Sunday Eve
March 10
My dear Brother:-
Well, I wonder what sort of weather you have been having down there today. I think we have had one of the worst storms of the winter for a while today but it’s lots quieter tonight and I hope it’s going to stop entirely. The storm commenced last evening and guess it kept up all night. Well, let’s hope it will be the last blizzard of the year.
Ransom went to Granville to a Dairyman’s League meeting yesterday so I went along as far as Jen’s and Edwin went over with Ransom. It’s the first time I’ve seen Jen since last fall so you can imagine we had a great old visit. The boys didn’t get back until after dark so I had quite a time to stay. Jen said she couldn’t kill the fatted calf so she boiled some eggs — which suited me better. You know we are not supposed to kill any more hens until after May 1 — at least it’s against the law to buy or sell hens for eating — but we CAN kill the roosters. So if you’ll come home I’m sure we could all scare up one or two big roosters to behead in your honor. We’d try pretty hard any way.
I received your letter last week and was glad to know you were standing ‘regular duty – all right. Was a little afraid it might prove too much for you. You haven’t had very good weather either — hope you could keep inside today. You certainly are very fortunate in the number of friends you find every where and that Mrs. Martin was more than kind. However I don’t think the kindness at all misplaced. I think it pretty good evidence of the kind of reputation you must have had at St. Lawrence, the way they all remember you. But the “remembering” isn’t all on one side is it?
O Myron, while I think of it, I THOUGHT I’d have to get a new hat this summer but while I was at Jen’s yesterday I happened on a blue cap that I think would be just great to wear “autoing” by just lying a veil over it. I think it had “1000 Islander” stamped on the inside. What do you think of it?
You must have had some wind down there — glad it wasn’t as bad as that here. I think 80 or 85 mile per hour was all it was reported as blowing here. I’m afraid though that Ransom will want to start down that way some of these windy Sundays. When he read your letter about how the wind blew that other Sunday he said at once that he’d like to have been there.
Did you know that John has been elected trustee of the Baptist Church out there. Loren Allen — who was a trustee — died and John was elected in his place. Some class to that don’t you think? My! I’m going out to visit them soon I guess for if I wait much longer they will be out of my class entirely. I was talking with John the other night though and he SOUNDS just the same. No joking though, I’m quite proud of John and Edith.
I suppose we will attend the Fowler-Martin wedding next Thursday. Florence is to be one of the ribbon girls and is quite excited over it.
Have you heard that Rev. and Mrs. D.B. Wilson (who were formerly in Hartford) are soon to go to France to take up the Y.M.C.A. work? I should think the Rev. Mr. Wilson especially well fitted for that sort of work.
Wasn’t it strange about that Fairlie fellow? Ransom had spoken of him so many times but it never entered my head that he might be in your Co. When you write though about taking a Bill Fairlie over to the hospital when you made the sick report I was going to ask you if it could be that one — but it slipped my mind. Ransom says to tell him to come home and run the grist mill as they can’t get anyone to stay since he left. Ransom thinks he needs him more up here than they do down there.
Well, I must try to write another short letter tonight so had better get at it. Lots of love and come home as soon as you can. I’m LONGING to see you.
As Ever