Sunday P.M.
(Postmarked March 4th, 1918)
My dear Brother:-
Ransom has gone at his chores and the children are out with him so guess it’s a pretty good time for me to write letters. I received your letter yesterday and Ruth received your card also, you may be sure she was delighted with hers. I don’t need to tell you whether I was or not.
The weather has been pretty uncertain so far this month but on the whole pretty “Marchy”. Well, I only hope we get all our March NOW and not have it all through the next two months. I’m going to send for some garden seeds tonight — think it’s about time I was getting my tomato seeds in. I WANT a good garden this year but it’s a lot easier to plan than to carry out.
I went to Argyle last night to a Grange play. Mr. and Mrs. Ballard came down and stayed with the children so we only took Donald with us. It was real good for home talent, but half the fun of seeing such plays is in knowing the people who take part. They had a crowded house and were going to dance afterwards but we didn’t wait for that part of it. I didn’t care for the orchestra they had any way — if that had been good I’d like to have heard the music.
It seems as though this has been a long, long winter although in some ways the time seems to fly. But I’ll be glad when I can go out doors again. I have seen in the papers that the gov’t is thinking of sending factory girls into the country to do the house work so as to release the farm women for out door work. I think I’d like it for a while any way — perhaps better that the town girls would. Well just you wait till the roads get suitable for our “Tinkerrery” and I’ll GO SOME. If you stay down there all summer you are in for a visitation. Ransom says “if Myron stays there all summer that means another trip to Ayer” — I said “yes, for ME”.
Bessie tells me that Ed will have a man and a half this summer. Fred Vilmore all the time and Clayton Pollock half-time. I presume he’ll have no trouble keeping them busy but it will mean quite a little work for Bessie.
I hear that Mildred Fowler is to be married the 14th of this month to a son of Wm. Martin of Slyboro. Quite an old pair. Millie must be around 17 and he is 22. Doesn’t it make you feel like an old bach?
I ought to write Aunt Jennie a letter tonight so I think I’d better close this. I’m so glad you found that college and A.T.O friend down there and I can just imagine how it made HIM feel to see YOU there. What WOULDN’T it have meant to you to have found some like that when you first got there. Well good night until next time.