Tue. noon

(Postmarked June 19th, 1918)

My dear Myron:-

I received your letter yesterday and felt that I just MUST write a line to tell you how proud and delighted I — in fact ALL of us — felt about the wonderful way you have finished your college career.

Did you expect any such thing? I had given up all hopes of your getting your degree this year. And the best of it is — your three years’ record must have been EXECEPTIONALLY good or you never would have been allowed to graduate. Of course we know you had been doing fine work but I don’t think we realized before just HOW good it was. I wish I could have been present and heard the cheers for “Whittemore”. I, of course, had to call every body and tell of your good fortune and Edith said to tell you she didn’t believe you wanted any of us to see you graduate or you would have sent us word. As far as I’m concerned, I’m glad I didn’t know about it till afterwards for I would have felt so bad NOT to be able to go. I had to tell Mrs. Dean about it — she calls me every little while and says “if you hear anything from Myron, let me know” — and she said to tell you she was “just as proud of you as if you were her own boy”.

Wed. Morning

Well I didn’t get this finished in time for the mail so will try to write a bit more. We went over to Ed’s to the Red Cross Social last night. Had a good time but didn’t get a chance to see Ed or Bessie much as there was such a crowd there.

About those negatives, I have sent them back to have some printed for the rest of the family, but just as soon as I get them again I will mail them to you.

Say just what does B.S. stand for? Edith asked me and I said “Bachelor of Science” I supposed — or maybe “Scientific Bachelor”. Edith didn’t think the last would apply to you at all.

I’m glad you had such a fine time at Syracuse but I never doubted but what you would. And I also didn’t think but what you were free — YET. But just wait till this war is over.

Well, I’ve HEAPS and HEAPS to do so good bye.


Let me congratulate you once more. I’ve been patting myself on the back ever since I heard the news, to think I have such a brother.

I wanted to put B.S. on the address but was afraid you’d kick.