Sunday Eve

(Postmarked Oct. 23, 1917)

Dear Myron: –

Do you know we have all been kind of worrying about you this week? We hadn’t heard since you wrote Bert Mon. night and we imagined you in the hospital or down south or SOME WHERE. Of course we wouldn’t have tho’t any thing about it only we knew you had been vaccinated and also that they were moving some troops south. Ransom and I were out at church today and saw that Gay fellow on the street so Ransom jumped out and asked for you. He said you were fine last night and I tell you it made me feel better. I saw Elizabeth W. again and she asked for you – she says Mrs. Hitchcock says you are “a great comfort to her husband.” Isn’t that nice? Wish I was a comfort to some body.

DID your vaccination work? If not they’d better give you up as hopeless.

We ran over to Ed’s this afternoon but didn’t find them at home. Ed and Edwin had a great time down there I guess. I was so sorry Ransom and Bert couldn’t have gone this week, the weather would have been great too. Never mind they are going next week if nothing happens. I rather think Wilbur McDougall will go down with them.


Say, are there any songs you would like to have me get for you? I was up to the ten cent store the other day and see they have all the late ones there such as “I may be gone for a long long time” “Send me away with a smile” “When the sun goes down in Dixie” and lots of others. Let me know if you want them.

Note: Wilbur McDougall was Bessie McDougall Whittemore’s brother.