Sunday Eve
(Postmarked May 27th, 1918)
Dear Myron:-
It’s just half past six and we are home, clothes all changed, milking machine going and every thing is about as usual except for a great big empty feeling (not in the region of the stomach) — I wonder what’s the cause? Where are you and what are you doing? I believe it’s going to be a nice evening to ride after all.
I saw you stopped to see Fayette — I’ll bet he was a tickled boy. Mr. Dean told me the other day that Forrest Wiles was in camp on Long Island some where.
I forgot to tell you but I’ll send you some more gun wipes this week — maybe you’ll get these.
I’m so glad John’s folks got out — I think it did John and Edith both good. Edith is very nice I think.
I have an idea that we can get us and Edwin and John and Edith to come down there if Ed’s folks and we came — and I don’t see many reason why we can’t come if you only stay a little while. Of course we won’t do any thing to interfere with the Syracuse affair. It would be nice if she could come to Edith’s for a week end.
Well, this is just “hello and good bye” so will discontinue for now.
Lots of Love
Say you said you didn’t owe me a letter — didn’t you get the letter I wrote a week ago yesterday? I haven’t had a letter from you since a week ago Saturday. How does that figure out?