates around the first of the year. It carried.
Uncle Roland made a motion seconded by Beth (Louise 2nd) for adjournment at precisely 9:47. Uncle Les then showed some slides.
Butch Danforth, Secretary

Treasurer’s Report 1970
Since I am somewhat indisposed I am going to ask my somewhat shy and somewhat silent brother-in-law to read my treasurer’s report for 1970.
During the 1960’s, as you all well know, business trends were ascending at a very good pace. We were all very prosperous and we always had two nickels to rub together. Investments were booming and there was very little unemployment. Plenty of money in circulation. Everyone was happy. However, the money situation has changed somewhat in 1970.
We as a group can be compared to the largest corporations. We must have intake in order to have output. In our case the output preceded the in-take. Most of the expenses of the year are taking care of except the salaries of the officers. Since the cost of living has sky-rocketed, their remuneration should be increased by 50% more than it was last year. Did I hear a nay in the crowd?
There is still one large bill unpaid and that is to the secretary of this fine group of people. We realize that we get $0.18 worth of mail service for a mere 6 cents but at least we should reimburse the secretary for his (her) expenses. Please step up and report expenses. A check will be forth-coming.
The expenses of these many goodies for this year’s feast are being audited and the cost will be pared to the bone. The cost of the grand meal that you are to have will surely surprise you. As my former manager stated a word to the wise is sufficient. Bring a good appetite and don’t forget your wallet or your money belt. Loose change will not do the job.
Oh yes, we do have a few dollars bank balance.
Treasurer Family Nichols Fund

July 17, 1971
The Treasurer’s report was read by Merwin (Roy 2nd), in Ted’s absence. The report said, “there is about $20.00 in the checking account” and “the cemetery bill was about $15.00 this year – we are still solvent.”
The Memorial Committee’s report was made by Louise. She reported that she doesn’t have the money from the 1970 collection, and that she doesn’t know exactly the amount of funds available, though the Committee is still solvent. A $15.00 rose arrangement was sent to the family of Mrs. Everett (Elizabeth) Bristol. A $12.00 arrangement was sent to the family of Jarvis Keyworth and the usual $10.00 for altar flowers was given at Easter and Christmas in memory of Minnie and Ransom Nichols. Merwin suggested that “we accept voluntary contributions for the Memorial Fund.” The motion was seconded by Les and was carried.
The Historical Committee report was presented by Louise. Old photographs of reunions from 1953-1971 were requested. From Aunt Ruth’s papers a paper(s) was found in Minnie Nichols’ handwriting of her family’s genealogy. (Back to the 1700’s) Esther suggested that photostatic copies be made of the original papers. Sandy Steele (Harold 2nd) has the Nichols’ family genealogy. Louise said that if anyone wants either or both genealogies; contact her for a typed copy.
The Nominating Committee, with Barbara as their spokesman, announced the following slate:
President – Donald
Vice President – Myron (Dorothy 2nd)
Treasurer – Ted (with Merwin)
Secretary – Kathie (Roland 2nd)
Corresponding secretaries – Louise and Jane.
Butch (Louise 2nd) motioned approval of the slate and Mac (Leslie 2nd) seconded the motion, which was approved.
The new business consisted of there being no corn available for the 1971 reunion. So the date of July 22 and 23 was decided upon for 1972. Karren Steele (Harold-Sandy 3rd) introduced her new brother, Andrew (Harold-Sandy 3rd). Louise said Marion Rogers was invited and may attend.
It was announced that Les had slides of the 1970 reunion, New Hampshire, and Maine; which he would show following the meeting. Roy invited all to the slam steam on Sunday, and adjourned at 9:10.
Sheila Hoover, Sec. (Donald 2nd)
Florence has been after me to make a report on the status of the Reunion Fund so here goes. At the present time there is about $20.00 in the checking account and this is about what we had last year at this time. The money that we take in for the clam steam will be put in the checking account to be used to purchase the food next year.
The cemetery bill was $15 this year instead of the usual $20 so we are still solvent.
The report has been made, now I will add a note. We can’t be with you but we can be there in spirit. So have a drink for Florence and me. We will be thinking of you both Saturday and Sunday. Hope the weather is fair for you.
Florence & Ted

July 22, 1972
Louise read a letter from Kathie in which she reminded us that next year will be our 20th anniversary. She suggested that everyone bring slides or photographs they might have of former reunions and perhaps a skit could be put on as a means of celebrating it.
Louise, as Chairman of the Memorial Comm., reported that $8.50 was collected last year and she spent $16.05 for Aunt Edith (wife of Minnie brother John) and $12.84 for Mrs. Burch for a total of $28.89. $10.00 for flowers for the altar was spent at Christmas and Easter. It was decided to use money from the treasury for memorial flowers instead of making a special collection.
Donald received a telegram from Les, Es, Buddy and Connie (Leslie 2nd) and Catherine and Birkie Smith wishing us greetings and wished they were with us. Donald appointed new corresponding sec. to send Les and Es a card with signatures of those present at the reunion tomorrow.
Louise wanted everyone’s birth dates for the historical records. Also she suggested it would be nice if everyone wrote out their favorite recipe for the records.
Under new business Laura (Donald 2nd) announced the arrival of Amy Lucille Demarest (Donald-Kalista 3rd), born June 23, 1972.
Louise said she invited Marjorie and Ted Dineen to come to the clam steam and they hoped to be able to make it. It was agreed that the Sec. invite some cousins to come next year.
A motion was made and carried that Laura and Kathie work one a program for next year.
Roy presented a slate of officers for next year as follows:
President – Myron Alberding (Dorothy 2nd)
Vice President – Beth Danforth (Louise 2nd)
Secretary – Doris Nichols (Harold 2nd)
Treasurer – Ted Stanley
Corresponding Sec. – Florence Stanley
Historical Committee – Louise Danforth
Motion made by Harold and seconded by Nelson that the Sec. cast one ballot for the slate. Carried.
Nominating Committee for next year was appointed by the president as follows: Harold, Jane, Les, Es, and Denise (Harold 2nd).
It was noted that Dec 7th will be Roland and Barb’s 25th wedding anniversary. Every one of the brothers and sisters should give money to Ted and he will write a check to send them. The Alberdings, Beth (Louise 2nd), Doris (Harold 2nd), and perhaps Sandy and Scotty (Harold 2nd) will try to get together with them to help them celebrate, weather permitting.
Next year the meeting will be held the 3rd weekend in July. At 9:40 P.M. Louise made the motion we adjourn, seconded by Ted.
Dorothy Alberding, Sec. pro tem

OCTOBER 5, 1973 8:07 P.M.
Ted announced that he couldn’t handle such a rowdy aggregate on his own, so acting officers had, somehow, (?) been appointed to assist him. They were: Acting President – Les Acting Secretary – Ken (Roland 2nd)
October 5, 1973 8:16 P.M.
The question was raised, “Should we have reunion in the fall?” After allowing the multitudes to air their various opinions simultaneously, Les called the meeting to order. He and Louise suggested that we alternate, fall, one year, – summer the next: whereupon Esther moved that next year’s reunion be held in early October, Motion was seconded and carried.
Donald arrives at 8:39 P.M.
The minutes from last year’s meeting were read and accepted: The treasurer’s report was read (it stated we had $36.10 in the family account as of October 5, 1973) and accepted in the unbelievable time of 2 minutes, 51 seconds. Amazing.
In a statement that had to be paraphrased and reiterated several times, due to the apparent misinterpretation of it by both the president and secretary, Nelson (Ruth 2nd) moved (and read this carefully): That dues be paid as per the rate established in 1964, with the further stipulation that, should the balance in the family account fall below $100 at the close of reunion, additional assessments will be made on adult members to bring the balance up to the aforementioned sum. Esther moved that we amend this motion to provide for a separate fund of $50 (memorial) to be maintained by the first generation, to buy flowers for friends known only by that generation. To this was added the qualification that this fund would be added to the original account. Motion was seconded and defeated. After careful deliberation over the various ramifications of Nelson’s motion as restated by the secretary, Harold decided to take the plunge and second it. Motion was carried.
The memorial report was read, stating that $45 was spent from the general fund this year on remembrances for Red, Myron, and Roy Foss because everyone was concerned. The report was accepted.
The historical committee’s report was given next, and amended to show Doris’s (Harold 2nd) wedding gift. Their report was accepted with commendation.
Kathie (Roland 2nd) raised the question of who qualifies as an adult. Louise moved that an adult be defined as anyone 18 or over (students included). Motion was seconded and carried. Seeing that the political momentum was in her favor, Louise moved that Kathie and whoever she chooses will review and reorganize the constitution and its bylaws. Motion was seconded and carried.
At this point, Florence finally finished her coffee, and immediately thereafter moved that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was enthusiastically seconded and carried – 9:45 p.m.
Ken – your secretary, 1973
Beth (Louise 2nd) – President
Butch (Louise 2nd) – Vice Pres. Pro tem
Ted – Treasurer
Ken – Secretary a la gauche

July 20, 21, 1974
Nichols Ranch, Adamsville, New York
(If you don’t know where Adamsville is, tough!)
Business meeting (hah!), July 20, 7:30 P.M.
Clam steam & barbecue, July 21, 12:30 P.M.
Committe Assignments:
Barbeque: Roy, Derwin, Dot, Louise
Clam Steam: Ted, Leslie, Nelson (Ruth 2nd), Charles (Ruth 2nd)
Set-up: Russ (Louise 2nd), Elsie, Mike (Roland 2nd), Harold
Clean-up: Sandy (Harold 2nd), Laura (Donald 2nd), Jane, Dick (Donald- Claire 2nd), Steve (Donald-Sheila 2nd)
Nominating: Sharon (Florence 2nd), Esther, Jean (Ruth-Nelson 2nd), Jim (Louise 2nd)
(Editor’s note: If you cannot make your committee assignment, notify your president NOW or suffer the consequences.)
Due to the high cost of clams, we are asking those people who like them to contact Beth Danforth by July 1st to let her know how many people in each family will want them, as those persons eating clams will be assessed an extra amount.
Beth’s address: Fort Edward, N.Y. RFD #1 12828
President; Butch Danforth (Louise 2nd)
Vice President: Johann Mead (Dorothy 2nd)
Secretary: Jane Nichols

The 22nd Annual Reunion Meeting was held Oct. 11, 1975 at the home of Louise Danforth. (note this is actually the 23rd reunion and the miscounting continues for years)
President Butch Danforth (Louise 2nd) called the meeting to order at 8:06 pm, succeeded on the second try at 8:07 pm.
The first order of business was introduction of new members present:
Butch’s Katie
Sharlene’s Carm (Florence 2nd)
Doris’ Daryl (Harold 2nd)
Laura (Donald 2nd) reported the arrival of Pat (Donald 2nd) and Paul’s daughter Cara Kristen on Oct 4 and Scott’s (Donald 2nd) wife – Melissa. Minutes of last meeting were read. Jean N. made the motion that they be accepted. Laura seconded it. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report. Ted reported that with the contribution of $.01 by H. O. Nichols the balance in our treasury is $10.00. Report accepted by a motion by H.O. Nichols and seconded by Sharon (Florence 2nd). At this time the Treasurer suggested beginning next year the Secretary write all members and ask that they definitely let her know how many are coming to the Reunion dinner. This will help with the ordering of food.
Correspondence. Thank you notes for the Weir and Stanley families.
Committe Reports
Memorial – Louise Danforth reported the following expenditures.
$5.00 at Christmas and $5.00 at Easter in Memory of Parents
$10.00 Argyle Rescue Squad in Memory of Ralph Weir
$10.00 Ft. Edward Rescue Squad in Memory of Carol Stanley
She said that we need money in the Memorial Fund. Volunteer contributions will be accepted when dues are paid.
Constitution – In the absence of Kathie (Roland 2nd) (who was to rewrite and clarify the Constitution) Dot reported that she (Kathie) still has the books and will present it next year.
Nominating – The President asked for the report of the Nominating Committee. It was presented by Louise Danforth as follows:
President – Donald Nichols
Vice President – LeRoy Nichols
Secretary – Joyce Nichols (Roy Merwin 2nd)
Treasurer – Who Else?? T.S.
Motion made by Les, seconded by Beth (Louise 2nd) that the slate of officers be accepted. Motion carried.
Unfinished Business – Sandy Steele (Harold 2nd) has the books on Nichols Genealogy and was to be working on it. She is absent tonight. Will check with her tomorrow.
Laura made the motion that a committee be named to update the Nichols genealogy plus the Whittemore and Slocums. After much discussion she amended her motion to read that the eldest member of each family of Ransom and Minnie Nichols children get together tomorrow and write up their family’s genealogy. This report to be given to the Committee, which will be comprised of the above mentioned “eldest members” of the 9 families. Seconded by Laura (Donald 2nd). Motion carried.
Ted on clams. All who hope to eat them tomorrow, sign up tonight be prepared to pay before eating.
Les moved and Ted seconded if more than 20 sign up tonight we get 1/2 bushel more tomorrow. Motion carried.
Les made the motion, Florence seconded it that the 1976 Reunion be held the 4th weekend in July – the 24th and 25th. Motion carried.
The question of the 1977 reunion will be discussed next year.
Les moved and all applauded a commendation of our Pres. Butch for a job well done in the conduction of tonight’s meeting.
The following nominating committee for 1976-77 officers was appointed: Chairman – Merwin Nichols, Nelson Tilford (Ruth 2nd), Sharon Lasher (Florence 2nd) and Russell Danforth (Louise 2nd).
Es moved and Ted seconded and all approved that the meeting be adjourned at 9:00 pm to the viewing of Leslie’s slides.
P.S. As the pictures of the 1974 Reunion were shown it was obvious that Beth Danforth was President and presiding officer of the 1974 meeting not Les Nichols. Too late to correct the minutes so Les goes down in history as presiding officer in 1974. – So Be It –
Interesting note since no minutes from 1974 seem to exist.

The 23rd Nichols Family Annual Reunion meeting was held July 24th at the home of LeRoy Nichols.
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Pres. Donald Nichols.
There were no new members this year to be introduced.
Minutes of the 1975 meeting were mailed to all members of the family. Motion by Ted Stanley that the minutes of the meeting held on October 11, 1975
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Ted Stanley reported there was $35.00 in the bank.
Note from Jane Nichols stated the Kathie Nichols (Roland 2nd) has the Secretary’s book somewhere in her “packings”.
Note received from Sandy Steele (Harold 2nd) stating she does not have the Genealogy books as stated in the minutes of 1975.
No correspondence received by Corresponding Secretary.
Committee Reports
Memorial: Louise Danforth reported $5.00 spent for memorial flowers of the altar of the church at Christmas and Easter.
Family Genealogy: Louise Danforth and Donald Nichols reported a rough draft listing each family has been drawn up and they would like to have each family (children and grandchildren), dates of birth, marriage and death. Anyone interested in having a copy of the completed family listing should give their names to Donald or Louise.
Nominating: The following slate of officers was presented by Chairman Merwin Nichols (Roy 2nd).
President – LeRoy Nichols
Vice President – Roland Nichols
Secretary – Sharon Lasher (Florence 2nd)
Treasurer – Theodore Stanley (Who�s He)
Motion by Ernest (Butch) Danforth (Louise 2nd) that the slate of officers be accepted as presented, second by Jane Nichols. Motion carried. Motion made by Esther Nichols that the secretary cast a unanimous vote for the election of the officers nominated, second by Leslie Nichols. Motion carried.
The slate of officers was so elected.
Barbeque and Steam: Assignments of various duties were read.
Unfinished Business: None
New Business:
Dates for the 1977 Reunion were discussed. Two dates were suggested and voted upon.
Third weekend of July – 18 voted for 5 abstained
Second weekend in October – No votes for
Motion by Louise Danforth that the reunion be held the weekend of July 23-24, second by Leslie Nichols. Motion carried.
Motion by Florence Stanley that the meeting be adjourned, second by Esther Nichols. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned 8:55 p.m.
Please notify us of your plans to attend the meal as we need to know how much to order.
Bring your own beverages and table setting.
Nominations are as follows:
President: Roland
Vice President: Scott (Donald 2nd)
Secretary: Sharlene (Florence 2nd)
Treasurer: Ted – Temporarily Merwin (Roy 2nd)
Under the circumstances we have been asked by Ted to have Merwin nominated as temporary treasurer this year.
Purchasing: Elsie
Chicken: Florence
Barbeque: Donald, Roy, Derwin, Merwin
Steam: Nelson (Ruth 2nd), Harold, Leslie
Setup: Roland, Barb, Jane, Sharon (Florence 2nd)
Cleanup: Ken (Roland 2nd), Joyce N (Roy-Merwin 2nd), Jean, Sharlene (Florence 2nd)
The 24th Nichols Family Reunion Meeting was held July 23, 1977 at the home of LeRoy Nichols.
The meeting was called to order at 8:10 p.m. by President LeRoy Nichols.
New Member – Bill White was introduced as guest of Kathie Nichols (Roland 2nd).
Minutes of the 1976 meeting held July 23, 1976 were read. No errors or additions. Accepted as presented by Louise Danforth, seconded by LeRoy Nichols. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
Acting Treasurer Merwin Nichols (Roy 2nd) reported there is $13.75 in the Treasury. $80.30 was given to Elsie Nichols for purchasing.
Committe Reports
Memorial – Louise Danforth reported $5.00 spent for memorial flowers on the altar of the church for Christmas and Easter. Other flowers for Memorials were for Aunt Anna (Aunt Anna was the second wife of Minnie’s oldest brother Bert), Bob Eldridge (There are Eldridge cousins on the Nichols side, Bob was a neighbor, when I was very young he lived on the farm to the south of us that was once owned by Osborn Winn, a grandfather), Ralph McKernon (Ralph was the oldest son of Minnie’s sister Jenny and Edwin McKernon), Carl Cameron (Carl was the husband of Helen Louise Tilford Cameron)
Family Genealogy: Reported actual date of death of Ransom Nichols July 8, 1949; Minnie Nichols December 3, 1952. Louise Danforth and Donald Nichols to mount old pictures in Loose leaf notebook. If you have memory pictures please give them to either.
Nominating Committee: The following slate of officers was presented by LeRoy Nichols:
President – Roland Nichols
Vice President – Scott Nichols (Donald 2nd)
Secretary – Sharlene Reynolds (Florence 2nd)
Treasurer – Ted Stanley with Merwin Nichols acting
Motion made by Louise Danforth and seconded by Leslie Nichols to accept unanimous vote for the election of the election of the officers. Motion carried.
The slate of officers was so elected.
New Business:
Discussion was open to family and members regarding visits to Whittemore’s and Slocum’s. Question and discussion of flower memorial discussed with the “near” decision of the treasurer who would have final decision over the flower memorial or the contribution to a cause as desired by the family.
Also discussed were dues which eventually changed to $2 for immediate members and contributions for other members.
Esther Nichols stated cost of stamps and Xerox copies took an excess amount from the treasury. It was decided to send to immediate members the notice of the reunion.
Other suggestions included: send out notice of dues due and that added contributions are welcome.
Reunion date set for July 22 and 23, 1978.
Butch Danforth (Louise 2nd) adjourned meeting at 9:40 p.m., seconded by Mike Nichols (Roland 2nd)
Sharon Lasher (Florence 2nd)

Bobbie, George, Sharon, Nancy

The 25th Annual Nichols Reunion will be held July 22-23 with the Business meeting held at 7:30 Saturday and the Barbeque and Steam on Sunday at 12:30.
Please notify us of your plans to attend the meal as we need to know how much to order.
Bring your own beverages and table setting.
Purchasing: Elsie
Chicken: Florence and Jean
Barbeque: Roy, Derwin, Merwin, Roland
Steam: Nelson (Ruth 2nd), Harold, Leslie, Donald
Setup: Dorothy, Bob C, Jane, Mike (Roland 2nd)
Cleanup: Sharlene (Florence 2nd), Kathy (Roland 2nd), George L. (Florence-Sharon 3rd), Barb
Nominating committee will have to meet before the business meeting.
Reunion Meeting
The 25th Nichols Family Annual Reunion Meeting was held July 23, 1978 at the home of LeRoy Nichols.
The meeting was called to order at 7:43 p.m. by Vice President Scott Nichols (Donald 2nd).
New members introduced this year included Sandy and Scotty’s daughter Maggie (Harold- Sandy 3rd), Helen Louise Cameron’s grandson Kevin Harsha (Ruth-Helen Louise-Janet 4th) and Keith Meyer (Louise-Beth 2nd).
Minutes of the 1977 meeting were read. Motion by Leslie Nichols that the minutes of the meeting held on July 23, 1977 be accepted as presented. Seconded by LeRoy Nichols. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
Temporary treasurer Merwin Nichols (Roy 2nd) reported there was $64.53 in the bank with $127.95 having been spent on purchasing.
It was reported that Louise Danforth is doing a good job. Motion made by Leslie Nichols, seconded by Sharon Lasher (Florence 2nd).
No correspondence received by the Corresponding Secretary.
Committee Reports
Memorial: Louise Danforth reported $5.00 spent for memorial flowers on the altar of the church at Christmas and $8.00 on Easter. Irene Tilford was sent a dish garden. Flowers were sent for Ted Stanley’s Memorial Service.
Family Genealogy: Joyce Nichols (Roy 2nd) reports that it is fairly up to date but still needs typing.
Nominating: An Executive meeting was held at 8:05 p.m. for nominations. The following slate of officers was presented by Scott Nichols:
President: Louise Danforth
Vice President: Russ Danforth (Louise 2nd) Secretary: Beth Meyer (Louise 2nd) Treasurer: Merwin Nichols
Meeting was resumed at 8:13. Motion by Scott Nichols (Donald 2nd) that the slate of officers be accepted as presented, seconded by Elsie Nichols. Motion carried. Vote taken and a unanimous vote for the election of the officers nominated. Motion by Florence Stanley that unanimous vote be accepted, seconded by Jane Nichols.
The slate of officers was so elected.
Barbecue and Steam: Assignments of various duties were read.
Unfinished Business: None
New Business:
Date for 1979 Reunion was discussed. Motion by Esther Nichols that the Reunion be held July 21st and 22nd, seconded by Russ Danforth (Louise 2nd). Motion carried. Vote taken and it was unanimous.
A discussion about whether we still wanted clams if the price runs too high was brought up. Merwin will check at steam to find out who eats clams, raw and/or steamed.
Motion made the Esther Nichols to estimate how many clams are eaten to get an idea how many to order for next year. Seconded by Joyce Nichols (Roy 2nd). Motion carried
A proposal was made by Louise Danforth to have pictures made for the Nichols History. Motion made by Esther Nichols that it should not exceed $25.00, seconded by Joyce Nichols (Roy 2nd). Vote taken and turned down.
Discussion by Leslie Nichols that an investigation be made into prices from professional photographers and Louise will present the report next year and a vote to be taken.
A discussion by Esther Nichols voiced a concern whether next generation will continue to want Reunions.
Leslie Nichols made a motion that the minutes and notice be sent to each member of the first and second generation by September 1, 1978.
It was amended that postage would be paid by the treasury. Motion seconded by LeRoy Nichols. Vote was unanimous.
Leslie Nichols made a motion for a vote of commendation for the work done on the Historical work, seconded by LeRoy Nichols. Commendation was unanimous.
Leslie Nichols made a commendation also to Elsie Nichols, Louise Danforth and Donald Nichols for getting things ready for the Reunion. Vote on commendation was unanimous.
Motion by Esther Nichols that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Florence Stanley.
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Sharlene Reynolds (Florence 2nd)

The 26th Annual Nichols Reunion will be held July 21-22.
Business meeting: 7:30 Saturday
Clam Steam and Chicken Barbeque: 12:30 – 1:00 Sunday
For both occasions bring you own beverages (for adults and children). Bring your own table settings Sunday.
If you know positively that you will not be coming, please notify Elsie. Notification could cut the cost somewhat. If you prefer, please come with you own lunch or after you own meal.
Because of the high price of clams it has been decided to charge extra for those eating clams.
Purchasing: Elsie
Chicken: Donald and Jean
Barbeque: Roy, Derwin, Merwin (Roy 2nd), Keith (Louise-Beth 2nd), Russ (Louise 2nd)
Steam: Nelson (Ruth 2nd), Roland, Leslie
Setup: Mike, George (Florence-Sharon 3rd), Harold, Beth (Louise 2nd), Sharon (Florence 2nd)
Clean-up: Scott (Donald 2nd), Joyce N. (Roy-Merwin 2nd), Louise
Nominating: Sandy (Harold) , Jean T. (Ruth-Nelson 2nd), Esther, Judy (Roland 2nd)
The new members of the Nichols family are: Lawrence Myron Danforth, Butch (Louise 2nd) and Kate’s son; Bill White, Kathie Nichols’ (Roland 2nd) husband; and Joshua Paul Nichols-Barrer, Judy (Roland 2nd) and Peter’s son. (Also not mentioned is Steve Scoville, Dianne Nichols’ (Roy-Merwin 3rd) husband.)
Before proceeding further a date for next year’s reunion was discussed. Esther moved that he 1980 Reunion be held July 19-20. Jean Nichols seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Leslie made a motion that the outgoing secretary send the minutes of this meeting to all first and second generation members by September 1979. (This was the directive last year but it wasn’t carried out.) Nelson seconded the motion and it was passed.
It was noted that the family has a new secretary’s notebook – compliments of IBM!
Louise reported that there was no correspondence.
The following committee reports were made:
Memorial: Louise reported that $8 was given for flowers at Christmas and Easter. $10 was sent to the family of Lena Story. A card was sent to Mabel Walsh and fifteen dollars was sent in memory of Stevie (Dorothy-Johann 3rd), to Johann (Dorothy 2nd) and Stew, to be used as they see fit.
Next the family genealogy, prepared by Donald and Louise, was read, in some detail by Louise. (This was despite Roy’s objection. He felt that anyone interested in it would read it at his or her leisure.) The rains began at 8:28, but Louise kept reading until 8:30 when it was decided to move inside.
At 8:33 the meeting was reconvened in the garage, Roy having moved the car without injury to any of the family. Louise resumed the tale of the Nichols clan, finishing at 8:43. Don then stated that Louise is going to write a story. Keith (Louise-Beth 2nd) suggested that we wait for the paperback but Don said the family would buy the hard cover edition.
It was brought to the group’s attention that this fall at Harold and Jane’s fortieth wedding anniversary. Since they weren’t present, Louise said we couldn’t celebrate. Merwin (Roy 2nd) asked why not! Esther reminded the brothers and sisters that $40 would be collected at the barbeque for Harold and Jane.
At this point the treasurer’s report was presented. (It was made at this time because of the treasurer’s late arrival.) The treasurer’s report was the briefest on record and showed a balance of $81.59 after the chickens were paid for. Leslie moved that the treasurer’s report be accepted. Nelson (Ruth 2nd) seconded the motion and it was passed.
The nominating committee presented the following slate of officers:
President – Russ Danforth (Louise 2nd)
Vice President – Dot Alberding
Secretary – Mike Nichols (Roland 2nd)
Treasurer – Merwin Nichols
Corresponding Secretaries – Jane Nichols, Louise Danforth
Esther, having presented the slate moved that the slate be accepted as presented. Donald seconded the motion. The motion carried with a single objection from next year’s president. Roy made a motion and Donald seconded it, that the secretary cast one ballot in favor of the slate. The motion carried. Louise requested that someone move that one person not be allowed – or forced? – to hold two offices in the same year. No volunteers…
Under new business Leslie brought up the subject of clams. He reported that last year there were clams left over (contrary to what some people thought). He stated that this year’s clams had increased in price and decreased in quality. Esther suggested that next year a half bushel be purchased and all the clams steamed. Objections came from the raw clam eaters. Keith (Louise-Beth 2nd) suggested that the Maryland folks bring the clams up, but that has apparently been tried without success. Keith then moved that we not have clams next year if the price breaks a certain barrier. After some discussion that motion was amended to state that if the price exceeds $65/bushel (meaning an increase greater than the 7% allowed under President Carter’s guidelines), then only 1/2 bushel would be purchased and all of the clams steamed. Donald then suggested an amendment that would eliminate the requirement that all of the clams be steamed. Leslie seconded the amendment. In the discussion that followed Nelson (Ruth 2nd) suggested that if we eliminate the clams covered dishes could be brought instead. The amendment was voted on and passed unanimously. Keith then proposed a second amendment no more than 1/2 bushel of the clams purchased will be served raw. Leslie seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The result: there will be clams next year but only 1/2 bushel if the price is too high: not more than 1/2 of the total number of clams purchased will be served raw.
The members were reminded of the clam steam at Donald’s on Sunday about 12:30 – 1:00
Louise made a request for material for the family history.
Esther made a motion, and Donald seconded it, that the corresponding secretary (i.e. Louise) be commended for the job she did keeping people for out-of-town informed. The motion passed.
Merwin moved that the meeting be adjourned. Keith seconded it. The meeting was adjourned at 9:14.
Following the meeting everyone enjoyed Leslie’s slides of California, Jean’s old reunion slides, and Judy (Roland 2nd) and Peter’s slides of Africa.
Beth Meyer (Louise 2nd), Secretary

The 27th Annual Nichols Reunion will be held July 19 – 20.
Business Meeting; 7:30 Saturday Nite
Clam Steam and Chicken Barbeque: 12:30 – ? Sunday
Bring your own beverages both days. Bring table settings for Sunday.
Because of the continuing high price of clams, we will have to charge extra for those eating clams. Sorry!
If you know that you will not be able to make it, please notify Elsie as this could hold our costs down somewhat. Feel free to bring you own lunch or come after the meal on Sunday. The more the merrier!
Procurement: Elsie, Donald and Jean
Setup: Judy (Roland 2nd), Peter (Roland-Judy 2nd), Beth (Louise 2nd) and Keith (Louise-Beth 2nd)
Barbeque: Dorothy, Derwin, Roy, Merwin (Roy 2nd), and Ernie (Louise 2nd)
Clam Steam: Leslie, Esther, Harold, Nelson, and Roland
Cleanup: George (Florence-Sharon 3rd), David (Roy, Merwin 3rd), Michael D (Donald, Claire 3rd), Sheila (Donald 2nd), and Steve (Donald-Sheila 2nd)
Anyone else who would like of help will be more than welcome. See you there!
The 27th Annual Business Meeting of the Nichols Family was conducted at the home of Roy and Elsie on July 19th, 1980. Russ (Louise 2nd) called the meeting to order (?) at 7:50, twenty minutes late pending the arrival of the treasurer who had still not arrived. The previous business meeting’s minutes were read by the Secretary. Jean moved that they be accepted and Kate (Louise-Butch 2nd) seconded. Motion passed. Donald moved that note be made of the exemplary quality of the minutes and Leslie seconded. Motion passed.
A quick check by the President and Secretary revealed no new members to be acknowledged. Hamish (Harold-Sandy 3rd) can tell you how quick it was.
At this time discussion arose as to the date to be set for next year’s reunion. Leslie suggested the third week in July; however, Dorothy pointed out that sweet corn would be more available later. Esther moved for the date to be the 18th and 19th of July, but then removed (unmoved?). Jean made the motion to hold the 1981 Reunion on the 25th and 26th of July, seconded by Harold and passed.
Next order of business was extensive committee reports:
Correspondence: No report
Genealogy: Dorothy brought the genealogies for the first and second generation members from Sharlene (Florence 2nd). Harold moved that the secretary update the genealogy at the barbecue and pass changes along to everyone else. Beth amended the motion to state that the secretary should send the revisions and additions along with the minutes. Esther seconded the amended motion which was passed
Treasurer – A brief rundown of expenditures was presented. Service charge: $0.40 Elsie for reunion expenses: $150 Chicken $34 Flowers: $15 Les requested specifics on the flowers. Louise indicated they were for altar flowers, then remembered they only cost $13 Louise owes $2. Treasurer stated the balance to be $86.02. Jean moved the report be accepted, Kate seconded, motion passed. Report accepted.
Nominating – The President read the slate of officers:
President – Dorothy
Vice President- Harold
Secretary – Barb
Treasurer – Merwin (Roy 2nd);
Corresponding Secretaries; Louise and Jane.
Ernie (Louise 2nd) moved they be accepted, Beth (Louise 2nd) seconded, motion passed.
Under old business the issue of clams was brought up. Due to the length of the discussion last year and the inability to decipher my notes this year; suffice it to say that the problem will be left to those who are involved with purchasing and cleaning the clams as, it seems, has been done in the past.
The only new business for the evening was for Les to take the opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to his retirement gift, the History of Washington County, which he enjoyed immensely.
At 8:30 Jean made the motion that the meeting be adjourned. Kate seconded and the motion was passed. Meeting adjourned. Entertainment was provided by Leslie with slides.
Mike Nichols (Roland 2nd), Secretary

The 28th Annual Nichols Reunion will be held July 25-26, 1981 at Forest Ridge Farm. Business meeting: 7:30 Saturday nite at Elsie’s (?) Clam barbecue and chicken steam: 1:00 Sunday
Bring your own beverages both days. Bring table settings for Sunday. Because of the high price of clams, those eating them will probably be charged extra on their dinner. Please let Elsie know whether or not you are coming. Feel free to bring you own lunch or come after the meal on Sunday.
Procurement: Chairperson – Elsie; Everyone else – Jean
Setup: Chairperson – Esther; Gofers – Stew, Mike, Jane, Sheila
Clam Steam – Chairperson – Les: Steamers – Harold, Nelson, Donald
Chicken barbecue: Chairperson – Derwin; Fire fighters – Dot, Roy, Merwin, Steve
Clean up: Chairperson: Scott (who else?); The dirty dozen minus eight – Charles, Russ, Ken, David
All others present are subject to draft by the Chairpersons of the above committees.
Officers for 1981 – 82:
President – Harold
Vice President – Joyce Ritter (Roy 2nd)
Secretary – Merle (Leslie 2nd)
Treasurer – Merwin (Roy 2nd)
Corresponding Secretary – Louise and Jane
Memorial – Louise
Hope you can make it!
The minutes of the 1980 meeting were read and accepted.
Welcome to our newest member – James Paul Danforth (Louise-Butch 3rd) who was 12 hours old at 8:12. Also to Ira Patrick Barrer (Roland-Judy 3rd).
The motion was made by Esther and seconded by Beth (Louise 2nd) that the 1982 Reunion be held July 24 and 25. Motion carried.
Historical – Louise reported that the genealogy sheets have been given out. The additions and corrections were sent out with last year’s minutes. Donald and Louise have been visiting cemeteries. They located quite a few Nichols relatives plus some Slocums and Mann’s. She has pictures and has recorded them in the album. One headstone in the cemetery on Moss St. is broken. Our pres. Asked for suggestions as to what could be should be done. Les’ comment – “I could care less.” So – the matter will be tabled until someone wants to do something about it.
Treasurer’s report – The Acting Secretary blew the Treasurers Report so hopefully there is a detailed report on record from the Treasurer of expenditures and advancements for food. The balance on hand at time of the report was $69.55. The motion was made by Roy and seconded by Esther that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted. Motion carried.
Old business – None could be found.
New business – Harold made the motion that a committee of four consisting of Mike Nichols (Roland 2nd), Doris Nichols (Harold 2nd), Dianne Scoville (Roy-Merwin 3rd), and Kalista Hoover (Donald, Sheila 3rd) be appointed to spear head a program for the purpose of getting the 2nd and 3rd generation of relatives better acquainted and that such a committee serve in 1981-1982. After some discussion Les moved to amend the motion that one 1st generation member be on the committee. This is to Harold. Louise seconded the amendment – amendment carried. After more discussion. Louise seconded the amended motion and it was carried.
Sheila (Donald 2nd) made the motion and Louise seconded it that name tags, color coded by generation be worn by one and all during the Reunion activities on Sunday. Motion carried.
The slate of officers for 1982 were presented as follows:
President – Harold
Vice President – Joyce Ritter (Roy 2nd)
Secretary – Merle (Leslie 2nd)
Treasurer – Merwin (Roy 2nd)
Corr. Sec. Louise and Jane
Memorial – Louise
Esther moved that the slate be accepted, Mike (Roland 2nd) seconded it. Motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned to enjoy Les’ presentation of slides of the 1980 Reunion and Derwin and Dot’s 40th Anniversary celebration.
Jane Nichols
Acting Secretary

Come one come all
To the
29th Annual Nichols Reunion
It will be held July 24-25, 1992 at Forest Ridge Farm Business meeting: 7:30 Saturday night (24th) at Roy’s Clam barbeque and Chicken steam: 1:00 Sunday
Bring your own beverages and table settings. There will be an extra charge for those who want to eat clams. Please let Nelson (Ruth 2nd) and/or Jean (Ruth-Nelson 2nd)know whether or not you are coming. Then come anyway. Feel free to bring your own lunch or just come to mingle.
Procurement: Chairpersons – Nelson and Jean
Setup: Chairperson – Roland, gofers, Merle (Leslie 2nd), Butch (Louise 2nd), Jane, Sherry (Dorothy-Johann 3rd), Russ (Louise 2nd)
Clam steam: Chairperson – Donald; Steamers – Harold, Nelson, Donald, Sheila (?) (Donald 2nd)
Chicken barbeque: Chairperson – Derwin; Chickentenders – Dot, Roy, Steve (Donald-Sheila 2nd), Stew (Dorothy-Johann 2nd), Claire (Donald 2nd)
Cleanup: Chairperson – Scott (again?) (Donald 2nd); Cleaneruppers – Charles (Ruth 2nd), Ken (Roland 2nd), Bill (Roland-Kathie 2nd) and Kathie (Roland 2nd), David (Roy-Merwin 3rd)
Get acquainted: Dianne (Roy-Merwin 3rd), Mike (Roland 2nd), Doris (Harold 2nd), Kalista (Donald 2nd), Harold
Since we live in a democracy a volunteer system exists for all the above. (P.S. Chairpersons have the authority to volunteer anyone they might need.)
Officers for 1982-83:
President – Joyce (Roy 2nd)
Vice President – Merle (Leslie 2nd)
Secretary – Esther
Treasurer – Scott (Donald 2nd)
Corresponding Secretary – Louise and Jane
Memorial – Louise
Hope to see you there!!
The 29th Annual Nichols Family Reunion
Business Meeting
The meeting was held at Roy’s on Saturday, July 24, 1982, at 7:30 pm.
Before the meeting came to order, Harold asked for a moment of silence for all those who could not make it to the reunion.
Because of several mistakes caused by the irresponsibility of the President (no names given), the minutes of last year’s meeting, which were supposed to be sent out and never were, were read at this time.
New Additions to the Family:
Lois Cameron (Ruth-Helen Louise 3rd) married Charlie Shortsleeves 9-25-81
Laura Nichols (Donald 2nd) married Richard Stanford 8-1-81
Scott Kinsing (Donald, Pat 3rd) married Lynn 10-17-81
Treasurer’s Report:
To be furnished by Scott (Donald 2nd) for the records.
Harold made a nomination to make Scott Acting Treasurer. Motion carried.
Scott especially wanted it to be made clear that the word “acting” was put in the record. Motion carried.
Nelson (Ruth 2nd) made a motion to allow the Treasurer and President to sign checks (unclear whether that was for all officers or only President and Treasurer).
Historical Committee: Louise (chairperson) reported she needed HELP!! Some ws found. Joyce Ritter volunteered. Louise requested that any who have pictures please send her some pictures for the family album.
Spearhead Committee: Harold (chairperson). Since it was a new idea last year, discussion followed whether or not it should be continued. All felt it was a good idea. The motion carried to use it again next year. Also to change one person from each generation to hear up the committee.
New Business:
Because of the increasing numbers of out-of-towners and few in-towners of first generation, Louise asked all those of the second and third generation to let her know if they can help out with sleeping accommodations.
New Officers 1982-1983:
President – Jane Nichols
Vice President – Merle Nichols (Leslie 2nd)
Secretary – Esther Nichols
“Acting” Treasurer – Scott Nichols (Donald 2nd)
Corresponding Secretaries: Louise and Jane
Memorial: Louise
Spearhead Committee: Dot, Butch (Louise 2nd), Mike (Roland 2nd), Dianne (Roy- Merwin 3rd). Karren (Louise, Beth 3rd)
Next Meeting and Reunion: July 23 & 24 1983
Harold acknowledged the good job done by Nelson and Jean (Ruth-Nelson 2nd) for the preparation of clams and hoped they would carry it on to next year.
Donald and Jean celebrate their 46th anniversary today.
Motion to adjourn carried by all.
Roland and Barb showed films of their trip to England and Ireland after the meeting.
Merle R. Nichols (Leslie 2nd)
1982 Treasurers Report | |
Flowers/Memorials | $37 |
Balance on hand (7-24-82) | $97.16 |
Tardily Submitted 3/31/83 | |
D.Scott Nichols – Treasurer Family Fund | |
Better late than never |

Middle: Jim and Russ
Back Row: Keith, Karen, Beth, Butch and Louise
The 30th Annual Nichols Family Reunion
Gala Weekend
Come one! come all!
Saturday (23rd) Argyle American Legion Hall
4:00 p.m. Reunions in Colored Retrospect
(If you have any colored slides get to Les (at Donald’s) BEFORE 3:00 p.m. Saturday – with date and your name on each, please)
6:00 p.m. Pot Luck Supper
Bring a covered dish for you family plus 25% (to feed the guests, “I forgots” and gluts). Bring eating, drinking, and serving utensils. BYOB Rolls will be provided.
7:30 p.m. Business Meeting
8:15 p.m. More colored slides
Sunday (24th) Forest Ridge Farm
12:30 p.m. Clam steam (and raws if available) and Chicken BBQ
Bring: place settings, drinks; – cash or check to cover costs of chicken, charcoal, rent, ice, etc. BYOB Clam consumers will share the costs equally. Healthy appetite OR Bring your own lunch OR Come when you can.
COMMITTEES (All but Clean up should arrive by 11:30 a.m.)
Procurement: Nelson (Ruth 2nd) and Jean (Ruth-Nelson 2nd)
Set up: Esther and Sons, M J, Claire (Donald 2nd)
Steamer: Les and Nelson, Roland, Harold, Donald
Chicken BBQ: Derwin and Dot, Roy, Steve (Donald-Sheila), Stew (Dorothy-Johann 2nd) and Johann (Dorothy 2nd)
Clean up: Scott (Donald 2nd), Mike (Roland 2nd), Ben (Donald, Pat, 2nd)
Spear Head Committee for 1984: vDot, Butch (Louise 2nd), Sheila (Donald 2nd), Karren (Louise-Beth 3rd), David (Roy- Merwin 3rd)
Nominations for 1984
President – Joyce Ritter (Roy 2nd)
Vice President – Merle Nichols (Leslie 2nd)
Secretary – Esther Nichols
Treasurer – Scott Nichols (Donald 2nd)
Corresponding Secretary – Louise and Jane
Memorial – Louise
Nichols Annual Meeting 1983
23 July 1983
7:45 p.m.
New arrivals – Six infants have arrived during the year. Two marriages were announced
(see attached)
Secretary’s minutes – as presented by Merle (Leslie 2nd) were approved with no needed additions or corrections.
Treasurer’s report – Scott (Donald 2nd) – $87.91 on hand.
Nelson (Ruth 2nd) and Jean (Ruth-Nelson 2nd) were thanked by President Jane for all they had accomplished to make this year’s reunion successful.
Memorial Fund – Louise reported there is $60.00. There were floral arrangements in church on Christmas and Easter in memory of Dad and Mother. Flowers were sent to the memorial services of Sara McNeil, Bessie Reid and Tex Ritter (Roy-Joyce 2nd)
Historical Committee – pictures have been contributed of family and last year’s reunion. Albums are on hand and will be available on Sunday.
Old Business –
Picnic tables – Roland raised the issue of the need of permanent tables. He suggested that the host, who is retired and therefore with so much time on hand, could pursue such a project. We would as family pay up to $50.00 – if Donald would use time and funds constructively. For help there could be Harold, who is retired. After thirty years the tables might be considered more than temporary. Louise volunteered the use of a saw, and suggested that this could be an on-going project. There was a minority opposition. A motion stated that those so inclined and who feel so endowed may contribute to a picnic table fund. Ernest (Louise 2nd) seconded and the motion carried.
Acquisition of Land –
a permanent sight for the reunions – Merle opened a discussion with the suggestion that land might be purchased from Donald. Louise voiced her concern for the expense of a deed and of incorporation, and offered her berry patch. Merle proposed a committee to investigate the feasibility of the Nichols Family’s acquiring land a permanent sight for reunions. Mak (Leslie 2nd) seconded. Motion carried without opposition. Roland offered to consult with Bill White (Roland- Kathie 2nd) regarding legal involvement. Roland will serve as chair of the committee.
Third Weekend in July – Les made a motion that the reunion next year be held 21-22 July. Louise seconded and motion carried.
Nominating Committee – Louise made a motion to accept as presented and that the secretary record a unanimous approval of the ballot. Les seconded and the motion carried. (See attached)
Spearhead Committee – Definition was discussed. Responsibilities include activities, name tags with generation symbols, pictures of complete families. Harold moved, the motion was duly seconded and carried.
Chicken purchase – Nelson and Jean and Donald were commended on the good buy on chickens.
Charcoal – Roy procured the charcoal at a discount price.
Family tree – Mak suggested a family tree be recorded in an album. Each family of brothers and sisters could provide the pictures of that family. Louise would set up another album. Roland expressed thanks for hearing from the next generation with this sentiment. Donald asked Les to take family pictures. He remarked that two of the families are all attending this year (except Shawn’s family (of Les’ family) who are in California.)
Joyce Ritter (Roy 2nd) arrived to applause
Adjournment – Jean moved and the President adjourned the meeting at 8:50.
Jane thanked Les for the pictures presented of thirty-one years of reunions. A covered dish dinner preceded the business meeting. (‘Twas Fabulous!)
1982 New Arrivals
Jamison Steele – August (Harold-Sandy 3rd)
Teresa Danforth – October (Louise-Butch 3rd)
Nicholas Roland White – May (Roland-Kathie 3rd)
Nicholis Tominski – October (Florence-Sharon-Nancy 4th)
Jerrianne Sumner Moses – (Ruth-Martha-??? 4th)
Daughter – (Ruth-Barbara-Nancy 4th)
Linda and George Lasher (Florence-Sharon 3rd)
Chris Bloch and Kalista (Donald 2nd)
Nominations for 1984
President – Joyce Ritter (Roy 2nd)
Vice President – Merle Nichols (Leslie 2nd)
Secretary – Esther Nichols
Treasurer – Scott Nichols (Donald 2nd)
Corresponding Secretary – Louise and Jane
Memorial – Louise
Spear Head Committee 1984
Dot, Butch (Louise 2nd), Sheila (Donald 2nd), Karren (Louise-Beth 3rd), David (Roy-Merwin 3rd)
Committee for Clam Steam 1983
Procurement: Nelson (Ruth 2nd) and Jean (Ruth-Nelson 2nd)
Set up: Esther and Sons, M J, Claire (Donald 2nd)
Steamer: Les and Nelson, Roland, Harold, Donald
Chicken BBQ: Derwin and Dot, Roy, Steve (Donald-Sheila), Stew (Dorothy-Johann 2nd) and Johann (Dorothy 2nd)
Clean up: Scott (Donald 2nd), Mike (Roland 2nd), Ben (Donald, Pat, 2nd), Russ (Louise 2nd)
All unnamed persons are subject to draft by any Chair.

21 July 1984
The minutes of the 1983 Annual Meeting were approved. Scott (Donald 2nd) presented his Treasurer’s Report. $403.00 on hand. Owed $362.60. The report, in the black, was approved. The Memorial Fund had expended $10 for altar flowers for Christmas and Easter.
“The same old tables”, said Don of the old business item. $65 is on hand for picnic tables. Les raised the question of an estimated cost. $40-$50, Don suggested. Three to four tables are needed. Tubular steel folding legs are available. ($15.00) Sheila (Donald 2nd) would have an available set of legs. Louise reminded that benches are necessary. Donald and Harold with a committee would be responsible for two tables for ’85. Karren (Louise- Beth 3rd) seconded and the motion was carried.
In regard to land acquisition, Roland reported that he had consulted a lawyer Bill (Roland- Kathie 2nd) who suggested acquiring land for a “charitable purpose”, “land in trust”, or “not for profit”. A New York State lawyer could give concrete opinions. Les suggested that the expense was not necessary for use for only once a year. A site would be available at Hulett’s Landing in Washington County for the clam steam, Nelson (Ruth 2nd) suggested. Sheila offered that the local families would need to care for such a property. Harold moved that the land acquisition be tabled indefinitely. Seconded and passed.
Albums set up by families, as Ruth had initiated, do need to be updated. Louise also reminded that there are letters to be read in the memorabilia and asked that treasured ones, i.e. Mother’s handwriting, not be misplaced. Les suggested that each member submit their resume, and that each family who has a reunion, send a report to Louise. Sandy (Harold 2nd) suggested a family newsletter. A word processor was suggested; Roland would edit ; Sandy would reproduce and send to each family.
As New Business Steve Hoover (Donald-Sheila 2nd) reported for the Historical Committee, a trip on 30 April to the 350th Anniversary of Ipswich, Mass. As the descendent of a resident, Sheila signed a record to be in a time capsule. Enthusiastic applause was given the report.
The Nominating Committee was approved by the members� vote. The President suggested a committee for those Saturday evening meetings, including arranging for the hall. Ernest (Louise 2nd) moved, Harold seconded, that the weekend, 20-21 July 1985 would be the date for the next reunion. Motion passed.
Les moved, Harold seconded, a motion for the acquisition of a Johnny-on-the-spot. Discussion determined the cost would be $75. Motion failed.
Jane moved. Karren seconded adjournment.
Officers 1985
President – Merle R. Nichols (Leslie 2nd)
Vice President – Esther Nichols
Secretary – Beth Meyer (Louise 2nd)
Treasurer – Scott (Donald 2nd)
Corresponding Secs – Louise and Jane
Memorial – Louise
Saturday Evening Committee 1985
Setup: Esther, Mike (Roland 2nd)
Reserve Hall – Louise
Clean up: David, Ken (Roland 2nd)
Spearhead Committee
Chair – Roland
Ralph Nichols (Leslie 2nd)
Sheila Hoover (Donald 2nd)
Lois Shortsleeves (Ruth-Helen Louise 3rd)
David Nichols (Roy-Merwin 3rd)
Clam Steam 1985
Procurement: Nelson and Jean
Setup: Esther and sons, MJ, George
(Florence, Sharon 3rd) Chicken: Derwin and Dot, Roy, Steve, Sheila, Stew, Johann
Clean up: Scott, Mike, Russ, Ben (Donald, Pat, 3rd)
Happy New Year!
Saturday July 24, 1984 Attendance
Arranged by Family
Nelson and Jean (2nd)
Roy, Joyce (2nd), and David (Roy-Merwin 3rd)
Sharon – George (3rd), Linda (George 3rd), Megan (Florence-Sharon-George 4th), Nancy (3rd)
Nichalis (Florence-Sharon-Nancy 4th), Buddy (3rd)
Donald and Jean, Steve and Sheila (2nd) Kalista (Donald-Sheila 3rd) Laura (2nd) Amanda
Louise, Beth and Keith (2nd) Karren (Louise-Beth 3rd), Butch and Kate (2nd) Larry, Jimmy and Teresa (Louise-Butch 3rd), Russ and Patty (friend)
Leslie and Esther, Ralph and Mary Jane (2nd)
Harold and Jane, Sandy, Andrew, Heather, Maggie, Hamish, Jamison (Harold, Sandy 3rd) Karren and Doug (Harold-Sandy 3rd) Denise (2nd)
Dorothy and Derwin
Roland and Barb, Judy and Peter (2nd) Joshua, Ira (Roland-Judy 3rd) Ken (2nd), Mike (2nd), Kathie and Bill (2nd) Nicholas (Roland-Kathie 3rd)

Arranged by Family
Helen Louise (2nd), Lois, Dawn, Janet (Ruth-Helen Louise 3rd), Kevin and Alison (Ruth-Helen Louise-Janet 4th), Barbara and Bill (2nd) Nancy and Keith (Ruth-Barbara 3rd) Zachary (Ruth- Barbara-Nancy 4th), Martha and Dick (2nd), Nelson and Jean (2nd), Chuck and Bea (2nd), Angela (Ruth-Chuck 3rd)
Roy, Joyce (2nd) David (Roy-Merwin 3rd)
Florence, Sharon (2nd), George and Linda (Florence-Sharon 3rd), Megan (Florence-Sharon- George 4th), Nancy and Joe (Florence-Sharon 3rd) Nichalis (Florence-Sharon-Nancy 4th), Buddy (Florence-Sharon 3rd)
Donald and Jean, Pat and Paul (2nd), Reese Paul and Lisa (Donald-Pat 3rd), Cara (Donald-Pat 3rd), Claire (2nd) Shana (Donald-Claire 3rd), Sheila and Steve (2nd), Kalista (Donald-Sheila 3rd) Kalista and Chris (2nd) Amy (Donald-Kalista 3rd) Rob (?), Scott and Melissa (2nd) Candy and Darcy (Donald-Scott via Melissa 3rd), Laura (Donald 2nd), Amanda (Donald-Laura 3rd) plus a friend of Candy and Darcy
Louise, Beth and Keith (2nd), Karren (Louise-Beth 3rd), Butch and Kate (Louise 2nd), Larry, Jimmy, and Teresa (Louise-Butch 3rd), Jim (2nd), Russ (2nd) and Patty (friend)
Leslie and Esther, Ralph and Mary Jane (2nd)
Harold and Jane, Sandy, Andrew, Heather, Maggie, Hamish, Jamison (Harold, Sandy 3rd) Karren and Doug (Harold-Sandy 3rd) Denise (2nd)
Dorothy and Derwin
Roland and Barb, Judy and Peter (2nd) Joshua, Ira (Roland-Judy 3rd) Ken (2nd), Mike (2nd), Kathie and Bill (2nd) Nicholas (Roland-Kathie 3rd)
94 family members one of the largest ever

Nichols Family Reunion Meeting
The minutes of the 1984 annual meeting were read by Secretary Beth Meyer (Louise 2nd) with an interpretation by her daughter Karren (“Mommy, are you teaching these people?”). The minutes were amended to state that the picnic table fund had $115.50 instead of $65.00 available. The minutes were approved as amended – following a suggestion by Leslie that the Vice President (Esther) move up to the front table with the other officers if she wanted to continue instructing the President on how to conduct the meeting.
The treasurer, Scott Nichols (Donald 2nd) prefaced his report with the statement “I am not a crook.” Balance on Hand is $514.14 – before paying 1985 Reunion expenses. $187.50 is available for picnic tables; $171.44 was the cost of 4 tables. Harold moved that the cochairmen of the picnic table committee (He and Donald) spit the unspent money; there was no second! The treasurer’s report was accepted as read.
The Memorial Fund spent $10 for Christmas and Easter altar flowers, Louise reported. She then asked the members if they wished to continue giving money for altar flowers on both holidays. Roland suggested a $20 donation once a year – on Minnie’s birthday or Ransom and Minnie’s wedding anniversary perhaps. Leslie moved that a more useful and permanent commemoration of Ransom and Minnie Nichols be made in lieu of lowers and that the President appoint a committee to determine a suitable memorial. Joyce seconded the motion. It passed.
The Historical Committee report was given by Louise. She said that no pictures of the 1984 Reunion had been received for inclusion in the album. Steve Hoover (Donald-Sheila 2nd) has made copies of the Nichols and Whittemore genealogy records. A copy can be made available to anyone who is interested.
Harold made a report on the picnic tables. Four tables have been made but not stained. He recommended that the table fund be continued. Nelson (Ruth 2nd) moved that money for maintenance come out of the general fund and that the money be collected as part of the cost of the Sunday dinner. Sandy (Harold 2nd) seconded the motion; it was passed.
Sandy reported that a Nichols Family newsletter was written and distributed to family members. Sandy stated that it cost about $0.25 a copy and that it was a lot of work. Although she enjoyed it she wondered if anyone else did. Leslie moved that we give a vote of confindence to Sandy and Roland. It passed unanimously. After considerable discussion it was decided to continue the newsletter, to make copies for members of the first and second generations and older third generation members. Heads of each family will be responsible for getting together reports for their families. Copies will be distributed to the family heads, along with a bill, reflecting the cost of the newsletter.
Esther moved, Sharon seconded a motion that the weekend, July 19-20, 1986, be the date of the next reunion. Motion passed.
The following slate of officers was presented and approved for the 1985-86 Reunion:
President – Esther Nichols
Vice President – Beth Meyer
Secretary – Jean Nichols
Treasurer – Scott Nichols
Corresponding Secretaries – Louise and Jane
Memorial – Louise
The Spearhead Committee was named as follows:
Chairperson – Roy
2nd generation – Sharon (Florence), Ralph (Leslie)
3rd generation – Andrew (Harold-Sandy),Lois (Ruth-Helen Louise)
Jean Nichols moved, Sharon seconded adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30.
Following the business meeting everyone enjoyed Leslie’s slides.
Beth Meyer

The Business Meeting of the 34th Annual Nichols Reunion was called to order by President Pro Tem Jean Rosbrook Nichols at 8 PM at the Argyle American Legion following a Pot Luck Dinner.
The minutes of the July 19, 1986 meeting were read by Secretary Sandra Nichols Steele (Harold 2nd). Ernest (Butch Louise 2nd) to all of use who can never remember his name) Danforth requested that Beth�s name be corrected to read Beth Danforth Meyer (Louise 2nd). The minutes were approved as corrected.
Treasurer D. Scott Nichols (Donald 2nd) reported a balance of $445.54. All bills that he has received have been paid.
Historian Louise Nichols Danforth read the introduction by Joyce Ritter (Roy 2nd) to the First Draft of the History written by Louise. Joyce has this on her computer so she can update and add to it. All family members who remember Ransom and Minnie Nichols are requested to read this history and contribute any facts, memories, or other printable items of interest to be included. (I am sure Joyce will accept any stories, or recollections from any family member who may wish to contribute.) Louise will have copies of this history available for any interested family members at $3.00 per copy. Joyce also made copies of the Nichols Genealogy. Each of the nine families is to get a copy (for a small donation of $2.00 to cover the costs) and they can make copies for other family members.
A motion was made and approved for commendation to Louise Nichols Danforth and Joyce Nichols Ritter for the many hours of work that have gone into this project.
Louise Nichols Danforth reports that $10 was given to CARE at Christmas and again at Easter. Also $20 was paid to CROP to Church World Services for 10 miles walked by Barbara Foss Nichols. $2.00 per kilometer will be pledged this year for the CROP walk.
NEWSLETTER REPORT: Only Johann Alberding Mead (Dorothy 2nd) sent a contribution to Sandy Nichols Steele (Harold 2nd) for the 1986-87 newsletter, therefore, no newsletter. If has been suggested that each of the nine families select someone to send news of that family to Sandy Nichols Steele by January 10, 1988 for this year�s newsletter. Minutes are to be mailed out prior to that so everyone knows about it in advance.
(WHO ARE YOU?) There seems to be some confusion as to who is on this committee. Harold Nichols seemed to feel it was the current officers. Therefore, after a brief conference the following slate was recommended:
President: Beth Danforth Meyer (Since she was unable to attend this year)
Vice President: Sandra Nichols Steele
Secretary: David Nichols (Roy-Merwin 3rd)
Treasurer: D. Scott Nichols
A motion was made and seconded and approved to cast one ballot for this slate as offered.
Family Roster:
Louise Nichols Danforth will get changes of addresses and forward them to Beth Danforth Meyer to update Roster. Copies of updated Roster are to e sent to Sandy Nichols Steele of Newsletter and David Nichols for Reunion announcement.
Motion was made, seconded and approved to hold the 1988 reunion July 16th and 17th, 1988.
Laura Nichols Stanford volunteered to head the spearhead committee for the 1988 reunion.
New members for the year:
Rhue Asa Nichols – Son of Doris (Harold 2nd) and Merle Nichols (Leslie 2nd) Calista Lenore Kintzing – Daughter of Scott (Donald-Pat 3rd) and Lynn Andrew William White – Son of Kathie Nichols (Roland 2nd) and Bill White
Mary Reilly to Ken Nichols (Roland 2nd)
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 P.M. and followed by slides taken by Leslie Nichols.
Sandy Nichols Steele
Secretary 1986-1987

Meeting was called to order by President Beth (Louise 2nd) at 7:35 p.m.
Reading of the minutes, Since the minutes were unavailable, a motion was made by Russ (Louise 2nd) to accept the minutes in absentia. The motion was seconded and passed by a majority.
Treasurer’s Report: Scott reported a current balance of $520.11. He implied that in all probability that the balance would change within the next 24 hours. Our treasurer also suggested a possible change should be made, of an inflationary manner, from the current dues of $1.50 annually. Harold moved that the report be accepted. It was seconded and passed.
Ye Olde Business: There was none.
Ye Newe Business: There wasn’t none.
Re: dues. Motion was made by Esther to raise the dues to $3.00 annually. After some discussion the motion was withdrawn. Merle (Leslie 2nd) made a motion to raise the dues to $2.00. He also withdrew his motion. Most of the commotion about the aforementioned motions centered around the fact that most of the dues were being paid only by those that attended the reunion. Since dues are used to cover such costs as postage, memorial contributions, new quills for the treasurer, etc, all family members should be expected to carry the inflationary burden. The cost of the reunion dinner is calculated each year and paid for by those attending and therefore has no impact on the dues collected. It was then suggested that all family members not attending the reunion should forward the dues to the treasurer to cover the aforementioned expenses. Laura (Donald 2nd) made a motion that the family be notified via the newsletter that dues should be paid whether attending the reunion or not. The motion was amended to state that the dues were to be raised to $2.00 annually. It was seconded and passed.
Historical Committee Report:
A request was made for any pictures of the 1953 Reunion. Family newsletter copies were available from Sandy (Harold 2nd) for $0.50 donation to cover costs.
Nominations for the slate of new officers:
Sandy – president
David (Roy-Merwin 3rd) – Vice President
Katie (Louise-Butch 2nd) – Secretary
Scott – Treasurer.
Harold motioned for nominations to be closed. Seconded and passed
Further New Business: Donations of $1.00 will be graciously accepted for the professional babysitting services provided at the meeting tonight.
Spearhead Committee: Laura (Donald 2nd), Donald, Ernie (that’s Butch to some) and Dianne (Roy-Merwin 3rd) are to at least see if we can get those members attending the reunion ‘tagged’.
Oral update to the Newsletter followed, presented by all those who had news to tell.
Motion to adjourn was made at 8:33 p.m. Seconded and passed.
Dave (Roy-Merwin 3rd)

Mid: Tracey, Florence, Sharon, Nancy T.
Front: Chris’ son, Friend, Nicalis T, Calista T

JULY 15, 1989
1. Meeting was called to order by Sandy Steele at 7:35.
2. Opening prayer by Harold Nichols.
3. Reading of minutes (passed out tonight by David (Roy-Merwin 3rd), he had no excuse for the lateness of the minutes). Motion to accept Esther/Beth (Louise 2nd). Unanimous.
4. Treasurer’s report
Scott Nichols (Donald 2nd) reported: no dues came in the mail.
Balance $678.87
Bills $105.00
Historical $(57.00)
In 1988 44 paid dues (at $1.50 per), 59 ate dinner. Motion to accept report – Sharon (Florence 2nd)/ Lois (Ruth-Helen Louise 3rd). unanimous.
5. New Business:
a. Memorial Committee suggested we stop sending flowers, as most of old neighbors are gone. See that heads of families are notified of deaths of cousins to handle as they want. Motion to disband the memorial committee and have the treasurer send money to CARE at Christmas and Easter. Keith (Louise-Beth 2nd)/Esther. Unanimous
b. Minutes: when should they be sent out? Motion made to have minutes out by September 1 (obviously I didn’t make it – impeach me – sec) and notice sent out by May 1 (it is April 30 as I am typing this – sec) – Butch (Louise 2nd) / Esther one opposed (Beth)
c. New address list is available. Some corrections are on a master list; if there are any more let Beth and Keith know. Special thanks to Beth and Keith for compiling the list.
d. When the notice of the reunion goes out, mention of dues will be included (dues to be sent to Scott Nichols – $1.50 each). The dues year is July to July.
e. Where is the secretary’s book? Sandy (Harold 2nd) has it (and has forgotten it for two years). Motion to chain the book to Sandy. Withdrawn. (note: The book was sent to me right after Jane and Harold’s 50th anniversary bash – sec)
f. Reunion date 1990: July 21,22 – Esther / Beth – unanimous
g. Additions to the family:
9/16/88 Joel Donavan Danforth (Russ and Gail) Louise
3/14/89 Margaret Louise Lasher (George and Linda) Florence-Sharon
5/17/89 Benjamin Eric Walker (Myrna and Bob) Harold-Sandy
1/23/89 Travis Gene Stanford (Laura and Richard) Donald
Lillian Jean Dubiel (Kalista and Bill) Donald-Sheila
6/13/88 Sean Brendan Whittemore Nichols (Ken and Mary) Roland
h. The cemetery plots in Hudson Falls are not under perpetual care. The care is not very good and we are paying $30 per year for care. Motion to have the treasurer investigate (what are we paying for?). Butch (Louise 2nd) / Louise. Amendment to say: The treasurer is empowered to appoint a committee to investigate. Keith/Esther. One opposed – Beth (the meeting got a little out of hand here – sec) The original motion was passed unanimously (somehow – I guess we have the treasurer and a committee investigating)
i. Gail (Louise-Russ 2nd) suggested we fill a time capsule next year to be passed down through generations and opened in 100 years. Doris (Harold 2nd) thinks it is a good idea (and they became the time capsule committee) and Gail should be in charge. Doris and Gail suggested we bring pictures and memorabilia to 1990 reunion. Motion: Gail and Doris will be inc charge of Time Capsule. Jane/Butch unanimous.
j. September 30, 1989, 50th Anniversary celebration (Harold and Jane). Open house in Cleveland, N.Y. Invitations will be sent to first generation – please extend to the rest of the family.
End of new business (Finally!!)
6. Historical Committee
a.Committee could use some pictures of 1989 reunion for the book.
b. Doris requested a biography of first generation – resume style. Donald was assigned to do Ransom and Minnie. Families of deceased first generation member are asked to do the best that they can. Please bring to 1990 reunion. Joyce N. will forward an application – type form (I’m not sure to whom – sec). Harold/Lois
7.Nominating Committee
Ballot from the nominating committee:
President – David (Roy-Merwin 3rd)
Vice President – Kate (Louise-Butch 2nd)
Secretary – Nancy (Florence-Sharon 3rd)
Treasurer – Scott (Donald 2nd)
Motion to close nominations and cast one ballot. Harold/Les. Unanimous
1. Donations for babysitter are being accepted ($1.00)
2. David will bring name tags for the Spearhead committee for the 1989 Committee for next year is; Esther, Sharon, Lois
3. Newsletter; nothing came in this year (1988-89) Please send 1/2 page of into to Sandy by 1/1/90
4. Argyle Emergency Squad received $405 in memory of Jean Nichols. Donation was made to Argyle Village Improvement Association
Motion to adjourn at 8:45 Beth/Sharon unanimous.

Front: Cara, Kira, Donald, Sheila, Lyn, Pat, Claire

Mid: Tracey, Calista, Nicalis, Sharlene, Florence and Sharon
Front: Linda, Megan, Margaret and George

Front: Lois and Janet

Date is set for the reunion July 21/22, 1990. Business meeting to commence at the Argyle Methodist Church at 6 p.m. with a pot luck dinner. Official business meeting around 7-ish.
Steam and BBQ at the farm will begin early Sunday morning. 1st and 2nd generation committee members know who you are, all others subject to conscription.
Dinner will be served at noon thanks to the flawless coordination and timing of the Steam and BBQ crews.
Dues should be submitted to the treasurer whether you can attend or not. This helps keep funds in the treasury for mailings, memorial contributions and the like. Dues were to be raised from $1.50 to $2.00 annually (as per motion passed at our 1988 business meeting.) Please forward your dues to Treasurer Scott (R.D. # 1 Fort Edward, N.Y. 12828)
Hope to see you all there.
Family dues were upped to $2.00 as of July 1990. People should send their dues to Donald Nichols.
The secretary should get the minutes and current mailing listing out on time.
We should finish collecting Biography’s this year.
We talked about who will pass the capsule.
Aunt Louise proposed we should go from annual care at the cemetery to perpetual care. Doing this would save us money. Uncle Harold agreed perpetual care is the way to go. Aunt Dot will pay, but will it be easy for all? Butch (Louise 2nd) proposes the treasurer collects at July 1990 reunion to pay for perpetual care and voluntary donations to pay off perpetual care.
Aunt Esther move each year having paid cemetery perpetual care equity sent to a cause like CARE or another worthy cause. Uncle Harold opposes.
It was decided that each year we will decide where cemetery money will go.
The 1991 reunion will be held on the 20th and 21st of July.
Elected were:
President – Kate (Louise-Butch 2nd);
Vice President – Nancy(Florence-Sharon 3rd);
Treasurer – Scott (Donald 2nd);
Secretary – Ben Kinsing (Donald-Pat 3rd)
New additions to the family were:
Christina Cretelle (Florence-Sharlene-Tracy 4th)
Nathan John Tyminski (Florence-Sharon-Nancy 4th)
Aaron Elizabeth Kinsing (Donald-Pat- ??? 4th)
Benjamin Walker – (Harold-Sandy-Myrna 4th)
Proposal: we should have a committee to cook

Front: Nathan, Calista, Kevin, Nichalis
to the
Saturday July 20
Clam Cleaning: Larry, Jim, Teresa (Louise-Butch 3rd), Russ (Louise 2nd)
Pot Luck Dinner
Bring a dish to pass Bring your own table service and beverage
Sunday July 21
Forest Ridge Farm (Uncle Donald’s) 12:30 Dinner
Sat evening setup: Butch (Louise 2nd), Louise, Karren M. (Louise-Beth 3rd), Joanne (Dorothy 2nd)
Sat evening cleanup: everyone who is there
Sunday setup: Mike (Roland 2nd), David (Roy-Merwin 3rd), Ben (Donald-Pat 3rd), Beth (Louise 2nd)
Clam steam: Les, Nelson (Ruth 2nd), Harold, Mike (Roland 2nd)
BBQ chicken: Steve (Donald-Sheila 2nd), Derwin, Stew (Dorothy-Johann 2nd), Keith (Louise-Beth 2nd), Dot
Sunday clean up: Kate (Louise-Butch 2nd), Jane, Sharon (Florence 2nd), All Children
See you there

39th (Actually 40th) Annual Nichols Family Reunion
When: July 19, 1992- 11:00 a.m. til ???
Where: Forest Ridge Farm (Donald Nichols Residence)
Business Meeting will be held the evening of July 18th at Sheridan hall in the Argyle Methodist Church at 6:00 P.M. with the usual pot luck supper. Acknowledgement of Leslie and Esther’s 50th Wedding Anniversary will be a part of the evening.
The following is a list of committees for the activities of the weekend:
Picnic Table Rehabilitation Committee:
Rich Stanford
David Nichols
Saturday Evening:
Set up: Joyce Ritter, Russ Danforth
Clean up: All in attendance
Sunday Set up:
Nancy Tyminski
Lois and Charlie Shortsleeves
Kate Danforth
Ernie Danforth
Jim Danforth
Steamer Committee:
Mike Nichols
Merle Nichols
David Nichols
Russ Danforth
Honorary Supervisors:
Leslie Nichols
Harold Nichols
Barbeque Committee:
Steve Hoover
Joe Tyminski
Keith Meyer
Rich Stanford
Steve Scoville
Honorary Supervisor:
Derwin Alberding
Clean up Committee:
Martha Sumner
Joyce Ritter
Joyce Nichols
Sharon Lasher
Anyone in attendance may be drafted
Procurement Committee:
Russ and Gail Danforth
Rich and Amanda Stanford
Honorary Chairpersons:
Nelson and Jean Tilford
Preparation Committee: (Pickles, BBQ sauce, Marshmallows, etc)
Sharlene Reynolds
Beth Meyer
Gail Danforth
Dianne Scoville
Spearhead and Entertainment Committee:
Kalista Bloch
Gail Danforth
Laura Nichols-Stanford

Dear Nicholses, In-Laws, Out-Laws, Friends and whomever I may have forgotten:
Here are the minutes for the BUSINESS MEETING OF THE NICHOLS FAMILY ASSOCIATION, held at the Argyle, NY American Legion on July 17, 1993.
The meeting was called to order by the President at 8:25 pm after a yummy potluck dinner and a dessert of cake and punch in honor of the family’s most famous newlyweds, Donald and Dee.
Harold, Leslie, Louise, Ernie and Russ tattled on Donald (and his siblings) for a while, to let Dee know just what she was getting into. Joyce Ritter then presented the couple with a framed photograph of their June nuptials.
The minutes of the 1992 meeting were read. Esther moved that they be accepted and Harold seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.
Our temporary permanent treasurer, D. Scott, then gave the treasurer’s report, with the Bottom Line telling us that we have a Nichols Family Association balance of $785.87, which is up from last year. Scott ended his report abruptly enough that the President was taken unawares and didn’t realize that he was done. After a momentary lull, Louise moved that the report be accepted; Gail seconded and the report was approved as read.
Joyce Ritter presented the Historical Committee Report. She had family updates from Louise, Dot, Florence’s offspring, Barb and Helen Louise. For the slackers, Joyce promised that there would be forms for them to fill out as the picnic on Sunday. Es provided bios. More material was requested of Harold (shame shame!) and Joyce Ritter (uh oh!). Joyce was examining church records for information regarding the Four Nichols Brothers Who First Settled This Area. The Hudson Falls Zion Church records, however, go back only as far as 1956, somewhat after these gentlemen inhabited Washington County. So, Joyce will check the County records and speak with the Zion Historian. Dot gave Joyce some Christmas letters which Ms. Ritter has computerized. Joyce also requested from all any letters written by Minnie or Ransom, promising to edit out any material you might wish to keep confidential.
Under old business, Gail and Russ reported that the Time Capsule is now buried beneath their bed, where it has been protected. A Box to house the capsule will be built. Some wag suggested that the capsule be permanently buried in Harold’s Cadillac under Louise’s garage. There was some discussion about when to open the Capsule and where to put it. Harold anxious to move on to livelier matters, moved that the subject be tabled. Es seconded the motion and it passed.
Louise put out a call for photos of the 1992 Reunion for the Scrapbook.
Louise then announced that Mary Jane Nichols (wife of Ralph, who is the son of Les and Es) has been admitted to a-no, THE Bar in Maryland and Washington, D.C.
Louise stated that she would bring to the picnic photos of where Roland’s ashes were scattered for those wishing to view them (the photos).
Louise also has letters of Minnie’s brother, John Whittemore.
Under New Business, Joyce Ritter (like many among us) is looking for money. Joyce, however, seeks funding to restore old family documents. The Secretary’s Secretary made voluminous notes regarding the various packages of methods by which Olde Familie Documents may be preserved. Those notes will be saved for review by anyone wishing to peruse them. Es moved that one volume of documents be preserved to begin the process Harold seconded. The motion was passed and the committee of Joyce Ritter, Louise, Ernie was selected to see to it.
Es moved that Reunion ’94 beheld on July 16 and 17 of next year. Scott seconded and the motion carried.
The Nominating Committee presented for approval the following list of officersprospective for 1994;
President – Mike
Veep – Rich
Recording Secretary – Laura
Corresponding Secretaries (Back by popular demand): Jane & Louise
Permanent Temporary Treasurer: D. Scott
The slate was accepted by voice vote.
New additions to the family include the aforementioned bride, Elodie Giles Nichols; and Wendy Jo Walker, daughter of Myrna Steele Walker, who is daughter of Sandy Nichols Steele, who is herself the daughter of Jane and Harold Nichols (I promise, I won’t trace it back any further!)
Address updates should be sent to Beth.
Those with recipes to submit to the Nichols Family Cookbook should send them to Rich (who has, to date, received a grand total of 0).
Nelson offered special thanks to Donald and Dee, Russ and Gail, and Rich and Amanda for their help on the Procurement Committee.
Russ, anxious to get on to livelier matters, moved that the meeting be adjourned; Sharlene, breaking her silence at last, seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 9:13 pm.
The Secretary would like to take this platform to offer his Special Thanks to his lovely wife who stood in for him at the meeting while he went off to perform in a play. Her notes were concise and gave him an (I hope) accurate portrait of what must have been a lively meeting. He has promised to stand in for her next year- providing he is not doing another show.
Somewhat respectfully submitted,
Richard E. Stanford
P.S. You may carp about my typing BEHIND MY BACK, but please not to my face.

Middle: Dee, Donald and Les
Back: Derwin and Harold

Back: Merle, Doris, Sheila, Carm, Jim, Nelson, Jean, Mike, Russ, Laura, Rich, Ken, Scott, Mary, Barb and Bill

Next item on the agenda was the treasurer’s report. Our esteemed treasurer stated that last year, there were 46 dues-payers and 57 dinners were purchased. The current balance of $760.84 is down $25.03 from last year at this time and consequently, the cost of dinners will be rising from 3.50 to 3.75. Louise made a motion that the treasurer’s report be accepted as read and Lois seconded. It was so passed.
Committee reports followed. Joyce Ritter (Roy 2nd) representing the historical committee, gave a very interesting and greatly detailed report, which the secretary tried to follow but got overwhelmed by. The secretary asked that the historical committee submit a written report which could be included with these minutes. Joyce updated us on her research regarding the four original Nichols brothers. To summarize, the brothers immigrated to this country earlier than we had thought. Robert Nichols became a citizen in 1852. Robert and Susan Nichols, were the grandparents of Ransom Nichols and may be buried in Union Cemetery in Fort Edward but records are unclear.
In other business Joyce stated that updated biographies were needed from the following families:
Roy and Elsie (naughty chairperson)
Jane and Harold (reported to be “in the suitcase” but we all know Harold)
Leslie and Esther
Joyce has current data from Barb N. and Louise. (Dorothy is in my notes as being on both lists so I’m not sure if she’s current or not.) Information Joyce needs is dates of marriages, births, adoptions. She has forms to be signed. Joyce R. has been approached by some genealogic societies requesting current genealogy charts. A motion was made by Ernie (Louise 2nd) that we allow Joyce to release our family chart. Lois seconded the motion and it was passed.
Joyce R. presented our esteemed treasurer with a bill for $73.63 for a new archival quality photo album and copying costs. Joyce informed us she is in the process of putting the family minutes on computer. So far she has done 12/6/52 – 1962. Harold suggested our constitution and by-laws be included if a copy can be obtained. Esther said they might have one. Lois made a motion that the historian’s report be accepted and the motion was seconded by Dorothy.
The Nominating Committee presented the following slate of officers for 1995:
President: Rich Stanford
Vice-President: Laura Nichols-Stanford (Donald 2nd)
Treasurer: D. Scott Nichols (Donald 2nd)
Recording Secretary: Joyce Ritter
Corresponding Secretaries: Jane Nichols and Louise Danforth
Under unfinished business, the topic of the continued purchase of archival photo albums was brought up. Dave Nichols (Roy-Merwin 3rd) suggested a permanent annual budget of $125 be established for the historical committee. Louise suggested a voluntary fund be established for that purpose. She added that people who don’t come might want to contribute to such an ear-marked fund. Esther made a motion which was seconded by Harold that a $125 annual budget be established. The motion was passed. Russ (Louise 2nd) moved the money be paid directly to Joyce R. It was seconded by someone (secretary failed to record who) and was passed. Esther proposed that we all give a vote of thanks to Joyce R. for her copious work.
On the topic of the Time Capsule, Russ reported the unfinished box was in a box in the master bedroom (or was it the box was in the unfinished master bedroom?)
Going on to new business, it was moved by Dot that the 1995 reunion be held on July 15 and 16. The motion was seconded by D. Scott and was passed. Beth and Keith Meyer (Louise 2nd) requested any address changes and suggested that one person from each family be designated to gather updated information.
Nelson wished to thank everyone who helped with procurement and clam cleaning.
Mike asked if anyone had any announcements. Harold informed us that Louise was honored by the Free and Accepted Masons for 47 years of leadership in 4-H. She is coleader of the Laboring Lassies, the oldest 4-H club in Washington County. She received the MacArthur Award for outstanding leadership and a letter of commendation for the National 4-H Council. Louise pointed out that Harold had also received an award from the Masons for 50 years of membership.
Harold moved that it was time to go home or rather he moved to adjourn and David N. seconded the motion. President Mike “gaveled” the meeting to a close at 9:16 PM.
Laura Nichols-Stanford

42nd Annual Meeting of
The Ransom Nichols Family Reunion July 15, 1995
President: Rich Stanford (Donald-Laura 2nd)called the meeting to order at 7:52 p.m. at the Argyle American Legion Hall following a potluck dinner and birthday cake celebration by Harold for Louise’s 80th birthday, which was really December 5, 1994. The food offerings were, as always, delicious, and the table, set up in two shades of blue and decorated by Joyce N. (Roy-Merwin 2nd)and David (Roy-Merwin 3rd) was lovely.
Secretary Joyce Ritter (Roy 2nd), read the minutes from the 1994 Annual Meeting and noted one correction regarding outstanding biographies, not genealogies, and asked a question regarding a dedicated fund for the historical committee’s use. This was briefly discussed here and then reserved for further discussion under Old Business. Ernie (Louise 2nd) moved to accept the secretary’s report and seconded by Esther: motion carried.
The Treasurer’s Report ws presented by Scott Nichols (Donald 2nd). He reported
Treasurers Report | |
General Fund | $53.73 |
Dinner Fund | $486.65 |
Clams Fund | $117.87 |
Historical Fund | $194.76 |
$125 voted in 1994 $69.76 donations | |
Total: $853.01 |
Joyce R. reported for the Historical Committee. No startling discoveries to report for this year. Judy Nichols/Peter Barrer (Roland 2nd) and family are going to Ireland in August of this year and Judy has offered to do some research on the family while there. Joyce is preparing some information for her to work from. Louise and Joyce have been working on removing pictures for old albums to put in new acid free alums. Many of the pictures were glued in old albums but Louise managed to free most of them so far, although some paper and much glue is still on the backs of pictures. Joyce talked to Gary Albright at Northeast Document Conservation Center in Andover, MA, who said the pictures might be soaked to remove paper and glue, but he would have to see them to tell. He could not give an estimate of such costs until he did. For the newspaper clippings, no hope except to zerox (copy) them. Costs mount rapidly for the special albums, and it is fair to say that they would be high for special attention to remove glue, paper, etc. Joyce will be submitting a bill for this year of approximately $240 and this is only for a large album, corners to hold pictures, pages/sleeves, and a special spray for newspaper clippings to remove acid which is deteriorating them.
Since Louise and Joyce are the primary movers of the history project, the question should be asked who will take over after them, preserving the photographs, adding to the historical data, researching, etc. Instead of spending unknown amounts on the albums (we already know we need at least two more right now), and we don’t know who in the third generation will be willing to continue the work, it is time to consider what we will do. We have some valuable historical pictures and documents and Louise has written at least 50% of what could be text for a book about the family (the rest is made up of Christmas letters, reminiscences by various family members, a fairly complete genealogy, etc.) that put us at a stage where we cold consider publishing a book rather than putting money into albums.
Joyce explained that she and Louise are at present continuing with the albums-the photo album(s) will contain a chronology of the family, starting with the marriage of Scott and Jen Nichols, the marriage of Ransom and Minnie Nichols, and then the separate families of the nine adult children of R. and M, Nichols, including personal achievements. The scrapbook album will contain awards, reunion pictures, newspaper articles, items too big to fit in the other album, and less personal accomplishments by members of the families. Any other ideas or comments will be appreciated.
Harold thought they had come up with an answer to the big problem – a book. Joyce explained that it could be made available to local libraries, the Library of Congress, the Mormon Library in Salt Lake City, as well as anyone in the family – a family book on your own shelf. She explained that the costs are as yet unknown. Costs are determined by number of pictures, length of text, type of paper to print on, binding, number of copies printed, and the format presented to the printer. In any event, this is a costly undertaking.
Possible solutions: Rich (Donald-Laura 2nd) suggested talking to Hubbard Hall in Salem for possible grant money to help out with publishing costs. Joyce has talked to Sally Brillon regarding printers who specialize in histories/genealogies. Ernie suggested having valuable documents and pictures preserved by having them scanned into computers and copies kept by various members of the family who have computers.
Rich presented the nominating committee report:
President Laura Nichols-Stanford
Vice President Joyce Ritter
Treasurer D. Scott Nichols
Recording Secretary Gail Danforth
Corresponding Secretary Jane Nichols
Louise Danforth submitted her resignation as the second Corresponding Secretary and Sharon Lasher volunteered to take her place. Ernie moved to close nominations; Kate (Louise-Ernie 2nd) seconded; carried.
Unfinished Business. Time Capsule. Russ (Louise 2nd) said it is under bed in the den which is finished. It is all there when last seen. Laura – is the time capsule finished? Needs to be packaged. Joyce – has plastic sleeves if you want to put paper items in that. Would help keep them longer. Esther – Is it complete? No, but fairly well represented. Joyce suggested look at it then decide.
Louise has quite a few old photos that are unidentified. Everyone should look at these and if know names of some, note on back. Louise bringing to clamsteam.
Les moved that next year’s reunion return to the third weekend in July, which will be July 20-21, 1996. Esther seconded; motion carried.
New Business: Joyce/Louise asked if anyone was interested in helping with the history. Laura and Rich volunteered. (Also after the meeting and at the clam steam next day, Ernie, David (Roy-Merwin 3rd), Russ, and Mike (Roland 2nd) volunteered.)
Returning to elements of history: Laura asked do we want to purchase albums each year or continue with this effort. David asked would it be better to scan pictures, perhaps less expensive. Ernie said cost of scanning may be better. Technology going so fast we’d be better off doing this and, even better, image can be stored on computer disks and stored by different ones with computers. Louise said some pictures mean a lot to her generation, but perhaps not in future generations. Louise keeps the original pictures and only brings them out at reunion time. They will last long time if carefully kept in dark, cool, place.
Laura moved to check into cost of publishing when we have something to go on, seconded by Harold, and David amended to check costs for scanning for computer storage as well as continuing to investigate the preservation of the originals. Laura agreed to the amendment. Motion carried. The historical committee will be checking into quality and cost as suggested. If a book is done, it will need an unbiased editor and Nelson recommended Martha Tilford Sumner (Ruth 2nd).
Ernie asked the status of the historical committee budget. Scott said there is not enough money in the general fund for the $125 – where would it come from? General Fund has $53.73.
It was never settled how the money would be raise for the historical committee’s work. Last year $125 was transferred from the General Fund, and donations were requested at the clam steam. Laura suggested investigating costs for budgeting purposes. Rich suggested taking profit from dinner plus donations for history project. Since profit is not guaranteed and costs vary from year to year, this is rather iffy source. David moved to take $125 out of the dinner fund plus donations. Esther seconded; motion passed.
Last item. Les was disturbed the he received a copy of the minutes in June and that they were full of “I thinks” and “I don’t remembers.” He would like to see more concise minutes and that they be distributed within two months. Made a motion that the report of the 1995 Annual Meeting be in the mail by Sept 15.
Beth, who keeps the updated mailing lists, said you can try to do it, but you may not be able to get it done. She says she doesn’t want to say it can be cone in 2 months – says “try best” – and not give a specific date. Esther suggested that a reminder could be sent out 6 weeks 2 months prior to year’s meeting. The question of responsibilities arose. Rich said it was his understanding that the minutes would be sent out by the current Secretary and the announcement of meeting by the President. It was pointed out that the reason for the delay was to say postage by sending minutes and the announcement for the next reunion together. Harold recommended no requirement. Question of committees and who was assigned to what also arose. Suggestion made, and seconded, that committees be included in the announcement. David made a motion that the duties of officers and the time frame of duties be included with the minutes. I don’t have a notation whether this was seconded, but I am including a copy of what I have for the constitution and By-laws. These will be mailed separately to first generation members and copies available for others at 1996 annual meeting.
Nelson thanked those who assisted in procurement for the clam steam and cleaning of clams.
Announcements: Rich Stanford received Actor of the Year award for the Chronicle. Dianne Scoville (Roy-Merwin 3rd) received 2nd runner up in the 5th Annual Enterprising Women of New York program. Joshua Nichols-Barrer (Roland-Judy 3rd), a sophomore, ranked sixth in the prestigious USA Mathematics Olympiad this summer in Canada. Also Rhue and James (Harold/Leslie-Doris/Merle 3rd) won awards in the Special Olympics for their achievements in personal capabilities with their types of disabilities.
New babies:
Ian Joseph Danforth (Louise, Russ 3rd) b. Feb 12, 1995
Christopher Harold Rector (Harold-Sandy-Karren 4th) b. Mar 14, 1995
Thomas Miller b. May 9, 1995
Ransom Nichols, Nov 21, 1994
Helen Louise Tilford Cameron, Dec 27, 1994
Leslie proposed a commendation for existing Board of Directors of the Nichols Family Reunion that keeps the organization going. Excellent job done!
Harold moved that the meeting be adjourned and David seconded. President Rich Stanford declared the meeting adjourned at 9:14 p.m.
The 42nd Nichols Annual Meeting has 37 family members and 1 guest present. The clam steam on Sunday July 16, 1995 had 66 family members and 1 guest present.
Joyce N. Ritter

Back: Esther, Derwin, Jane, Harold and Louise

Middle: Kate, Butch, Laura, Scott, Sharon, Martha, Beth, Mary Jane, Dennis, Doris, Merle (James),
Hiding: Jim, Barbara, Jean, Nelson, Mike, Mary and Ken pic

Middle: Nancy, Leslie, Dianne, Travis, Karren, Anne, Kelsey, Teresa, Rhue, JImmy,
Hiding: Joe, George, David, Steve, Amanda, Kevin, ??? pic

Middle: Nancy, Leslie, Dianne, Travis, Karren, Anne, Kelsey, Teresa, Rhue, JImmy,
Hiding: Joe, George, David, Steve, Amanda, Kevin, ??? pic

Saturday & Sunday JULY 20 & 21, 1996
Argyle, NY
Saturday, JULY 20 @ 6PM
American Legion Hall
Bring a place setting, beverage and a dish to pass.
Set-up Committee:
Joyce Ritter, Joyce Nichols, Beth Meyer, Kate Danforth, Supervisor: Louise Danforth
Clean-up Committee: All in Attendance
Sunday, JULY 21 @ 1PM
Forest Ridge Farm (Don & Dee Nichols’ Residence) Bring beverages, cutlery and your own picnic, if you prefer. Also softball equipment.
Set-up Committee
Ernie Danforth, Jim Danforth, George Lasher, Nancy Tyminski, Laura Nichols- Stanford, Lois and Charlie Shortsleeves. Supervisor: Donald Nichols
Steamer Committee:
Merle Nichols, Mike Nichols, David Nichols, Ken Nichols. Supervisors: Leslie (the elder) and Harold Nichols.
BBQ Committee:
Ernie Danforth, Steve Scoville, Joe Tyminski, Stew Mead, Keith Meyer, R. Paul Smith, Supervisor: Derwin Alberding
Procurement Committee:
Nelson & Jean Tilford, co-chairpersons. Russ and Gail Danforth: Rich, Amanda & Travis Stanford; Sharlene Reynolds.
Preparation Committee: (BBQ sauce, setting tables, pickles & olives, etc)
Beth Meyer, Diane Scoville, Sharon Lasher, Kate Danforth, Lois Shortsleeves, Leslie Nichols (the younger). Advisor Dorothy Alberding
Anyone under the age of 16.
Spearhead Committee:
Kalista Bloc, Leslie Nichols and her daughter Mary Ellen, Laura Nichols-Stanford, Nancy Zoll, Cara Smith, Gail Danforth
Clean-up Committee:
Martha Sumner, Jim Danforth, Russ Danforth, Scott Nichols, Ralph Nichols and all other hangers-on. Supervisor; Donald Nichols
Note: It is time for a new sign-up for committees; the same names keep coming up again and again.

…committee will include Scott (Donald 2nd) as the “Fiscal Watchdog.” David Nichols (Roy- Merwin 3rd) offered to also serve on this committee. A motion was made by Doris Nichols (Harold 2nd) to officially form such a committee and was seconded by Jane Nichols. Ernie Danforth (Louise 2nd) moved to amend the motion to include the Executive Committee on the Hysterical Committee. This amendment was rejected. David Nichols moved to amend the motion to include the President on the committee. This amendment was accepted. The original motion as then modified by David was then carried. The Hysterical Committee will include David Nichols, Joyce Ritter (Roy 2nd), Scott Nichols and Laura Nichols (Donald 2nd).
Under other New Business it was announced that we have a new member Edmund Dubiel (My apology for any mis-spelling) born April 8, 1996, 8 pounds – 5 ounces, 20 inches long to William and Kalista (Hoover) Dubiel, grandson to Sheila and Steve Hoover. (great grandson to Donald).
Harold Nichols made a motion, seconded by Beth Meyer the meeting be adjourned. The motion was unanimously approved.
Nichols Family 1996 History Committee Report
The first generation aunts and uncles have received a copy of the Constitution and By- Laws with whatever corresponding changes I could glean from the Annual Meeting Minutes over the years. I have been copying the Minutes into my computer and gotten up to 1969, but I did make a quick look ahead for anything pertaining to the Constitution and By-Laws. I made ten extra copies for the officers and anyone who might e selected for a committee to study and recommend a new ser (or at least a clarification) on the Constitution and By- Laws. This effort was done purely for a historical point of view.
Judy Nichols/Peter Barrer (Roland 2nd) and family went to Ireland last year and apparently found some more information on the Nichols family, at least her Christmas card indicated this. However, neither Aunt Louise nor I have received anything about it, and we don’t know whether they will be at the reunion. So nothing from here to report.
History Committee monies. Since I am doing this at the very last minute, this section may not be too clear as I repeatedly lose billing slips and then find them again. I do have in hand receipts for copying 1995 minutes, envelopes, and stamps amounting to $33.47. Also a receipt for copying Constitution and By-Laws in the amount of $5.82. What I have misplaced again and don’t know is whether Scott ever paid me last year for the preservation type scrapbook and supplies which amounted to around $204. I just didn’t get around to calling him before leaving on my trip.
A related subject is the question of at least two new photo albums. I have found that a place called the Seattle FilmWorks will print 35mm color photos, slides and put them on 3.5″ computer disks as well. With the first order, this company will provide the Photoworks Software free. For more information on this, you can call (206) 283-9074 or e-mail: The Internet address is The mailing address is:
Seattle FilmWorks
1260 16th Avenue West
Seattle, WA 98119
I am planning to attend A Conference for the Nation’s Genealogists in Rochester, NY on August 14-17, 1996. This is an intensive conference on nearly every aspect of research and conservation of genealogy and the findings. For three days I will have the advantage of attending any of 144 sessions running from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. plus contact with people form all over the country interested in genealogy and their experiences and sources. To give you an idea of some of the sessions I expect to get a lot out of, I have signed up for these among others.
T-44 Copying of Photographs: Electronically and Traditionally
T-55 Eight Things That Make Your Family History Worth More Than the Paper it is Printed On
F-69 19th-Century Irish Immigration to New York State
F-95 Taking Computers Beyond Pedigree Charts
S-105 Electronic and Traditional Photography and the Genealogist, and Image Scanning Overview
S-119 Neighborhoods: Correlating Land and Census Records
S-131 Dating Your Photographs
S-135 CD-ROM Research Strategies
One particular luncheon speaker that I though might be especially interesting will talk on “Professional Respect at Home: Marrying, Divorcing, Murdering Your Relatives.”
I hope to gain a lot of information for this conference and I am not charging the family resources.
This about covers what I have to report. I am sending this report and the extra copies of the Constitution/By-Laws to Sharon Lasher (Florence 2nd) for her to read/handout, and also a copy of this report to Aunt Louise and David Nichols. Sorry I can’t be there with you all, but Joyce (Roy-Merwin 2nd) and I may be thinking of you as we leave on our cruise to Alaska.
July 13, 1996

Saturday & Sunday JULY 19 & 20, 1997
Argyle, NY
Set-up Committee:
Joyce Ritter, Joyce Nichols, Beth Meyer, Kate Danforth
Supervisor: Louise Danforth
Clean- up Committee:
All in attendance
Barbeque, 1 P.M., July 20th
Home of Louise and Jim Danforth – Bring beverages and cutlery. Also play equipment such as volleyball, badminton, softball, etc
Set-up Committee:
Ernie Danforth, Jim Danforth, George Lasher, Nancy Tyminski, Laura Nichols-Stanford, Lois and Charlie Shortsleeves. Supervisor: Jim Danforth
Barbeque Committee:
Ernie Danforth, Steve Scoville, Joe Tyminski, Stew Mead, Keith Meyer, R. Paul Smith Supervisor: Harold Nichols
Steamer Committee:
Merle Nichols, Mike Nichols, David Nichols, Ken Nichols,
Supervisor: David Nichols
Procurement Committee:
Nelson and Jean Tilford with co-chairpersons Russ and Gail Danforth Rich, Amanda, and Travis Stanford, Sharlene Reynolds
Preparation Committee:
(BBQ sauce, setting tables, pickles, olives, etc) Beth Meyer, Dianne Scoville, Sharon Lasher, Kate Danforth, Leslie Wescott Nichols
Advisor: Kate Danforth
Husking corn:
Anyone age 16 or under
Spearhead Committee:
Kalista Bloch, Leslie Nichols and her dau. Mary Ellen, Laura Nichols- Stanford, Nancy Zoll, Gail Danforth
Clean-up Committee:
Martha Sumner, Russ Danforth, Scott Nichols, Ralph Nichols, and all other Hangers-on
Supervisor: Jim Danforth
Sunday barbeque location is changed to Louise and Jim Danforth’s residence


Ransom Nichols Family Association Meeting
Saturday, July 18, 1998
The meeting was called to order by Gail Danforth (Louise-Russ 2nd) at the usual time (whatever time that is). Her opening statement was, “How did I get here?” (Oddly enough, I was thinking the same thing as I had been recruited only moments before)
Uncle Harold responded that he was “…glad to be here!” He asked for 5 seconds of silence. I’m not sure what that was for (maybe just to se if we could do it); my notes suggest that it had something to do with Aunt Louise’s negative thoughts regarding the size of the group attending the meeting.
Uncle Harold passed along new and greetings; greetings from his and Aunt Jane’s offspring, news of a visit with Dee Nichols who is in poor health, news of a visit with Uncle Les and Aunt Esther (Uncle Les was alert and asked about the reunion). Uncle Harold had Aunt Jane read (Steve noted it was good that SHE could read) a letter from Aunt Esther with the wish that they could be with us in person as they were in spirit and with news of their family.
Uncle Harold then gave a report on the Nichols’ pine forest in the northeast corner of the farm, noting that it was a 4-H project and that “Louise and I didn’t know any better than to plant the trees.” Aunt Dot said that was for sure and also wished the record to show that she and Roland had carried trees! That reminded Aunt Louise that Uncle Harold, in fact, had dropped out the last half day and Uncle Roy had to help. Uncle Harold respectfully suggested that her memory was faulty. A sibling argument ensued over measles and who carried the trees (for the life of me I can’t figure out the relationship between those). The upshot of this was that the two 4-H’ers, Louise and Harold, were offering the trees to the association for whatever monetary value they might have.
Uncle Harold concluded his remarks by saying he was proud that the family reunion continues, that it underscores the importance of family.
Gail called for the minutes to be read (by the Secretary through Coercion). Ernie (Louise 2nd) moved that the minutes be accepted as read. Laura (Donald 2nd) seconded. Unanimous.
Treasurer’s report:
Scott (Donald 2nd) reported that good news that the checkbook had been found and showed a balance of $953.96 (the curious thing is that when the checkbook was missing in 1998 Scott reported a balance of $997.61); however, Sharon (Florence 2nd) moved that the report be accepted; Joyce (Roy 2nd) seconded it – and we all agreed to do that. Someone suggested a round of applause for Scott’s many years of service-hearty applause followed, but Scott said that. “Not being audited was thanks enough.”
Louise reported that as she recalled, twenty dollars was given to the church toward flowers at Christmas and Easter. Aunt Dot suggested a motto for some or all of us: “I don’t remember!” (at least, that’s what I think I remember).
Historical Committee report:
Joyce R. reported computer trouble (who doesn’t?) She mentioned a Jane Davidson of Framingham. Unfortunately, I don’t seem to have recorded why she mentioned her; perhaps she will explain again in 1999. She will continue working during the year with the program called Family Tree Maker. She has now entered over three hundred names.
Old Business:
If this section seems hard to follow, believe me, it was. Gail explained that the larger pavilions at the state park cost $200; she and Joyce R. decided that the cost was prohibitive and so they went with, and I am quoting from my notes, “$75 and pot.” I truly have no idea what that refers to; maybe they will be willing to explain. There was considerable discussion over location of the picnic and the nature of the Saturday night event. Somewhere in the middle of this Aunt Dot offered her place for the whole shebang. Laura made a motion that Saturday night be kept the same, but David (Roy- Merwin 3rd) called for a point of order in that the motion to table discussion of this at the last business meeting had yet to be untabled. Ken (Roland 2nd) noted that it might more aptly be called a point of disorder. No further action was taken on the matter of Saturday night. At this disorderly point, Gail announced something to the effect that “If nominated, I will not run, and if elected, I will not serve.”
New Business:
Gail submitted a list of the tasks involved in procurement for this year and previous years, illustrating the enormity of the work involved. She then opened for discussion the question of the location for subsequent reunions. Russ (Louise 2nd) said that there was a lottery for three large pavilions (nearer the pool?) and that we could probably get one though our date might have to be changed. Mike (Roland 2nd) wondered if we should poll those in attendance regarding their desire for steamers, corn, potatoes, and sausages. Sheila (Donald 2nd) suggested that a vote be taken tomorrow. Steve (Donald- Sheila 2nd) suggested that the $135 calm fund could go toward the purchase of a 2 burner gas stove. Jean (Ruth-Nelson 2nd) raised the point about responsibility for steamer cleanup. (No volunteers raised their hands.) Jim (Louise 2nd) said that Aunt Louise and his place was again available. Steve made a motion that a vote be taken on Sunday on two options, Aunt Louise’s or the state park. Chris seconded the motion. Nelson (Ruth 2nd) suggested that those not attending on Sunday should still have a say. Scott suggested charitably, “No they shouldn’t!” Dianne (Roy-Merwin 3rd) moved that the motion be amended to include the choice of the $200 pavilion. Seconded by Scott. Unanimous. Mike moved that the procurement committee be divided, splitting the tasks. Aunt Jane seconded the motion. So moved. My notes read at this point: “Ernie (Louise 2nd) for president next year!” (I’m not sue who said it; perhaps Ernie was making a campaign announcement) Gail volunteered that she and Russ would assess the use of the park but reiterated that they would not be part of procurement. Dianne offered Nelson and Jean as “Procurement Consultants.” (Is that a paid position?) Nelson and Gail volunteered (well actually Gail volunteered them both) to make the divisions in the procurement tasks.
Gail reminded the group that they should bring garbage bags for trash removal and also advised that those wishing to swim should do so early in that the pool likely to get crowded. Aunt Dot offered to appear in her bathing suit later on in the day, promising that was a sure way to clear out the pool! Regarding clams, the former Procurement Chair pointed out that clams from Maine were not so good. The ones from Long Island were, but costly. Someone made a motion to table the discussion of the use of the clam fund; Uncle Harold seconded it. Carried.
New family members were announced : Sharon introduced Katherine, George and Linda’s (Florence- Sharon 3rd) born in August; Kalista introduced Calista Jane Demarest Moore born in April to Amy and Tyler (Donald-Kalista 3rd) (noting that she was named in part for “the one and only Aunt Jane”); Aunt Jane introduced Dalton McKay Steele, born (I didn’t write down the date) to Andrew and Lisa (Harold-Sandy 3rd).
At 8:43 (why did I think that it was much later than that?) Uncle Harold moved to adjourn; Teresa (Louise-Butch 3rd) seconded it. Unanimously carried.
1999 Slate of Officers:
Ernie Danforth – President
Kalista Bloch – Vice President
To be announced – Secretary
D. Scott Nichols – Treasurer
Kalista Nichols Bloch

-Opening Remarks-Uncle Harold
Only 2 of us from the 1st generation here (Uncle Harold and Aunt Dot), supposed to be three with Aunt Louise. Update on Uncle Leslie. He is doing fine and happy.
-Minutes read.
Aunt Dot objected to being in the minutes too many times. Merle made a motion to accept the minutes. Nelson 2nd it. Carried.
-Uncle Harold tells a story
Uncle Harold admits he has trouble with getting old. 1st you lose your memory, 2nd and 3rd he can’t remember.
-Treasurer’s Report
Balance $1,033.62
Uncle Harold states “Treasurer bought land”
1. Is clam fund included in the total? Yes.
2. How many funds are there? One.
3. How long did it take you to figure out report? 5 minutes.
Merle made a motion to accept Treasurer’s Report.
Chris 2nded the motion.
Motion accepted.
-Memorial Committee
Flowers for Dee’s Memorial?
Aunt Louise to be reimbursed at the family reunion.
-Historical Committee Joyce R
Joyce said her computer is in the hospital. It quit talking and the internet. Joyce said she had an inquiry from Gansevoort, about information on family members named Slocumb from Granville. Her gave her his e-mail address.
Scott and Joyce R went cemetery hunting on Moss St., Blood St, and in Adamsville, and a few other places. Joyce R states she did recognize some names.
-Old Business-
Discussion about Saturday night meetings. Laura doesn’t want to change it. Joyce R. states Aunt Louise wants the same format. Jim likes to have it at homes. No decision made.
-New Business
Kalista with help from Gail made up a family survey as a way we could get to know each other better. Merle made the motion to accept this. Amanda seconded the motion. Agreed
Uncle Harold states someone asked him “how reunion started?” and “How we can keep it going?” Scott says “So we are all busy bodies.”
Discussion of auction
Aunt Dot says we should have it.
Do you want to do it next year? Yes.
Do you want to do it this year?
If you have something to bring, bring it. Questions about auction to be put on survey. Scott proposed auction for next year. Laura seconded it. Agreed. Money to go toward fixing computer.
-Reunion 2000
Date July 15+16
Buddy proposed accepting the date/
Merle seconded it. Agreed
-Nominating Committee
President – Kalista
Vice President – Nancy
-Requests for updating family address book.
-Family additions and changes
Eva Joyce Nichols; May 23. Aunt Jane�s Great Grandson Chad Aramise Mckay
Ocmond – Maggie and Chad in June
Dee Nichols died this year as noted.
Aunt Jane asked for a prayer to be said for Heather�s little boy Tony who is going for open heart surgery Tuesday, June 20, 1999
Lot for sale in Canada for Aunt Dot
Sharon motioned to close the meeting. Chris seconded the motion Agreed
Meeting closed at 8:50 P.M.
Nancy Tyminski
No pictures.
Aunt Janes notes indicate that everyone brought camcorders that year.
The Second Annual Umpteenth (47th) Nichols’ Family Reunion
July 15 and 16, 2000
Saturday, July 15:
• 6:00 P.M. at the American Legion Hall, Argyle
• Potluck supper and business meeting
• Bring a dish to share, as well as your own beverage and place settings
Set-up Committee: Keith, Ernie and Jim. Co-chairwomen: Joyce R. and Joyce N.
Clean-up Committee: EVERYBODY
Sunday, July 16:
• The Danforths in Adamsville, 1 P.M.
• Bring place settings and beverages
• Bring Frisbees, volleyballs, etc for recreation (label with your name)
Procurement Committee:
Kate Danforth, Dianne Scoville, Laura Nichols, David Nichols, Barbara Roberts
Set up Committee:
Jim Danforth, Karren Meyer, Anne Meyer, Teresa Danforth, Kate Danforth, Lois Shortsleeves, and all other willing (or unwilling) helpers
Clean-up Committee:
Barbecue Committee:
Russ Danforth, Keith Meyer, Steve Scoville, Joe Tyminski, Mike Nichols, Dave Nichols Supervisors: Harold and Derwin
Recreation Committee:
Jim Danforth and all others who plan to participate
Spearhead Committee:
Laura Nichols, Leslie Nichols, Amanda Stanford, Teresa Danforth
Silent Auction Committee:
Kalista and Amy….Speaking of which, don’t forget to round up items to make this the best silent auction ever.
Doris and Merle would love to have photos that were taken inside the Ransom and Minnie Nichols’ house to help them in restoration. They would make a copy and return the original to you. Take a look in the old photo albums. Thanks
The annual business meeting of the Nichols Family association was called to order at 7:30 PM by president Kalista (Nichols) Bloch. A motion was made by Butch Danforth, seconded by Chris Bloch that we wave the reading of last year’s minutes. This motion passed. Then Beth (Danforth) Meyer moved to accept the minutes, seconded by Sheila (Nichols) Hoover. So Moved.
The next order of business was the Treasurer’s report. But prior to this report, the president made a special presentation to the treasurer for his years of service, or some such thing. It should prove useful to him at the barbecue (and perhaps all of us, if he uses it enough) as it is not advisable to spray insecticides around food. Unfortunately, the secretary’s notes on the treasurer’s report are a little vague as the treasurer’s reports tend to be, but the balance on hand seems to have been $1,122.59 (which the treasurer confirmed.) The auction proceeds from the previous year totaled $36.00. Esther Nichols moved we accept the report and Nelson Tilford seconded.
Memorial committee report: The only expenditure was $20 for altar flowers.
Historical committee report: Joyce (Nichols) Ritter deferred to D. Scott Nichols for a “Quick run-down.” D. Scott has found new family members on the Nichols side (new to genealogists anyway). Scott was confused by the discovery of two Elizabeths (sounds like Scot has “women troubles”). Scott also has been investigating the brother of the original Scott Nichols.
Under Old Business, the results of the survey taken last year were made available. Four bound copies have been given to family representatives. The survey netted some interesting findings. Highlights: more of us feel like nuts than don’t; six of us have NO bad habits, some find ex-lax the ultimate comfort food, and someone who will remain nameless thought her greatest accomplishment was putting up with Uncle Harold for 60+ years.
The silent auction was brought up. Mac Nichols made a motion that the silent auction become an annual event to benefit the historical committee. David Nichols seconded the motion and it was passed so keep your eyes open for good stuff. Remember the better the stuff, the more money the historical committee gets.
There was a tabled motion regarding the Saturday night format which was untabled and discussed. Esther moved we keep the same format at the Legion Hall. The motion was seconded by Russ Danforth or Merle Nichols (sorry, guys). It was put to a vote and passed.
Next year’s dates (I think we must be onto New Business) were discussed. The motion was made for July 21 & 22 by D. Scott, seconded by Butch. Mac made a motion, which was seconded by Butch that the Sunday barbeque be held at the Danforth compound. In case of rain, the silent auction would take place on the porch and Joe Tyminski volunteered a canopy.
Butch pointed out that the year 2004 would make the 100th anniversary of the Ransom and Minnie Nichols family and made a motion that a committee be formed to plan some sort of special celebration. Esther seconded the motion. The suggested committee members were; Beth, Laura Nichols, Joyce Ritter, Diane Scoville and Kalista Bloch.
A suggestion was made that we create a visual family tree; a collection of current photos so we can keep up on absent family members and tell who’s who. So bring your photos (they can be scanned and returned, if you prefer) and give them to Laura or Amanda Stanford.
New additions to the family: To George and Linda Lasher, Madison Ann on 5/3/2000.
To Sanamara, Simon Peter. Date ?
Uncle Harold (via Mike) proposed we put up a marker or plaques at the Fort Edward cemetery indicating the burial place of the various members of the first generation. There was some discussion of the expense and Laura moved this issue be tabled till next year pending further investigation. Scott seconded the motion.
Next item, Aunt Louise tendered her resignation as chairman of the Memorial Committee. Discussion ensued as to how to fill the vacancy. A number of suggestions were made ranging from developing a job description to individuals making contributions to charities and getting reimbursed at Reunion. Beth volunteered to take on arranging for the continuation of flowers on the altar at Zion Episcopal Church on Christmas and Easter for family members already gone. David made a motion, seconded by Esther that in lieu of flowers for new memorials, we discuss at reunion how that money should be contributed. Beth proposed and amendment to David’s motion that the secretary be notified at the time, during the course of the year. Esther seconded the amendment. Beth (show seems to have been very busy) made a motion that we donate $50.00 to the local hospice in Maryland and in Florida (in memory of Uncle Leslie and Aunt Dorothy, respectfully) and to the Association of the Blind in Glens Falls (in memory of Barbara Cobb). This motion was seconded by Scott and passed.
The following slate of officers for 2001 was nominated and approved:
President – Nancy Tyminski
Secretary – Mike
Vice President – Laura
Treasurer – D. Scott
Russ spoke up (or woke up) at this time to move to adjourn at 8:35 PM, seconded by Steve Hoover.
Laura R. Nichols

The fifty-first (?) annual business meeting of the Nichols Family was called to order July 19, 2003 at 7:32pm by President Mike Nichols (Roland 2nd). Vice President Kalista Nichols Bloch (Donald 2nd) immediately noted the “very large vacancy” at the officers’ table, referring to the absence of treasurer Scott Nichols! (Donald 2nd) The meeting began with the reading of the minutes of the 2002 meeting by Secretary Beth Danforth Meyer (Louise 2nd). When asked by the president that the minutes be approved, Esther Nichols so moved, Laura Nichols (Donald 2nd) seconded, and the motion carried.
In the absence of the treasurer, the treasurer’s report was read by the president. The balance on hand as of July 19,2003 was $1,389.82, an increase of $246.19 over last year. Of that total $1,146.63 is designated for the Historical Fund. The only expenditure other than those related to the Reunion weekend was a $50 contribution to the Alzheimer’s Association. The treasurer’s report was accepted by President Mike Nichols.
A report from the Historical Committee by David Nichols (Roy-Merwin 3rd) indicated little activity over the past year. No money was spent but photo albums will be needed. Photos glued into existing albums need to be removed in order to help preserve them. All boxes that Joyce Ritter (Roy 2nd) had have been looked through, with many duplicate copies of minutes, etc. removed. David said that a rough draft of the family tree can be made available. He asked for ideas for presenting the data he has and invited any interested family members to help sort through the materials. Esther suggested a work party to go through materials. David welcomed the idea but warned that memories – good and bad – would be triggered, sometimes getting in the way of getting things cleaned out. Merle (Leslie 2nd) suggested, then made a motion, seconded by Laura, that Esther organize a work meeting for next year to help David sort and organize the historical records of the family. I didn’t record a vote – but I’m sure that the motion passed!
Under Old Business, a possible Ransom and Minnie Nichols family endowment fund, first discussed last year, is still in the investigative phase, according to Ernie (Louise 2nd). The family newsletter idea that was discussed last year has actually come to fruition. The first issue was produced and distributed earlier this summer. Ernie asked for volunteers to help with future issues. Anyone interested in designing a family logo should contact Ernie. Family correspondents are needed for each of the nine families descended from Ransom and Minnie. Doris (Harold 2nd) volunteered Merle – to represent Harold or Leslie or both?? Target dates for future issues of the newsletter are the fall, spring, and Christmas holiday. The fall issue will hopefully contain a Reunion recap with digital pictures from the weekend. For the holiday issue it is hoped that some of the Christmas letters written by the brothers and sisters to one another can be reproduced. David warned that not all of the letters are “quality”. In particular he noted that Roy’s generally “lacked eloquence”. Hey, we aren’t all English majors!!! In the spring the newsletter hopes to plug the 100th anniversary of Ransom and Minnie’s marriage. In 2005 the Tilford family can be highlighted on the 100th anniversary of Ruth’s birth. To cover the expenses associated with the newsletter, Kalista wondered if money from the Historical Committee could be used. Laura made a motion to that effect and Kalista seconded. The motion carried.
The final item of old business was the family website. No one was aware of any activity in that area. Discussion of that issue was tabled.
New business began with discussion of how to recognize the 100th anniversary of the Ransom and Minnie Nichols family. Laura suggested that at next year’s Reunion artifacts – photos, etc. – directly relating to Minnie and Ransom be displayed. Mike suggested that those family members who have personal memories of Ransom and Minnie share them – perhaps in written form. Someone (I don’t know who) suggested having a Powerpoint presentation Saturday evening following the business meeting. Amanda volunteered (was volunteered?) to put that together. Kalista suggested an article for the newspaper about the 100 year old farm.
Merle brought up the subject of area families providing overnight accommodations for out-of-town families. He recalled staying with aunts, uncles, and cousins as one of the best parts of the Reunion. It was mentioned that the number of families in the area was dwindling, but, nevertheless, he extended an invitation to out-of-town family to stay at the family farm – beginning in 2005! Ernie brought up the fact that a number of cousins have been absent from the Reunion weekend for a while. He suggested that personal invitations be extended to these families.
Esther gave the dates for the 2004 Reunion as July 17 and 18. The chicken barbeque and clam steam is to be held at Louise’s (Jim’s).
The slate of officers was submitted as follows:
President: David Nichols;
Vice President: Beth Danforth Meyer
Secretary: Amanda Stanford
Treasurer: Scott Nichols
The meeting closed with all those in attendance singing “Amazing Grace”. The hymn was led by Ernie – and the Nichols Family Singers sounded pretty darn good! Merle made a motion that the meeting be adjourned; David seconded the motion. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 8:28 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Beth Danforth Meyer, Secretary
The Fifty-Second annual business meeting of the Nichols’ Family was called to order on July 17th, 2004 at 7:45, by President David Nichols (Roy-Merwin 3rd). Before the reading of the minutes of the 2003 meeting, Ernie (Louise 2nd) mentioned that in the family’s intense hunger, we had forgotten to say a blessing! Our “unofficial chaplain”, Ernie Danforth, then said the blessing.
Following that, Secretary Amanda Stanford (Donald-Laura 3rd) read the minutes. The president moved that the minutes be approved; Nelson seconded. The motion carried.
Treasurer Scott Nichols (Donald 2nd) then read the treasurer’s report. The total balance as of July 17th, 2004 was $1,603.31, which was an increase of $313.48 from the previous year. The Historical Fund currently accounts for $1,123.72 of the total. Only the General Fund was in the red at $12.16 (Ernie inquired if the books had ever been audited). The President moved to accept the treasurer’s report; this was seconded by Jane Nichols.
President David Nichols put on his Historical Committee hat and reported the status of his work A photo album of Ransom & Minnie’s wedding is in the works, although he already has the announcement and invitations. He mentioned that he’s still working on the Whittemore side of the family. He does have photos in place for the first 6 Nichols’ children. Although more work was needed to get to the first grandchild, David is packing up the materials until after the holiday season, stating, “It might be nice to see the living room again” as his reason. He did, however, offer an invitation to anyone passing through Poultney to stop and help out. And as of now, he has spent none of the Historical Committee’s money. Doris suggested a round of applause to thank David for all of his hard work.
At the conclusion of the Historical Committee’s report, Ernie gave a report on the Nichols’ Family Newsletter. He offered thanks to everyone who helped out and welcomed future help. He also noted that the total cost of the newsletter was more or less $100. He also asked that everyone update his or her e-mail address for greater distribution and accuracy. Ernie’s next goal was to start a family website, but a cheap server hadn’t presented itself yet.
David then inquired as to the whereabouts of the family Time Capsule. Russ (Louise 2nd) answered that it was in his house (he thinks….). David suggested new additions to the Time Capsule for the 21st-century. No conclusion was reached.
The floor was then opened for old business, but none was brought up. Under new business, however, it was revealed that Merle had finally, after quite some time, painted his picnic table, and has extra paint if anyone needs it. Esther announced the date of the 2005 reunion — July 16 and17 — and moved that the date be accepted. Mak (Leslie 2nd) seconded and the motion carried.
Doris (Harold 2nd) suggested that we hear the “New Additions” announcements. Jane reported a new grand-daughter-in-law. Her grandson Hamish (Harold-Sandy 3rd) was married May 1st. It was also noted (although by whom I neglected to record) that our own Nancy Tyminski (Florence-Sharon 3rd) was awarded “Nurse of the Year” at Glens Falls Hospital and received a letter of congratulations from the Senator!
In other news, Doris announced that she, Merle (Leslie 2nd), and the boys are “here forever!” They officially moved into Ransom and Minnie’s homestead on June 20th, 2004, exactly 100 and 5 days after the date of their marriage.
New business continued with Nelson (Ruth 2nd) mentioning that he had 2 sources telling him that there is going to be a Whittemore Family Reunion this year, and he is presently looking for more information. David suggested we seek out members of the Whittemore clan (to look for dues?).
Toward the close of the evening, Beth (Louise 2nd) inquired as to who was buried in the Hudson Falls Cemetery. Scott Nichols said that Scott Nichols was there, buried behind Jane McCrea.
No one could be persuaded to volunteer for the lucrative position of secretary so David offered his gavel as a persuasive technique. Decision was postponed until the picnic on Sunday. The slate of officers was submitted as follows:
President: Beth Danforth Meyer
Vice President: Amanda Stanford (Donald-Laura 3rd)
Secretary: Mary Ellen Celik (Roy-Merwin-David 4th)
Treasurer: Scott Nichols
The meeting was supposed to end with the singing of “Amazing Grace,” but due to declining memories all around, we forgot that, too! (Next year we’ll have to sing it twice.) No official motion to end the meeting was made, but nevertheless, everyone stood up and started putting chairs and tables away at 8:21 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Amanda Stanford (Donald-Laura 3rd)

(I confess that Mary Ellen gave me the official minutes after the meeting, but I can honestly say I have no idea where they ended up. These are minutes reported in the Newsletter fall 2005. ED)
I have to report that our illustrious secretary Mary Ellen Celik (Roy-Merwin-David 4th) has been busy lately. She and Mike became proud parents of Maria (Roy-Merwin-David-Mary Ellen 5th) in September and was in the process of moving when I talked to her a couple of weeks ago. The bottom line is I have no minutes so I will make some up. The real minutes and more details on Maria will be published at a future date.
First of all, the meeting was not held at the Legion Hall, but rather at the Methodist Church. Although parking was a bit of an issue, the fact that the church hall was airconditioned made everyone feel much better.
The meeting was called to order by our president Beth Danforth Meyer (Louise 2nd) sometime after everyone had partaken in our usual sumptuous feast. As I recall there were no minutes to be read, but I think they were approved anyway. Scott (Donald 2nd) had a treasurer’s report and since he reported a positive balance no one cared too much.
David (Roy-Merwin 3rd) had some report concerning the Historical committee. Something about Scott, Merle (Leslie 2nd), and he trespassing on the old Whittemore place in Hebron. Since no arrests were reported, there was little interest expressed, though possibly there should have been.
Butch reported that the newsletter was going well, but he could use lots of email addresses. He also reported that for about $100 he could find space to get a family website going. He assumed his webmaster (Larry) would be able to help him get it going. As I remember the money was voted for the project.
The dates for next year’s reunion were discussed and although I don’t remember the exact dates they are the third weekend in July as usual. There was some discussion about the location, due to the fact that Aunt Louise has trouble sometimes getting her bearings when there are a lot of people around. No decision was made but some options were discussed. Fortunately, everyone decided it was time to clean up and get out, and Ralph, Mary Jane (Leslie 2nd), Chelsea (Leslie-Ralph 3rd) and Aunt Esther showed up. Good times! Great family!
President Amanda Stanford (Donald 2nd) at the Argyle Legion Hall called the 2006 Nichols Family Business meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. The minutes of the 2005 meeting were read. Since no one remembered much about the previous meeting except that we were at the Methodist church and it was air-conditioned, Butch Danforth (Louise 2nd) moved and Kalista Bloch (Donald 2nd) seconded that the minutes be approved. The vote was unanimous.
Scott Nichols (Donald 2nd) presented the treasurer’s report at 7:38; the Legion Hall was free and since it is now air-conditioned everyone was pleased. Scott reported that there was a balance of $1,898.46 in the general fund and $93.56 in the Historical Fund. After the usual banter Russ Danforth (Louise 2nd) moved and Butch Danforth seconded the approval of the Treasurer’s report. Since no one else wants the job, the report was unanimously approved.
At 7:41 David Nichols (Roy-Merwin 3rd) presented the Historical committee report. He reported that there had been little if any work on the archives. There was some talk about many pictures without any story behind them. David may discard some simply to make some space. There was also some discussion about Leslie’s slides and adding them to the archives. Butch then read a letter written to Uncle Myron (Minnie’s brother) when he was serving in World War I. Kalista Bloch moved and Chris Bloch seconded the acceptance of the report. Unanimous.
At 7:56 p.m. the only item under old business was the location of the Reunion. It was agreed to continue to hold it at the Danforth home as long as Jim (Louise 2nd) was willing to be host. There was some discussion of the fact the Jim will now have more room now that the family Cadillac that has passed from Ransom to Uncle Harold to Russ and now to Chris and Tracy (Florence-Sharlene 3rd).
8:02 New Business. The silent auction organizers have resigned. Doris (Harold 2nd) agreed to take it over on a trial basis, provided she is still able to bid. On another topic Butch noted that October 12, 2006 would have been Uncle Roy’s 100th birthday and Roy and Elsie’s 80th wedding anniversary. He suggested that everyone attempt to celebrate the day in his or her own way and document it. Any pictures taken of celebrations could be sent to him and he would include them in the December Newsletter.
Gail Danforth (Louise-Russ 2nd) expressed a desire to step down as chair of the procurement committee. After some discussion Merle agreed to take over the chair for the time being. There was also some discussion of the Memorial funds for the cousins of the first generation since there are very few of them left and simply extend it to all family members. This was agreed and the $50 amount will remain in place.
Under family additions it was noted that Mary Ellen and Mike Celik’s daughter Maria (Roy 5th generation) was born August 25, 2005; Laura Nichols (Donald 2nd) had married Phil Manitta; and Sonomara Spitzig has had another son, Ben (Les-Shawn-Sonomara 4th).
Next Year’s Reunion will be July 21 and 22. The nominating committee had not met, but Larry Danforth agreed to be secretary again.
8:29 p.m. Laura moved and Kalista seconded that the meeting be adjourned. No objection.
Respectfully submitted,
Larry Danforth
Call to Order: President Mary Ellen Celik called the meeting to order at 7:20 P.M.
Minutes: Because the previous year’s minutes were included in the fall ’06 Nichols’ newsletter, Butch moved that the minutes be accepted as written; Kate seconded the motion. Voice vote: motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Scott’s report was brief and concise, to wit: “It was a good year. The check book is balanced. Within reason.” Further he stated that the “within reason” balance was $2004.09, most of which was in the historical fund. The report evoked the usual guffaws but no serious discussion. Mary Ellen asked for a motion to accept the report. Chris so moved; Mike seconded the motion. Voice vote, motion carried.
Historical Report: Another succinct report. David said, “There�s very little to report. Any questions?” However, he added that the ad hoc historians (Scott and Merle) have continued roaming the countryside in search of something historical. Also, David asked if anyone knew the whereabouts of the secretary’s notebook. Butch then described three bound copies of Nichols’ family memorabilia he had prepared to be offered at the Silent Auction: Uncle John Whittemore’s diary (including photos of trespassers, the afore-mentioned ad hoc historians), WWI letters to Uncle Myron, and a Whittemore genealogy. He added that he is working on a Nichols genealogy. Also, he mentioned that Lois Whittemore Hamilton, Minnie and Ransom’s niece, would be attending the chicken barbeque on Sunday. The historical report ended with a call for volunteers to match photos and sort material. Laura moved to accept the report, Beth seconded. Voice vote, motion carried.
Old business: None.
New business: Doris (I think) asked everyone to be sure to introduce him/herself to Lois Hamilton. Sandy asked whether or not there should be an announcement of the dates of the reunion, mailed separately from the notice in the newsletter. A discussion followed. A suggestion was made to let Butch know of any updated addresses for a family member. The secretary offered to write up an announcement and send it to Butch for distribution a couple of months in advance of the reunion. Doris moved that a reunion announcement be sent; Butch seconded it. Voice vote, carried. (continued on page 3)
Family arrivals: Laura announced the arrival of Amanda and Tim’s son, Richard James, born on January 27th. Sandy announced the birth of Dylan Jakob McKay Steele ( Steele with an ‘e’ ) on April 17th to Gonzo and Tara. Nancy announced her marriage to David Godboat on June 9th.
Before the close of the meeting, Butch reminded everyone that he had received very positive feedback on Nelson’s autobio. and suggested that another cousin follow suit. Also, the inclusion of a family recipe in the newsletter had brought positive feedback so anyone was welcome to send a new one to Butch. Without Aunt Esther to announce the dates of the ’08 reunion, Beth mentioned that that they would be July 19 and 20. Jim said it would work for him!
Mary Ellen read the slate of candidates for ’08:
Pres: Larry Danforth
V.P: Kalista Nichols Bloch
Treasurer: Scott Nichols
Secretary: Sandy Nichols Steele ( with an ‘e’ )
Butch moved to accept the slate, Amanda seconded it. Voice vote, carried.
Adjournment: Mary Ellen asked for a motion to adjourn. David so moved, seconded by Laura. Unanimous voice vote!
Respectfully submitted,
Kalista Nichols Bloch

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