(Postmarked April 22nd, 1918)
My dear Myron:-
I’m lonesome! Ed and Bessie were over here today and I guess I’m like Lois: she went away crying because Louise and Leslie couldn’t go home with her. Ed says that she has such a good time that she wants it to continue — and that’s the way it is with me. I DID enjoy their visit; the first time I’ve seen them since before Christmas. They brought over those “Think and camp” papers for me to look at. Bessie also let me take the article you wrote for her on “Camp Devens” — it certainly is FINE. I enjoy reading those things so much.
Well we’ve had one week of BEAUTIFUL weather. The sun has shone every day and the snow is about gone. Yesterday and today have been quite a lot cooler than the days before but just ideal March weather. We’re nicely started in maple syrup making but don’t expect to flood the market this year. I think we have 8 or 9 trees tapped. Just the same every little bit helps.
I went to a grange meeting and War Stamp rally Friday night. Ransom is captain of the W.S.S. business in the district so we left all the children with Mr. and Mrs. Ballard, and attended. It seemed kind of good to get out for a little while. We are taking one $W.S.S. for each of the kids and Ransom and I are each taking some besides.
You want to ask Ed about “riding the goat” I think he takes his first degree in the Mason’s tomorrow night.
How are Helen, Eva, and Peg and all the rest? You never say any thing about them nowadays, but I’ll guarantee you hear from them yet. Was it Helen that made that sweater? Jen said it was a “dandy” and I’ll bet she could make a good one. Just let me know if she remembers you still — I’m going to be disappointed in her if she doesn’t.
I don’t believe I want Ransom to spend a weekend down there with you. He might catch something and have to be put in “quarantine” — quarantine so long if you received the same kind of treatment as that fellow you wrote me about. But perhaps YOUR quarantine was different from his.
I got a card from Bob Taylor the same day I got your letter. He said that everything was in bloom down there and he wished he could send me a smell of the peach blossoms. He hopes to be “across the pond” soon but I don’t feel anxious for any of you to go. I have been taking a few pictures the past week — if they prove to be good I’ll send you some. I haven’t taken any since before Thanksgiving.
Ed brought over a couple of new records for me to try for a while. One, “I wonder how the Old Folks are at Home” is fine. It has “Memories” on the other side and THAT you know is good too. The other is a saxophone record and I haven�t played it much yet but I’m sure I’ll like it. Do you know “Keep the Home Fires Burning”? Dr. Stillman sang it at the W.S.S. rally the other night and he said all the soldiers are singing it. I thought it was good.
We expect to have wood sawyers tomorrow and thrashers the next day so I’m wondering when I’m going to wash. Never mind we need the wood to burn and the oats to feed and we CAN live without washing so why should I worry?
Well the children are dishing the ice cream so guess I’ll go and eat some, write when you have time — I’m more than glad to hear from you.
Lots of Love