Wed. Eve
(Postmarked June 6th, 1918)
My dear Bro:-
I’m just going to write you a line tonight. Received your letter Mon. and was more than glad to know that you have such a nice week-end in prospect. Of course it’s not so long a pass as I wish you might have but I’m sure it will be more than worth while. If the original is like the picture I don’t blame you one bit for I fell in love with the PICTURE. I only hope every thing turns out as you have planned.
I sent you a small box today. Would have tried to do better but I know Jen is sending you one and hers are always so generous that I thought I’d better wait a bit. I didn’t insure it as Lewis said he thought you chances of getting it about as good one way as another.
Ransom went to Hudson Falls today and brought home a new lawn mower. I’ve been trying it all morning and my hands feel as though they are nearly blistered. It was the raking that did it though for the grass was so long it had to be all raked off. The mower is ball bearing and runs very easily.
Have you heard from Aunt Jennie lately? I hear that Warren and Howard are both gone to camp now.
How does the farming look down that way? You should see some of our garden things and the field corn below the house. Ransom is cultivating the corn now — after eight o’clock.
I’ve got to stop and get to hulling strawberries. The girls got between three and four quarts on the way home form school tonight. I wanted to send you a little strawberry short cake this time but didn’t hardly dare. Shall I try it next time?
The boys brought home forty little fish they had caught and have gone again to get enough to make us out a breakfast.
I wish you all good luck on your trip this week — write and let me know if it goes all right. I have no idea when we can come down — not till we get a man — but we may find one any time.
With best Love
Say, Myron, what about your comfort bag? Won’t it need refilling before you get across? Let me know what you need in it.