Sunday Eve
(Postmarked October 11th, 1917)
My dear Brother:-
Well I received your letter of Feb 13 yesterday — just THINK of it! I almost felt as if I had been talking to you, and I really believe you’ll get his letter some time and it’s the first time I’ve felt THAT in a long, long TIME. It does seem so good. And you must have arrived Tue. What kind of a trip did you have coming over? You did come on the “Vaterland” didn’t you? You see I received your letter of January 28 last Monday. You can imagine how surprised I was when Jen called me Wed. morning to tell me you were in the U.S.A. (Edith had called her) — and PLEASED — well I won’t try to tell it! I called every body I could think of until I was afraid I was making a nuisance of myself — although ever body seemed delighted to hear the good news. The next morning a lady below here whose son is in France, called on the phone to congratulate me — said she couldn’t wait any longer to tell me how glad she was. She said “I know just how you feel” I thought it was nice of her for she doesn’t know you at all and I only got acquainted with her through war work. But we’re all of one mind where “our boys” are concerned.

George Griffin had bad luck today. Lost his cow barn, silo and his house by fire this afternoon. They have no idea how it started and had to work hard to save the horse barn.. Guess he lost quite a bit of hay but saved all the stock. Ransom and Charley and I guess all of the men in the neighborhood were there.
Are you very far from Fort Potter? That is where Forrest Wiles is stationed you know. It’s on Long Island but I haven’t any idea where. I see by last week’s Sentinel that Walter Bennet (I forget his title but THINK it’s Captain) is stationed at Camp Upton and his wife — Maud Colvin — is with him.
Say Myron! Wasn’t it Lillis Clark that was so nice to you? The milk tester was telling me that Dave Copeland (Gertrude Copeland’s brother) is MORE than attentive to her. You see it’s time you came back.
Guess we are all a little disappointed that you can’t come home right off but we won’t complain as long as you are so near. We heard from Aunt Jennie S. last week and Howard got home a week ago today FOR GOOD. You can imagine how pleased she was. She doesn’t expect Warren home before summer.
Jen had a letter from Bob Taylor last week — he was still in France and all right. He was anxious to hear from you but didn’t give her any address more than Pvt. Robert Taylor, Am. E.F. Probably though his old address would reach him.
I have been receiving “The Hill News” lately and will send you a copy. I sent one to France but don’t suppose you received it.
I am also enclosing a small check — just what I would liked to have sent at Christmas time but thought there was no use as you’d probably never get it.
Well I guess I’ve rambled along enough for this time so will say good night.
Lots of love