Sunday Eve

(Postmarked OCT 19, 1917, with the two letters enclosed: )
Fort Edward, N.Y.
Oct. 13, 1917)

Dear Uncle Myron:-

I thought I would write you a few lines. I suppose you get use to it down there? What are you doing today? Papa and mamma went to church to day and so did they last Sunday. Haven’t we been having awful weather this week. How do you like drill? Have they got any heat in the barracks yet. If they haven’t it must be cold. We didn’t have any school last week nor this week. Aunt Bessie and Marion went to Albany yesterday to see Grace. We haven’t had dinner yet. I am knitting you a wash cloth now. I will send it down if I don’t get it done in time for the comfort bag. It won’t be very good because I am just learning but I guess it will do to wash yourself. This is a fine day. We are going to have chicken for dinner. If you were going to be with us for dinner I would give you my share. I don’t like to pick potatoes but I have to. Do you have very much to eat now? This afternoon we went to school and watered the flowers. I saw Ada and her KIDS. She has five isent that enough. Write soon to me.

Yours truly